Phonetics of Portuguese I (Fonética da lingua portuguesa na variedade europeia II) 3305-FPE-21
Divisão da fonética na articulatória, acústica e auditiva. Pincípios da classificaçãoarticulatória dos sons; divisão em consaontes, vogais, semiconsoantes. Alfabeto fonético internacional, menção sobre outros alfabetos. Inventário dos sons existentes no português europeu. Breve descrição das diferenças entre a variedade europeia e a brasileira. Acentuação, contendo a divisão no acento principal e o secundário. Funções do lugar do acento. Divisão do texto em sílabas indicando a diferença entre o português e o polaco. Problemas com a pronúncia das palavras em que a ortografia não indica de forma inequívoca o timbre das vogais (vogais fechadas e abertas sobre as quais não a acento gráfico). Variantes regionais da variedade europeia da língua portuguesa.Informações básicas sobre a fonologia. Oposições fonológicas: privativas, graduais, equipolentes. Problemas da neutralização dos fonemas.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
efekty uczenia ang K_W02 - basic terminology of the humanities within the disciplines in which the studies are conducted, as well as its sources and applications.
K_W03 - research methodology in the disciplines in which the studies are conducted.
K_W04 - the position of the studies of the Portuguese language countries within the humanities system and their subject and methodological connections with other scientific disciplines.
K_W06 - phenomena in the field of history, literature history and culture of the Portuguese language countries.
K_U03 - apply basic research skills, including formulation and analysis of research problems, selection of research methods and tools, development and presentation of results in the disciplines in which the studies are conducted.
K_K02 - Broadening their knowledge and language skills in the Portuguese language, continuous professional training and personal development, self-assessment of their own competences and skills improvement.
przedmiot Gramatyka opisowa języka portugalskiego w wariancie europejskim II
efekty uczenia K_W02 - podstawową terminologię nauk humanistycznych w dyscyplinach, w których prowadzony jest kierunek studiów, jej źródła, oraz zastosowania.
K_W03 - metodologię badań w dyscyplinach, w których prowadzony jest kierunek studiów.
K_W04 - miejsce studiów nad portugalskim obszarem językowym w systemie nauk humanistycznych oraz ich przedmiotowe i metodologiczne powiązania z innymi dyscyplinami naukowymi.
K_W06 - fenomeny z zakresu historii, historii literatury i kultury portugalskiego obszaru językowego.
K_U03 - stosować podstawowe umiejętności badawcze, obejmujące formułowanie i analizę problemów badawczych, dobór metod i narzędzi badawczych, opracowanie i prezentację wyników, w dyscyplinach, w których prowadzony jest kierunek studiów.
K_K02 - podnoszenia poziomu swojej wiedzy i umiejętności językowych w zakresie języka portugalskiego, ciągłego dokształcania się zawodowego i rozwoju osobistego, samooceny własnych kompetencji i doskonalenia umiejętności.
efekty uczenia ang K_W02 - basic terminology of the humanities within the disciplines in which the studies are conducted, as well as its sources and applications.
K_W03 - research methodology in the disciplines in which the studies are conducted.
K_W04 - the position of the studies of the Portuguese language countries within the humanities system and their subject and methodological connections with other scientific disciplines.
K_W06 - phenomena in the field of history, literature history and culture of the Portuguese language countries.
K_U03 - apply basic research skills, including formulation and analysis of research problems, selection of research methods and tools, development and presentation of results in the disciplines in which the studies are conducted.
K_K02 - Broadening their knowledge and language skills in the Portuguese language, continuous professional training and personal development, self-assessment of their own competences and skills improvement.
Assessment criteria
Baseado nas normativas admitidas em instituições científicas y didáticas.
Practical placement
Bisol, L. Introdução a Estudos de Fonologia do Português Brasileiro, 4ª ed., UFRGS 2005
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: