History of Portugal I (História de Portugal I) 3305-HP2-11
The course will serve to make students acquainted with the history of Portugal until 1822. The classes assume a propaedeutic function and are to be of an auxiliary character for the leading discipline, i.e. the literature studies.
The course will shed light on how historical events and processes have affected the evolution of the national history of Portugal, by means of, among other things, the introduction to and discussion on some key historiographic texts and other sources of knowledge relevant for history (literary texts representative of consecutive time periods, historical novels as well as other texts of culture, e.g. caricatures and satirical drawings). An important organisational axis shall also be the debate on how the Portuguese contributed to the general history and around their identity-related issues, with a particular focus on home historiographic and literary narratives and the aspect of Portuguese culture mythification.
Students will be also equipped with the rudiments of repertoire of terms and notions applicable for the topics of interest.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Defined for the programme:
Student will learn to understand the basic terminology, subject matter and research trends in Portuguese history up to 1822, i.e. the tyear of Brazil's independence; the basic of research methodology; the most important events and phenomena in Portuguese history in the period in focus, as well as important aspects of Portuguese culture and literature of the period, and their reflectionon contemporary cultural life in Portuguese speaking-countries; understanding the context of the Portuguese empire.
Student will learn to read with comprehension texts on topics related to Portuguese history and culture; present their own views and opinions, discuss and present prepared works related to Portuguese history, argue with the views of other authors and formulate conclusions; recognise different types of texts and classify historical sources and studies appropriately and to place them in a general historical and cultural context and to analyze them using basic terminology; to prepare independently a paper and an oral presentation based on the application of selected and preapred readings; to use basic theoreticl aproaches, concepts, etc.
Students understand the need for continuous improvment and development in the spirit of 'lifelong learning'; cooperation in a group (also in the Portuguese language communities) and individual work; active participation in Portuguese culture through various forms and media, as well as keeping up to date with contemporary processes and phenomena in the Portuguese language area within the scope of knowledge of the past and taking responsiblity for the cultural heritage of Portugal.
Assessment criteria
Credit is being granted in the continuous mode.
The continuous verifications is granted on the basis of an active participation of a student in class discussions and class activities, as well as attendance (there are two unauthorised absences admissible within one term), readings (pretests and posttests), homeworks and test.
Final project: accomplishment of a class project.
Grades will be assigned following the scale below:
100%: 5!
92%–99%: 5;
85%–91%: 4,5;
77%–84%: 4;
71%–76%: 3,5
60%–70 %: 3;
Less than 60%: 2.
Practical placement
The basic bibliography encompasses:
A.H. Oliveira de Marques, „Historia Portugalii”, przeł. J. Klave, Warszawa 1987.
J.H. Saraiva, „Krótka historia Portugalii”, przeł. E. Łukaszyk, Kraków 2000.
Among the texts to be discussed at classes there will be the following writings as well:
P. Vaz de Caminha, "List o odkryciu Brazylii”, przeł. J. Perlin [w:] „Listy o odkryciu Ameryki”, wybór, wstęp i przypisy J. Kieniewicza, Gdańsk 1995.
D. de Góis, "Kronika Wielce Szczęśliwego Króla Dom Manuela (1495–1521)”, przeł. J. Klave, Warszawa 1989.
"Wiek XVI–XVII w źródłach. Wybór tekstów źródłowych z propozycjami metodycznymi dla nauczycieli historii i studentów”. Oprac. M. Sobańska-Bondaruk i S.B. Lenard, Warszawa 1997.
P. Świtkowski, "Pamiętnik Polityczny i Historyczny Przypadków, Ustaw, Osób, Miejsc i Pism wiek nasz szczególniej interesujących". R.1783 T.1 (Luty), https://dbc.wroc.pl/dlibra/publication/2808/edition/2785/content.
A. Velho, "Relacja z wyprawy Vasco da Gamy do Indii”, przeł. E. Milewska, wstęp i redakcja naukowa J. Kieniewicz, Gdańsk 1996.
L. Freire Costa i in., "An economic history of Portugal, 1143-2010", London 2018.
P. Dobrowolski, "Nierównym krokiem. Globalizacja i Europa wielu prędkości (1500-1800), Warszawa 2023.
B. Hatton, "Lizbona królowa mórz", Kraków 2022.
L. Laborie i A. Hessayon (red.), "Early modern prophecies in transnational, national and regional contexts." Vol. 2, The mediterraneam world. Leiden-Boston 2020.
M. Małowist, "Konkwistadorzy portugalscy”, Warszawa 1976.
J. Saramago, "Baltazar i Blimunda”, Rebis, Poznań 1999.
Z. Wójcik, "Historia powszechna XVI-XVII wieku", Warszawa 2001
Fragments of source texts selected, elaborated and translated for the course by the teacher.
In addition: genealogical and chronological tables, iconographic and audiovisual materials, etc. available in the Institute and University libraries or in legal Internet sources (including the archives), scientific articles, fragments of other texts chosen according the students’ interests, examples of bibliographies covering relevant topic areas.
A detailed agenda of the course together with the list of texts to be discussed shall be handed over to students at the first class.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: