Analysis of specialized discourse - linguistic perspective 3500-JIS-2-KON-PL
The course is dedicated to analyzing languages for special purposes and specialized texts as salient factors organizing social space. On the one hand, each specific language produced by a given professional community, and thus each specific specialised language of a given professional community, constitutes a measure of the level of civilisational development it has reached, on the other hand, it is a factor determining its further civilisational development. During the course, we will discuss the multidimensional characteristics of specialised discourse, including text genres and linguistic determinants of text specialisation. Students will then learn research methods for analysing specialised discourse from a linguistic perspective and will have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
Course workload:
Classroom activities: 30 h
Preparation for classes: 30 h
Preparation of the final project: 60 h
Total course workload: 120 godzin
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
After completing the class the Student:
K_W01 Has an in-depth knowledge of the field and methodology in specific areas of linguistics, discourse analysis and social semiotics.
K_W02 Has an in-depth knowledge of the linguistic aspects of public, intercultural and specialised communication.
K_W03 Knows the terminology of linguistics, discourse analysis and social semiotics at an advanced level.
K_U18 Is able to critically select information and materials necessary for academic work, using a variety of sources (native and foreign language for B2+ level) and using modern technologies.
K_K02 Is ready to undertake work requiring knowledge in the field of public, specialist and intercultural communication; knowledge of a foreign language of choice and knowledge of contemporary social and political processes.
K_K07 Is ready to participate in the preparation of projects on communication and social discourses.
Assessment criteria
Methods of evaluating the work of students:
- steady evaluation (activity), preparation for the lessons, homeworks
- final group project - preparation of research report on the linguistic analysis carried out on the basis of the methods learned in class.
Assessment criteria:
The final grade comprises:
- steady evaluation (activity) – 20%
- final project– 80%.
The overall result is established in accordance with the following scale:
51%-60% = 3
61%-70% = 3,5
71%-80% = 4
81%-90% = 4,5
91%-100% = 5
Students are permitted two unexcused absences per term. If a student accumulates more than two (2) absences, including excused ones, they should ask the lecturer about the form of getting credit for the material from the classes when the student was absent, and then obtain such credit before the end of the semester. If a student accumulates more than 50% of absences, he/she is not eligible for credit in this course, pursuant to the Faculty Regulations.
Badziński, A. (2019), Dyskurs w domenie języka specjalistycznego medycznego – uwagi dla tłumaczy i dydaktyków przekładu. Rocznik Przekładoznawczy 14, p. 381-397.
Cap, P. and Okulska, U. (2013), Analyzing Genres in Political Communication. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins
di Martino, E., Banks, D. (2019), Specialized Discourses and Their Readership. Springer.
Duszak, A. (2002), Us and Others: social identities across languages, discourses and cultures. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Duszak, A., Fairclough, N. (2008), Krytyczna analiza dyskursu. Interdyscyplinarne podejście do komunikacji społecznej. Universitas. Kraków.
Gotti, M. (2011) Investigating Specialized Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang.
Saldanha, G. and O’Brien, S. (2013) Research Methodologies in Translation Studies. London and New York: Routledge.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: