History of Latin America I 3305-HAŁ11
During the first part of the course, students learn about the history of pre-Hispanic American cultures on an example of:
- Andean cultures, such as Chavín, Moche, Nazca, Wari and Inca civilization. Topics of classes include issues related to the intellectual achievements of these cultures, as well as subjects connected to their material remains.
- Mesoamerican cultures, particularly the Mayas and Aztecs. Classes will include issues related to the development and characteristics of the Mesoamerican cultural area and (in a wider range) the most important achievements and historical events of the Aztec and Mayan cultures
The second part, of course, is devoted to the processes of forming a colonial reality in America after its discovery by Christopher Columbus and to the conquests made by Spanish conquistadors in the first half of the 16th century. The classes include issues of cultural "metissage" influenced by evangelization, the effect of meeting in America of people from three or even four continents, and the local response to the new reality.
In addition, the course deal with topics of colonial administration and economy in colonial America, the competition between European powers in West Indies, native rebellions and revolts, and pirates from the Caribbean. Classes are designed to familiarize students with the terminology associated with the colonial era, such as encomienda, repartimiento, La Carrera de Indias, Galeón de Manila, Casa de Contratación, Audiencia, adelantado, slavery, Tierra Firme.
Term 2023L:
During the first part of the course, students learn about the history of pre-Hispanic American cultures on an example of: The second part, of course, is devoted to the processes of forming a new colonial reality in America after its discovery by Christopher Columbus and to the conquests made by Spanish conquistadors in the first half of the 16th century. The classes include issues of cultural "metissage" influenced by evangelization, the effect of meeting in America of people from three or even four continents, and the local response to the new reality. 1. Introduction to pre-Columbian history of the New World; periodization; settlement of the New World; the earliest findings and settlements in South America. |
Term 2024L:
During the first part of the course, students learn about the history of pre-Hispanic American cultures on an example of: The second part, of course, is devoted to the processes of forming a new colonial reality in America after its discovery by Christopher Columbus and to the conquests made by Spanish conquistadors in the first half of the 16th century. The classes include issues of cultural "metissage" influenced by evangelization, the effect of meeting in America of people from three or even four continents, and the local response to the new reality. 1. Introduction to pre-Columbian history of the New World; periodization; settlement of the New World; the earliest findings and settlements in South America. |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands: basic terminology, subjects and research directions covering topics related to the history of Latin America from pre-Hispanic times to the end of the 18th century; major events in the history of Latin America and important aspects of Spanish culture and language typical for the historical period in question (K_W03, K_W06)
Students will learn to read with comprehension source texts and contemporary historical studies connected with the history of Latin America; to present their own views, opinions, discussions and prepared works connected with the history of Latin America from the pre-Hispanic period till the end of the 18th century; to recognise different types of texts, to place them in a general historical and cultural context and to analyse them using basic terminology and methods typical of historical research; to acquire knowledge and develop skills independently, using appropriate historical sources and studies (dictionaries, source texts, monographic studies, etc.); to write and edit texts on the history of Latin America from the pre-Hispanic period to the end of the 18th century; independently acquire knowledge and develop skills using appropriate sources and historical studies (dictionaries, source texts, monographic studies, etc.); write and edit written work using appropriate methods and relevant historical sources; prepare oral presentations using appropriate methods and relevant sources related to the study of Latin American history; use basic terminology in the study of Latin American history covering the period from pre-Hispanic times to the end of the 18th century
(K_U01, K_U02, K_U03, K_U04, K_U05, K_U06, K_U07)
The student is ready to: critically evaluate his/her own knowledge and skills, work independently and autonomously, understand the need for improvement and lifelong learning; plan and organize his work, cooperate in a team; actively participate in the culture of Latin America using various forms and media, and to work in a team playing different roles; follow contemporary processes and phenomena occurring in the language, culture and literature of Latin America (K_K01, K_K02, K_K03, K_K04).
Assessment criteria
Classes will be conducted in the form of an introduction to the topic and then a didactic discussion based on reading given to students for each class.
Class attendance is obligatory. During the entire semester, only 2 unexcused absences are allowed. The other absences should be excused with a max. up to 7 days after the end of the dismissal period. After 7 days, sick leave will not be accepted and the absence will be considered as unexcused.
The requirement to pass the class is:
- attendance
- active participation in classes (familiarity with the texts and active participation in discussion) - 40% of the final grade
- passing the written examination - 60% of the final grade
Coe, Michael; Snow, Dean; Benson, Elizabeth. Wielkie kultury świata. Ameryka prekolumbijska. Penta, Warszawa 1997.
Colón, Hernando (1965) Dzieje żywota i znamienitych spraw Admirała don Krzysztofa Kolumba. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej
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Defoe, Daniel (1968) Historia najsłynniejszych piratów, ich zbrodnicze wyczyny i rabunki. Warszawa, Czytelnik
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal (1962) Pamiętnik żołnierza Korteza czyli prawdziwa historia podboju Nowej Hiszpanii. Warszawa, Wyd. Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej
Exquemelin, Alexander (2009) Dzienniki piratów: dzieje kapitana Morgana i bukanierów, ręką naocznego świadka. Warszawa, National Geographic/G+J RBA
Favier, Jean (1996) Wielkie odkrycia od Aleksandra do Magellana. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Bellona
Giersz, M., Prekolumbijskie cywilizacje Andów Środkowych, w: Dzieje Kultury Latynoamerykańskiej, red. M. Gawrycki, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2009.
Grutzmacher, Ł., Inka Garcilaso i idealizacja Państwa Inków, w: Dzieje Kultury Latynoamerykańskiej, red. M. Gawrycki, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2009.
Lomghena, M., Walter Alva, Starożytne Peru. Historia kultur andyjskich, wyd. Folio, Barcelona, 2008.
Małowist, Marian (1993) Europa i jej ekspansja XIV-XVII w. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
Mikulska, Katarzyna (2009) „Prekolumbijskie cywilizacje Mezoameryki”. W: Marcin F. Gawrycki (red.) Dzieje kultury latynoamerykańskiej. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Olko, Justyna (2007) Mitologie Świata. Aztekowie. Warszawa, Rzeczpospolita S.A., New Media Concept.
Olko, Justyna (2010) Meksyk przed konkwistą. Warszawa, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.
Pietraszczyk-Sękowska, J. Opór zbrojny i wojna z akulturacją w okresie konkwisty, w: Dzieje Kultury Latynoamerykańskiej, red. M. Gawrycki, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2009.
Pizarro, Pedro: Relacja o odkryciu i podboju Królestwa Peru (1995). Tłum. Maria Mróz, Gdańska, Novus Orbis.
Szykulski Józef, Starożytne Peru, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2010.
Tarczyński, Andrzej (2009) Podbój imperiów Inków i Azteków. Warszawa, Bellona
Tomicki, Ryszard (1990) Ludzie i bogowie. Indianie meksykańscy wobec Hiszpanów we wczesnej fazie konkwisty, Wrocław, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
Vega, Inca Garcilaso de la: O Inkach uwagi prawdziwe (2000). Tłum. i przypisy Jan Szemiński. Warszawa, Wydawnictwo TRIO CESLA UW, Ambasada Peru w Polsce.
Vespucci, Amerigo (1995) „Świat Nowy” w: Listy o odkryciu Ameryki. wyb. J. Kieniewicz, Gdańsk, Novus Orbis.
Term 2023L:
Example of literature for pre-Hispanic era: Example of literaturę for Colonial era: |
Term 2024L:
Example of literature for pre-Hispanic era: Example of literaturę for Colonial era: |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: