Master's seminar 3500-JIS-SEMMGR2-S
Contemporary societies are saturated with media and
overtaken by constant processes of mobilization for
conflicts over key public goods. By reconstructing the
verbal and visual rhetoric of these conflicts we can
observe the complexity and dynamics of dense social
Seminar is offered to those students who want to
research verbal and visual aspects of discussions over
public goods in their master thesis.
During the continuation of the seminar in academic year
2022/2023 the classes will be concentrated on projects
of participants. Topics will include: visual and linguistic
aspects of protests; the body and identity in
contemporary culture and public discuourse; conflicts
and negotitations over moral norms.
The topics and literature mentioned in the description of
the seminar is a set of examples. The final list of
problems and texts will be agreed with the participants of
the seminar.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024: | Term 2023: |
Assessment criteria
Active attendance, reading and completing master thesis will
be required.
Two absences per semester are accepted. In case of absences
above this limit additional work will be required.
only; the actual list of titles discussed during the seminar will
be consulted with participants):
G. Agamben, A. Badiou et al. Démocratie, dans quel état?,
Paris 2009
S. Babones, The New Authoritarianism. Trump, Populism and
the Tyranny of the Experts, Polity 2018
M. Canovan, The People, Wiley 2005.
M. Foucault, Security, Territory, Population, Basingstoke 2009
R. Nixon, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor,
Cambridge, London 2011
E. Noam, “Beyond the mogul: From media conglomerates to
portfolio media”, Journalism 2018, Vol. 19 (8)
J. Rancière, Hatred of Democracy, New York-London 2009
R. Salecl, The Tyranny of Choice, London 2011
J. Staniszkis, Antropologia władzy, Warszawa 2009
W. Streeck, How Will Capitalism End?, New York-London 2017
S. Žižek, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, New York-London
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: