History of Colonial America 3305-HAK-11
The classes are a basic course, during which students will also learn about the European conditions and the course and effects of the 15th and 16th-century geographical discoveries and conquests organized by the Spanish and Portuguese Crowns. The process of forming a new colonial realm in America will be presented, the processes of cultural "metaphor" under the influence of evangelization and the effect of a meeting in America of populations from three (or even four) continents and a local reaction to the new reality. The administration, political power and economy of Colonial America will be discussed until the end of the 18th century.
Sample of topics:
1. The era of great geographical discoveries and the fourth expedition of Christopher Columbus;
2. Viajes andaluces and the first Spanish colonies in the West Indies;
3. Mesoamerican Conquist;
4. The conquest of Peru;
5. Religious orders and evangelization in the West Indies;
6. Spanish socio-economic-administrative structure in colonial America;
7. Economics of Colonial America;
8. La Carrera de Indias and Galeón de Manila, colonial navigation system;
9. Pirates of the Caribbean;
10. Non-Hispanic colonization in the Greater Caribbean region (16th-17th century);
11. Indian rebellions and riots in the colonial West Indies;
12. Slavery in colonial America;
13. Bourbon reforms in the West Indies in the 18th century;
14. Imperial wars and defence of the Spanish overseas territories in the 18th century.
15. Expeditions in Latin America during the colonial period.
Term 2023L:
The classes are a basic course, during which students will also learn about the European conditions and the course and effects of the 15th and 16th-century geographical discoveries and conquests organized by the Spanish and Portuguese Crowns. The process of forming a new colonial realm in America will be presented, the processes of cultural "metaphor" under the influence of evangelization and the effect of a meeting in America of populations from three (or even four) continents and a local reaction to the new reality. The administration, political power and economy of Colonial America will be discussed as well as the Wars of Independence (beginning of the 19th century). Example of themes: |
Term 2024L:
The classes are a basic course, during which students will also learn about the European conditions and the course and effects of the 15th and 16th-century geographical discoveries and conquests organized by the Spanish and Portuguese Crowns. The process of forming a new colonial realm in America will be presented, the processes of cultural "metaphor" under the influence of evangelization and the effect of a meeting in America of populations from three (or even four) continents and a local reaction to the new reality. The administration, political power and economy of Colonial America will be discussed as well as the Wars of Independence (beginning of the 19th century). Example of themes: |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Term 2023L: Classroom Remote learning Blended learning | General: Classroom Remote learning Blended learning | Term 2024L: Remote learning Classroom Blended learning |
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands basic terminology, subject and fields of research covering selected fields of science and scientific disciplines relevant to Iberian studies; the most important events in the history of Spain and Latin America and important aspects of Spanish culture and language (K_W03; K_W06).
The student is able to read and understand Spanish language texts; present their views, opinions, discuss, present prepared issues in Spanish colonial history; identify different types of Spanish-language texts, place them in a general historical and cultural context, and analyze them using basic terminology and appropriate methods; independently acquire knowledge and develop skills using appropriate sources from selected fields of science and scientific disciplines specific to Latin American colonial studies (dictionaries, lexicons, encyclopedias, source texts, monographic studies, etc.); write an essay in Spanish (term paper, bi-term paper, as well as bachelor's degree dissertation) using appropriate methods and appropriate sources of the scientific disciplines appropriate for Latin American Colonial studies; prepare oral presentations in Spanish using appropriate methods and sources for the fields of scientific disciplines specific to Colonial studies; use basic theoretical approaches, research paradigms and concepts specific to the historical studies of the Latin American Colonial History field and other scientific disciplines relevant to Hispanic studies (K_U01; K_U02; K_U03; K_U04; K_U05; K_U06; K_U07).
The student is ready to be a critical assessment of their own knowledge and skills and understands the need for continuous improvement and development; planning and organizing work, developing their entrepreneurship, team collaboration and compliance with professional ethics; active participation in the culture of the studied region using various forms and media and to work both in a team performing various roles and in an autonomous manner; Keeping informed about contemporary processes and phenomena occurring in the language, culture and history of Spanish speaking countries (K_K01; K_K02; K_K03; K_K04).
Assessment criteria
Class attendance is obligatory. During the whole semester, only 2 unexcused absences are allowed. The other absences should be justified with a medical certificate of max. up to 7 days after the end of the dismissal period. After this period, the sick leave will not be accepted and the absence will be considered unexcused.
WARNING! There are 3 excused absences throughout the semester.
The student is also obliged to pass the single-choice tests, which will be conducted at the beginning of the classes (tickets). The student must pass at least 10 of the tests throughout the semester. These tests cannot be corrected. Absence from classes is considered as failing the test. The student has the option of passing only the tests for classes in which he or she did not participate and for which he/she has sick leave, at a different date.
For possible distance learning, tests will be conducted in electronic form using Google Classroom, Kampus and other tools.
WARNING! The condition for taking the final exam is:
- attendance, possible max. 2 unexcused absences and max. 3 excused absences per semester;
- passing the test, conducted at the beginning of each class, which are to confirm the preparation of the assigned reading for this seminar. Possible 5 failed tests throughout the semester, including those resulting from the student's absence;
- active student participation in the seminar and discussions based on the previous reading of source texts, fragments of articles and studies. During each class, the student will be able to gain + from the activity. At the end of the semester, they will be added up and students who collect 10, and more + will be received extra points.
Classes will be conducted in the lecture hall. The final exam will also be written in a classroom where students will be divided into two groups.
It cannot be ruled out that due to the prevailing pandemic, both the criteria for passing the classes and the form of the final exam may change, about which students will be informed before or during the seminar.
Example of literature:
BAILEY, Helen Miller i Abraham P. Nasatir (1969) Dzieje Ameryki Łacińskiej, Warszawa, PWN
COLON, Hernando (1965) Dzieje żywota i znamienitych spraw Admirała don Krzysztofa Kolumba. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej
DEFOE, Daniel (1968) Historia najsłynniejszych piratów, ich zbrodnicze wyczyny i rabunki. Warszawa, Czytelnik
DÍAZ DEL CASTILLO, Bernal (1962) Pamiętnik żołnierza Korteza czyli prawdziwa historia podboju Nowej Hiszpanii. Warszawa, Wyd. Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej
EXQUEMELIN, Alexander (1970) Bukanierzy amerykańscy. Gdańsk, Wydawnictwo Morskie
EXQUEMELIN, Alexander (2009) Dzienniki piratów: dzieje kapitana Morgana i bukanierów, ręką naocznego świadka. Warszawa, National Geographic/G+J RBA
FAVIER, Jean (1996) Wielkie odkrycia od Aleksandra do Magellana. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Bellona
GARCILASO DE LA VEGA, Inca (2017) O Inkach uwagi prawdziwe. tłum. Jan Szemiński. Warszawa, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy
MACLEOD, Murdo (1973) Spanish Central America, Austin, University of Texas
MAŁOWIST, Marian (1993) Europa i jej ekspansja XIV-XVII w. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
OLSZYCKI, Mirosław (2017) Świat kolonialnej Ameryki Łacińskiej, Warszawa, PWN
PARRY, J. H. (1983) Morskie Imperium Hiszpanii. Gdańsk, Wydawnictwo Morskie
PIGAFETTA, Antonio (1992) Relacja z wyprawy Magellana dookoła Świata. Warszawa, Novus Orbis
PIZARRO, Pedro (1995) Relacja o odkryciu i podboju Królestwa Peru. Gdańsk, Novus Orbis
REICHERT, Rafal (2011) “Juan de Cádiz, un pirata del Caribe”, Revista CESLA, Uniwersytet Warszawski
REICHERT, Rafal (2016) "Polityka metropolii w kwestii militarnej i ekonomicznej obrony Nowej Hiszpanii za panowania dynastii Habsburgów (1516-1700). Zarys problematyki”. KLIO, UMK, Toruń
RUBIO MAÑÉ, José Ignacio (1983) El virreinato I, orígenes y jurisdicciones, y dinámica social de los virreyes. México, FCE/UNAM
SAUER, Carl Ortwin (1984) Descubrimiento y dominación española del Caribe, México, FCE
TARCZYŃSKI, Andrzej (2001) Wartości i postawy w obliczu zderzenia systemów kulturowych. Hiszpańscy zdobywcy XVI wieku wobec Nowego Świata. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Akademii Bydgoskiej
TARCZYŃSKI, Andrzej (2009) Podbój imperiów Inków i Azteków. Warszawa, Bellona
TOMICKI, Ryszard (1984) Tenochtitlan 1521. Warszawa. Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej
TOMICKI, Ryszard (1990) Ludzie i bogowie. Indianie meksykańscy wobec Hiszpanów we wczesnej fazie konkwisty, Wrocław, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
VESPUCCI, Amerigo (1995) „Świat Nowy” w: Listy o odkryciu Ameryki. wyb. J. Kieniewicz, Gdańsk, Novus Orbis
Term 2023L:
Example of literature: |
Term 2024L:
Example of literature: |
Term 2023L:
None |
Term 2024L:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: