Academic writing with AI tools 3500-FAKANG-AW
The development of AI tools such as Chatgpt has had a huge impact
on how we search for information and process it, also for the
purpose of creating and editing texts. Since more and more AI-based
research and writing tools are being developed, new problems and
concerns arise: how to actually use them to benefit the writing and
research processes? How to do so ethically, i.e., in ways which
support the individual creativity instead of replacing it with
generated answers?
The goal of the course is to develop and improve academic writing
skills and learn how to effectively and ethically apply generative AI
tools in the writing and analysis process. Among other things,
course participants will learn how to write an abstract for a
conference speech, how to communicate research results in a
presentation, how to conduct a literature review and write a thesis.
Participants will also learn how to use tools such as Elicit,
Wordtune, Notebook LM and Claude, among others, to support the
writing and analysis process. The course is designed as a seminar
with a workshop component, allowing students to practice and
implement newly acquired skills.
To pass the course, the students will take part in group discussions
and assignments, as well as submit take-home assignments related to
the tasks discussed in class.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W17 has basic knowledge about criteria of correctness of
K_W19 understands what the specificity of sociological analysis is
K_U04 is able to independently find information and materials
necessary to carry out simple sociological analyses, using various
sources (in native and foreign language) and modern technologies
K_U20 is able to read a scientific text with comprehension, identify
the main theses and arguments of the author, and discuss them
K_K04: able to collect, search and synthesize information on social
K_K05 is able to participate in a discussion
K_K06 is able to base her/his theses on argumentation
K_K07: able to analyze sources critically
K_K09 can present the results of research
K_K11 is familiar with and observes the principles of professional
ethics, including respect for intellectual property
K_K12 is able to use scientific information sources properly
K_K14 respects the opinions of others (e.g. those expressed during
group discussions)
Assessment criteria
1. Activity in class (50% of final grade): discussion,
participation in group activities and individual in-class
2. Submission of take-home assignments (50% of final grade):
assignments related to topics discussed in class must be
submitted on time and complete
Allowed number of absences: 2
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: