(in Polish) Procesy ludnościowe 3500-FAKM-PL
The course’s aim is to present the basic knowledge on demography - the main theories, and analytical tools. During the course world population will be described and analysed – its structure and trends of changes. Students will learn about the main demographic phenomena and processes.
- sources of demographic data
- measures of population phenomena and processes (crude rates, standarization, Lexis diagram; cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis)
- age and sex structure (population pyramids; sex ratio; ageing of populations; dependency ratio)
- marriage and householding (determinants of family creation; selected theoretical concepts)
- fertility (fertility theories; crude birth rate; total fertility rate)
- mortality (crude death rate; life table and life expectancy; morbidity and mortality pattern in the traditional and in the modern socjety; selected theoretical concepts)
- demographic transition
- population growth (population replacement; population turnover; population growth gross/net reproduction rates)
- migrations (net migration; migration theories, newest international migrations and the methods to explain them)
- the main theories (e.g. T. Malthus - malthusianism and neomalthusianism, G. Becker and new home economics, H. Leibenstein, R. A. Easterlin, J. C. Caldwell, Pool, 2nd demographic transition)
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Final written exam; obtaining course credit is conditional on not exceeding the limit of two absences in a semester
J. Z. Holzer, Demografia, PWE, Warszawa 2003 (wybrane rozdziały)
J. Jóźwiak, Demograficzne uwarunkowania rynku pracy w Polsce, [w:] Rynek pracy wobec zmian demograficznych, M. Kiełkowska (red.), Instytut Obywatelski, Warszawa 2013, s. 8-23
G. Lanzieri, The greying of the baby boomers. A century-long view of ageing in European populations, “Statistics in focus”, Eurostat 2011
M. Okólski, Demografia zmiany społecznej, Scholar, Warszawa 2004 (wybrane rozdziały)
M. Okólski, Demografia. Podstawowe pojęcia, procesy i teorie w encyklopedycznym zarysie, Scholar, Warszawa 2005
M. Okólski, A. Fihel, Demografia. Współczesne zjawiska i teorie, Scholar, Warszawa 2012 (wybrane rozdziały)
Podstawowe informacje o rozwoju demograficznym Polski do 2014. Notatka informacyjna, GUS, Warszawa 2015 (albo nowsza wersja, jeśli będzie dostępna)
Sytuacja demograficzna osób starszych i konsekwencje starzenia się ludności Polski w świetle prognozy na lata 2014-2050, GUS, Warszawa 2014
Trwanie życia w 2014 r., GUS, Warszawa 2015 (albo nowsza wersja, jeśli będzie dostępna)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: