Literary Studies in Spanish Speaking Countries 3305-WOLKH-11W
Literary Studies in Spanish Speaking Countries I is a compulsory subject for first-cycle students at ISIiI. Its main objective is to familiarize students with the main concepts in the field of poetics of narrative texts (and literary theory), with the analysis of narrative texts in the context of literary studies in Spanish-speaking countries and with Spanish-language terminology related to literary criticism. During the course the students (supervised by the lecturer) will analyze theoretical texts and learn how to present the basic concepts in the field of poetics. Analytical tools acquired by the students will be applied to the analysis of selected literary works representative of the Western canon (the masterpieces of the Spanish speaking countries in particular). The participants will apply the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course by presenting a paper, in which they will analyze a chosen narrative work adopting a selected narratological perspective.
Topics covered will include:
- narrator, diegesis and reader,
- narrator and theories regarding perspectivism (point of view),
- plot and story,
- literary characters and their motivation,
- time and space in literary works,
- main concepts of literary criticism, analysis and interpretation.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
Students know and understand: basic methods of analysis of literary texts representing various styles; basic terminology, objects and tendencies in literary studies; systematized history of Spanish and Latin American literature (trends, tendencies of a given literary period, main authors and their works); basic relations between Spanish and Latin American literature and historical-cultural processes taking place in other areas of the Western culture; basic concepts and principles of intellectual property protection and copyright law (K_W02, K_W03, K_W04, K_W05; K_W09).
Students are able to: read literary texts with comprehension; present their own views and opinions, and discuss about literary texts; recognize different kinds of literary texts, place them in a general historical and cultural context and analyze them using basic terminology and methods typical of literary studies; independently acquire knowledge and develop skills using adequate literary sources (dictionaries, lexicons, source texts, monographic studies, etc.); write and edit a written compositions, using adequate methods and sources appropriate for literary studies; prepare oral presentations, using adequate methods and sources appropriate for literary studies and hispanic studies; use basic terminology in the field of literary and hispanic studies (K_U01, K_U02, K_U03, K_U04, K_U05, K_U06, K_U07).
Students are able to: critically evaluate their own knowledge and skills, work independently and autonomously, understand the need for improvement and lifelong learning; plan and organize their work, be enterprising and cooperate in a team, observe the rules of professional ethics; actively participate in the culture of the the Spanish-speaking countries using various forms and media, work in a team in different roles; follow contemporary processes and phenomena occurring in the literature of Spain and Latin America (K_K01, K_K02, K_K03, K_K04).
Assessment criteria
In the case of classroom instruction the requirements are as follows:
1. Attendance in class (more than two absences, justified or not, must be compensated with tutoring hours or additional homework);
2. doing homework and reading obligatory literature;
3. passing entry tests;
4. active participation in class (participation in the analysis and interpretation of texts);
5. passing the final colloquium with a positive grade.
Students may be exempt from examination if they do a set of additional homework in the course of the semester tasks and obtain a sufficient number of points.
In the case of distance learning the requirements are as follows:
1. Attendance in class (more than two absences, justified or not, must be compensated with tutoring hours or additional homework);
2. doing homework and reading obligatory literature;
3. passing entry tests;
4. active participation in class (participation in the analysis and interpretation of texts);
5. passing the final oral colloquium with a positive grade (via video communication services).
Practical placement
Does not apply
Basic literature:
• Chrząstowska Bożena, Wysłouch Seweryna. Poetyka stosowana. Warszawa: WSiP, 2000.
• Korwin-Piotrowska. Poetyka. Przewodnik po świecie tekstów. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2011.
Complementary literature:
• Burzyńska, Anna i Markowski, Michał Paweł. Formalizm rosyjski. [W:] tychże, Teorie literatury XX wieku. Podręcznik. Znak: Kraków, 2006. 111-131.
• Burzyńska, Anna i Markowski, Michał Paweł. Bachtin. [W:] tychże, Teorie literatury XX wieku. Podręcznik. Znak: Kraków, 2006. 155-170.
• Chrząstowska Bożena, Wysłouch Seweryna. Epika [W:] tychże, Poetyka stosowana. Warszawa: WSiP, 2000. 363-459.
• Culler, Jonathan. Co to jest literatura i czy to pytanie ma jakiekolwiek znaczenie?; Język, znaczenie i interpretacja; Narracja; Dodatek. [W:], tegoż Teoria literatury. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka, 1998. 27-53, 67-82, 97-109, 139-150.
• Eco, Umberto. O paru funkcjach literatury. [W:] tegoż, O literaturze. Warszawa: Muza, 2003. 7-20.
• Fokkema, Douwe. Historia literatury – modernizm i postmodernizm. Warszawa: Instytut Kultury, 1994.
• Jasińska, Maria. Narrator w powieści. [W:] Markiewicz, Henryk [wyd.] Problemy teorii literatury. Seria 1. Wrocław: Ossolineum, 1987. 222-242.
• Jauss, Hans Robert. Zmiany paradygmatów w nauce o literaturze. [W:] Orłowski, Hubert [wyd.] Współczesna myśl literaturoznawcza w RFN. Antologia. Warszawa: Czytelnik, 1986. 151-162.
• Krzyżanowski, Julian. Problematyka powieści. [W:] Markiewicz, Henryk [wyd.] Problemy teorii literatury. Seria 1. Wrocław: Ossolineum, 1987. 210-221.
• Szkłowski, Wiktor. Sztuka jako chwyt. [W:] Burzyńska, Anna i Markowski, Michał Paweł, Teorie literatury XX wieku. Antologia. Znak: Kraków, 2006. 95-111.
• Todorov, Tzvetan. Definicja Poetyki; Analiza tekstu literackiego; Perspektywy. [W:] tegoż, Poetyka. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1984. 7-106.
• Wellek, René. Pojęcie realizmu w badaniach literackich. [W:] tegoż, Pojęcia i problemy nauki o literaturze. Warszawa: PIW, 1979. 317-343.
Further reading:
• Burzyńska A., Markowski M. P. Teorie literatury XX wieku. Podręcznik, Kraków 2006.
• Eco, Umberto. Sześć przechadzek po lesie fikcji, Kraków 2007.
• Genette Gérard. Palimpsesty. Literatura drugiego stopnia, [w:] Współczesna teoria badań literackich za granicą, Kraków 1996.
• Głowiński M. Powieść jako metodologia powieści, [w:] tegoż, Porządek, chaos, znaczenie, Warszawa 1968.
• Głowiski M., Kostkiewiczowa T., Okopień-Sławińska A., Sławiński J., Słownik terminów literackich, Wrocław 2008.
• Kulawik A. Poetyka. Wstęp do teorii dzieła literackiego, Kraków 1994.
• Mitosek, Z. Teorie badań literackich, Warszawa, 2004.
• Stanzel F., Typowe formy powieści, [w:] Poetyka. Materiały do ćwiczeń, Warszawa 1996.
• Wellek R., Warren A. Teoria literatury, Warszawa 1970.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: