Life versus writing: contemporary auto/bio/graphical discourses (Vida y escritura: discursos autobiográficos actuales) 3305-ZTWD-U
A particular focus of the course is on the literary strategies for creating individual and collective identity, as well as the textual analysis of social reality. Additionally, the course will examine the performative attempts within autobiographical literature to engage in discussions and debates concerning the community. Given the current social transformations in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in Argentina, which aim at the emancipation of the marginalized, research that enables a redefinition of the concept of social engagement in autobiographical literature, or its absence, is essential. Considering the specific historical context and ongoing social changes, we intend to address issues such as embodied and relational autobiography from the perspective of memory and trauma studies. The interest in memory studies stems from the premise that Argentine and Spanish self-narratives are shaped by traumatic historical events, which remain present in collective consciousness and practices.
Research Questions:
a) What image of social reality emerges from the latest Argentine and Spanish self-narratives?
b) How does the turn towards the body and corporeality modify autobiographical narrative, and what new elements does it introduce?
c) How do new, embodied self-narratives address the issues of history and memory?
d) What social games are being played in the autobiographical literature of 21st-century Argentina and Spain?
Research Hypotheses:
a) In the 21st century, there is a turn towards new, political autobiographical narratives.
b) Along with the turn towards political self-narration, the body becomes a key element, and a new kind of subject emerges (a subject that experiences reality corporeally, relationally, and socially engaged).
A significant part of the course focuses on the proper construction of academic texts (“academic writing”): writing summaries, papers, and articles; we will analyze selected academic texts from this perspective.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge (K_W02, K_W03, K_W04, K_W06; K_W11):
Upon completing the course, students will have:
Advanced knowledge of contemporary Spanish and Argentine culture and literature
Expanded knowledge of autobiographical studies in literary research
A habit of monitoring contemporary cultural processes
In-depth knowledge of academic discourse (academic writing)
Students will be able to:
Independently and professionally analyze cultural works
Write abstracts, papers, and academic articles according to the principles of academic writing
Use theoretical concepts appropriate to theories of autobiographical and autofictional discourses
Students will possess:
Enhanced competencies in creating academic discourse (academic writing)
Expanded critical-literary competencies
Deepened social and cultural competencies
Expanded analytical competencies
Assessment criteria
1. A scientific paper (in both oral and written form) prepared in accordance with the discussed principles of constructing academic discourse
2. Organization of a student conference
3. Active and systematic participation in classes (two unexcused absences are allowed)
Ahmed, S. (2004) The Cultural Politics of Emotion, Edinburgh U.P / Routledge.
Ahmed, S. (2010) The Promise of Happiness, Durham, Duke U.P.
Arendt, H. (2004) La tradición oculta, Buenos Aires, Paidós.
Biernacka, M. (2012) Hiszpania wielokulturowa : problemy z odmiennością, Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar,
Butler, J (2011) Ramy wojny: kiedy życie godne jest opłakiwania? Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Książka i Prasa : Teatr Dramatyczny m. st. Warszawy im. Gustawa Holoubka.
Butler, J. (2006) Precarious life: the powers of mourning and violence, London ; New York: Verso.
Erll, Astrid (2012) Memoria colectiva y culturas del recuerdo: estudio introductorio. Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales-CESO, Departamento de Lenguajes y Estudios Socioculturales.
Gregg y Gregory J. Seigworth (2010), The Affect Theory Reader, Durham: Duke UP
Kleczkowska K. et al (2016) Autoportret, autobiografia, autotematyzm. Kraków : AT Wydawnictwo
Kristeva, J. (2006) Powers of horror : an essay on abjection. New York : Columbia University Press.
Lebrun, J.L. (2011) Scientific Writing 2.0; A reader and writer's guide. World Scientific Publishers.
Schimel, J. (2012) Writing Science: How to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Siuda, P., Wasylczyk, P. (2018) Publikacje naukowe. Praktyczny poradnik dla studentów, doktorantów i nie tylko. Warszawa: PWN.
Stępień, B. (2016) Zasady pisania tekstów naukowych. Prace doktorskie i artykuły. Warszawa: PWN.
Varikas, E. (2017) Las escorias del mundo. Figuras del paria. Xalapa: Veracruz, Universidad Veracruzana
Zieniewicz A. (2011) Pakty i fikcje : autobiografizm po końcu wielkich narracji (szkice). Warszawa : Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: