(in Polish) Historia kultury Finlandii i regionu bałtyckiego 3320-ZKF12-HKFiRB
The course provides an introduction to the cultural history of Finland within the regional context and with regard to external influences. Cultural history of Finland is discussed on the basis of relevant materials (mainly reading materials) and presented in the context of phenomena taking place in the Nordic countries and in the Baltic area, as well as within the Finno-Ugric-language-speaking peoples. The materials include source texts from the history of the region, literary texts, historical and cultural studies, as well as audiovisual elements (films, works of art, etc.)
The course is a seminar with lecture elements. Individual classes consist (in various proportions) of discussions in smaller groups, general group discussions, elements of lecture provided by the teacher, and possibly student presentations.
Term 2024Z:
The course provides an introduction to the cultural history of Finland within the regional context and with regard to external influences. Cultural history of Finland is discussed on the basis of relevant materials (mainly reading materials) and presented in the context of phenomena taking place in the Nordic countries and in the Baltic area, as well as within the Finno-Ugric-language-speaking peoples. The materials include source texts from the history of the region, literary texts, historical and cultural studies, as well as audiovisual elements (films, works of art, etc.) The course is a seminar with lecture elements. Individual classes consist (in various proportions) of discussions in smaller groups, general group discussions, elements of lecture provided by the teacher, and possibly student presentations. |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student has basic knowledge of Finnish traditions of spiritual and material culture. They can identify the key developments and trends in the cultural history of Finland. They can point out the breakthrough moments in the cultural history of Finland culture and explain their significance. They are capable of characterizing Finland's historical and cultural links with the neighboring coutries - Sweden, Estonia, the other Baltic countries and Russia - as well as with the other Finno-Ugric peoples.
The student
- knows and understands the key phenomena occurring in the areas of literature, culture and history and advanced terminology used in the description of literature, culture and history, and understands its sources and applications;
- has a systematic knowledge of the methodology of research on literature and directions of research in literary studies
- has advanced knowledge of contemporary phenomena in Finnish literature and is familiar with contemporary processes and phenomena in Finnish culture in relation to literature
- can recognize various types of cultural products (literature, art) and subject them to critical analysis and interpretation by standard methods
- can search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information necessary to participate in classes, using various sources and methods
- can employ such research skills, phrase and analyze research problems, select research methods and tools, develop and present results so as to participate in class discussions and prepare their own works;
- can use substantive arguments, referring to the views of other authors, and draw conclusions
- can independently gather information and develop their own research competences, following the instructions of their research supervisor
- is aware of concerns regarding the preservation of Finland's cultural heritage
Assessment criteria
The grade is based on the attendance and active participation in classes, and on the written works (reading notes, discussion notes).
1. Yrjö Varpio, Land of the North Star: Introduction to Finnish Literature and Culture, Tampere 1999.
2. Matti Klinge, Bałtycki świat, przeł. Jarosław Suchoples, Helsinki 1994.
3. Wolfgang Froese, Historia narodów i państw Morza Bałtyckiego, przeł. Maciej Dorna, Ewa Płomińska-Krawiec, Katarzyna Śliwińska, Warszawa 2007.
4. Eric Christensen, Krucjaty północne, przeł. Janusz Szczepański, Poznań 2009
5. Olli Aho, Hildi Hawkins, Päivi Valisaari (eds.) Finland: A Cultural Encyclopedia, Helsinki 1999.
6. Tacyt, Germania, [w:] tegoż, Dzieła, przeł. S. Hammer, t. 2, Warszawa 1957
7. Powieść minionych lat, przeł. Franciszek Sielicki, Wrocław 2005 (lub inne wydanie) — fragmenty dotyczące ludów ugrofińskich
8. Kalevala, przeł. Jerzy Litwiniuk, Warszawa 1998 (lub późniejsze) — wybrane runa.
9. Kanteletar (fragmenty), przeł. Jerzy Litwiniuk, Regiony nr 4/1977, ss. 129–141.
10. Lennart Meri, Linnutee tuuled (etnograficzny film dokumentalny z 1977 r.)
11. Edda poetycka, przeł. Apolonia Załuska-Strömberg, Wrocław 1986: wstęp (ss. III–L) „Wieszczba Wölwy”, „Pieśni Najwyższego”, „Pieśń o Harbardzie”, „Pieśń o Rigu”.
12. Martti Haavio, Mitologia fińska, przeł. Jerzy Litwiniuk, Warszawa 1979 (fragmenty).
13. Matti Klinge, Fińska tradycja. Eseje o strukturach i tożsamościach Północy, przeł. Jarosław Suchoples, Wrocław 2006 (wybrane eseje)
14. Michael Branch, “Language and culture. Finno-Ugrian affinity: facts and fictions”, 4/1992, ss. 230–235.
15. David Kirby, “Redefining North”, Books from Finland 4/1991, ss. 219–225
16. Miroslav Hroch, Małe narody Europy, przeł. Grażyna Pańko, Wrocław 2003 (fragmenty)
17. Zenon Ciesielski (red.), Skandynawia w oczach Polaków. Antologia, Gdańsk 1974, ss. 25–28, 35–39, 68–72, 415-418 [książka dostępna w czytelni KH]
18. Carl Michael Bellman, Fredmanowe pieśni i posłania, przeł. Leonard Neuger, Kraków 1991 (fragmenty).
19. Jaan Kross, Trzy bicze czarnej śmierci, r. 6
20. Jonas Frykman, Orvar Löfgren, Narodziny człowieka kulturalnego. Studium z antropologii historycznej szwedzkiej klasy średniej, przeł. Grzegorz Sokół, Kęty 2007.
21. August Strindberg, „Nagroda za cnotę”, w: tenże, Wybór nowel, przeł. Zygmunt Łanowski, ss. 28–72.
22. Grażyna Szelągowska, „Geneza państwa dobrobytu: model skandynawski”, Mówią wieki nr 3/1995, ss. 44–47.
23. Maciej Zaremba, „Polski hydraulik”, w: tegoż Polski hydraulik i inne opowieści ze Szwecji, przeł. Katarzyna Tubylewicz, Wołowiec 2008, ss. 7–55.
24. Aleksis Kivi Siedmiu braci, przeł. I. Czermakowa, Poznań 1977
25. Tove Jansson, Opowiadania z doliny Muminków, przeł. Irena Szuch-Wyszomirska, Warszawa 1973 (lub późniejsze)
26. Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, Wspomnienia, przeł. Krystyna Szelągowska, Warszawa 1996.
27. Urho Kekkonen, Nie szukajcie przyjaciół daleko, a wrogów blisko, Warszawa 1983.
28. „Fiński syndrom”, Czas Kultury 2/2008: Seppo Paananen, „Finowie są dziwni”; Juhani U. E. Lehtonen, „Cechy narodowe Finów” przeł. Mariola Gąsiorowska-Siudzińska, ss. 8–15.
29. Manuel Castells, Pekka Himanen, Społeczeństwo informacyjne i państwo dobrobytu. Model fiński, Warszawa 2009: rr. 2, 6, 7 (ss. 39–63, 144–166)
(details of the list may be subject to modification)
Term 2024Z:
1. Yrjö Varpio, Land of the North Star: Introduction to Finnish Literature and Culture, Tampere 1999. (szczegóły listy mogą ulec modyfikacjom) |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: