Descriptive grammar of Finnish I 3320-LF52C-GOF
The aim of practical course is to apply in practice the theory gained during the lecture. During the course plenty of different tasks will be conducted, such as:
- analyses of phonemes and their combinations;
- analyses of Finnish texts in order to find gemination in certain grammatical forms, assimilations of sounds, morphological changes in word stems
- analyses of grammatical forms (types of morphemes, paradigma)
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
After accomplishment of course student:
- understands the rules of sound and morpheme distribution, as well as morphological changes in word stems, and is able to analyse them
- is able to conduct a simple reconstruction of phonetical and morphological changes in certain word forms
- is able to analyse Finnish texts from phonological and morphological point of view
Assessment criteria
Grade after every semester (on the basis of written tests).
- Hakulinen, Lauri. Suomen kielen rakenne ja kehitys. Tummavuoren Kirjapaino Oy. Vantaa 2000.
- Hyperkielioppi – multimediasovellus suomen kieliopista ja murteista sekä kirjakielen kehityksestä ja huollosta. Koostanut Erkki Savolainen. Finn Lectura 1997.
- Häkkinen, Kaisa. Kielitieteen perusteet. SKS. Helsinki 2003.
- Iso suomen kielioppi (ISK). Auli Hakulinen (toim.). SKS. Helsinki 2004 (2005), s. 33-153, 423-825.
- Laaksonen, Kaino & Lieko, Anneli. Suomen kielen äänne- ja muoto-oppi. Finn Lectura. Helsinki 2003.
- Lehtinen, Tapani. Kielen vuosituhannet. SKS. Helsinki 2007.
- Suomi, Kari & Toivanen, Juhani & Ylitalo, Riikka. Fonetiikan ja suomen äänneopin perusteet. Gaudeamus. Tampere 2006.
- Wiik, Kalevi. Fonetiikan perusteet. Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö. Porvoo – Helsinki – Juva 1981.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: