Ibero-American World in Egodocuments 3305-SILD-SEM-MGR-2U
The multiethnic and multicultural societies of Iberoamerica, based on the Spanish and Portuguese languages and the common experience, have created an extremely original and interesting culture (lifestyle, cuisine, music, dance, literature, customs) and political organisms specific to the region (empire, republic, dictatorship, democracy), which provide many inspiring topics for scientific research. In addition, course participants will become acquainted with methods of in-depth scientific and source analysis of the history of Ibero-America. In addition, students will become familiar with selected readings in the field of methodology and philosophy of history. They will also learn the principles of academic writing, which they will put into practice when preparing a master's thesis on a topic of their choice. One of the elements of the classes will be individual work with each participant on individual master's theses topics. Students will also prepare papers in areas of interest to them, including discussions of their progress in writing their thesis. An additional element of the classes will be screenings of films of a general historical, social and cultural nature; discussion on the mini will allow students to broaden their thinking horizons.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student should acquire knowledge about the history of Ibero-America in the context of political and socio-economic phenomena in Europe and the world. As a result of participating in classes, the student:
K_W01: has basic knowledge of the place and importance of the humanities in the system of sciences and their specific subject and methodology;
K_W02: knows the basic terminology of the humanities (in particular linguistics, cultural studies, literary studies, philosophy and history);
K_W03: knows elementary terminology used to describe language, literature, culture, history, philosophy, understands its sources and applications;
K_W04: has elementary knowledge of the methodology of research on literature, culture, history and language;
K_W05: has basic knowledge of the processes and facts of the cultural history of Ibero-America from the perspective of personal document literature;
K_W06: has basic knowledge necessary for professional analysis and interpretation of texts representing various registers and functional styles of Spanish and Portuguese;
K_W07: has basic knowledge necessary for professional analysis of literary, cultural and historical processes in the area of Iberoamerica.
Class participant:
K_U01: is able to - using various sources and methods - search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information;
K_U03: has basic research skills, including formulating and analyzing research problems, selecting research methods and tools, developing and presenting results in the field of linguistics, cultural studies, literary studies, philosophy and history;
K_U04: is able to use basic theoretical approaches, research paradigms and concepts specific to linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, philosophy and history in typical professional situations;
K_U05: is able to recognize various types of cultural products specific to linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, philosophy and history and conduct their critical analysis and interpretation using typical methods in order to determine their meanings, social impact, place in the historical and cultural process;
K_U06: has the ability to substantively argue, using the views of other authors and formulate conclusions;
K_U07: can communicate using various communication channels and techniques with specialists in the field of linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, philosophy and history in Polish and Portuguese;
K_U08: has the ability to prepare typical written works in Polish, Spanish and Portuguese on specific issues, using basic theoretical approaches and various sources.
Class participant:
K_K02: is aware of the responsibility for preserving the cultural heritage of the studied region, country and world;
K_K03: has social and linguistic competences in the field of communication in Portuguese language communities, is able to use them in cooperation and work in a group and assume various roles in it;
K_K07: can actively participate in learning about the studied region (Iberoamerica), using various media and forms;
K_K08: has the habit of following contemporary processes and phenomena taking place in the language, culture and literature of Iberoamerica.
Assessment criteria
The grade from the seminar is influenced by:
• attendance at classes
• activity (participation in the discussion when discussing readings)
In order to complete the first year of second-cycle studies, the student is obliged to submit a preliminary plan and bibliography of the planned work. At the end of the second year, the student is obliged to submit the completed work. During the second year, dates are set when the student should submit subsequent fragments of work.
The form and criteria for passing the subject may change depending on the current epidemic situation. Equivalent passing conditions will be established in accordance with the guidelines applicable at the University of Warsaw, in consultation with the course participants.
General studies:
• Brasil, 500 anos em documentos, (org.) Ivan Alves Filho, Rio de Janeiro, Mauad 1999.
• Andrzej Dembicz, Filozofia poznawania Ameryki. Studium idei i koncepcji poznawania i interpretowania Ameryki od czasów najdawniejszych po współczesne studia latynoamerykańskie, CESLA, Warszawa 2006.
• Borys Fausto, História do Brasil, 10ª edição [albo późniejsze], São Paulo, Editora da Universidade de São Paulo 2002.
• Tadeusz Miłkowski, Paweł Machcewicz, Historia Hiszpanii, Ossolineum, Wrocław 2009.
• Henry Kamen, Imperium hiszpańskie. Dzieje rozkwitu i upadku, Bellona, Warszawa 2008.
• Simon Barton, Historia Hiszpanii, Książka i Wiedza, Warszawa 2011
• Marcin Kula (red), Dzieje Polonii w Ameryce Łacińskiej, Wrocław: Ossolineum 1987.
• M. Tuñón de Lara (red.), Historia Hiszpanii, Universitas, Kraków 1999 i następne wydania.
• Marian Małowist, Konkwistadorzy portugalscy, PIW, Warszawa 1992.
Detailed studies:
• Listy o odkryciu Ameryki, wybór, wstęp i przypisy J. Kieniewicz, Gdańsk: Novus Orbis, 1995.
• Juan Pimentel, Testigos del mundo. Ciencia, literatura y viajes en la ilustración, Macial Pons Historia, Madrid 2003.
• Neil Rennie, Far-Fetched Facts. The Literature of Travel and the Idea of the South Seas, Oxford University Press, New York 1998.
• Edward Kołodziej, Ryszard Mrowiec, Ameryka Łacińska, Hiszpania i Portugalia w źródłach Archiwum Akt Nowych do roku 1945, CESLA, Warszawa 1996;
• J. Kieniewicz, Hiszpania w zwierciadle polskim, Novus Orbis, Gdańsk 2001
• Márcio de Oliveira, Brasília: o mito na trajetória da nação, Brasília: Paralelo 15, 2005.
• Octavio Ianni, Raças e classes sociais no Brasil, São Paulo: Editora Brasiliense, 2004.
• Mariusz Malinowski, W poszukiwaniu brazylijskości. Główne nurty brazylijskiej myśli społecznej, Warszawa 2011.
• Mary Louise Pratt, Imperialne spojrzenie. Pisarstwo podróżnicze a transkulturacja, WUJ, Kraków 2011.
Methodology of historical research:
• Małgorzata Czermańska, Autobiograficzny trójkąt – świadectwo, wyznanie i wyzwanie, Universitas, Kraków 2000.
• Regina Lubas-Bartoszyńska, Style wypowiedzi pamiętnikarskiej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe,
Krakow 1983.
• Paul Ricoeur, Pamięć, historia, zapomnienie, przeł. J. Margański, Universitas, Krakow 2006.
• Marc Bloch, Pochwała historii, przeł. Wanda Jedlicka; przedmowa Witold Kula, PWN, Warszawa 1960 (wyd. 2, Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, Kęty 2009)
• Edward H. Carr, Historia. Czym jest, przeł. Piotr Kuć, Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 1999
• Jerzy Topolski, Metodologia historii, PWN, Warszawa 1984
• Umberto Eco, Jak napisać pracę dyplomową. Poradnik dla humanistów, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2007
• Georg G. Iggers, Historiografia XX wieku, PWN, Warszawa 2010
• Marian Pawlak, Jerzy Serczyk, Podstawy badań historycznych. Skrypt dla studentów I roku, WSP, Bydgoszcz 1999
• Aleksander Świeżawski, Warsztat naukowy historyka. Wstęp do badań historycznych, WSP, Częstochowa 2001
• Jerzy Topolski, Wprowadzenie do historii, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 2006
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: