Monographic lecture - Translation and contrastive research 3304-2DXW-WM-PABK
The aim of the lecture is to show the basic aspects of the translator's work, who tries to convey the meaning of the original text taking into account
a new speaking situation in which it will be read as a translation text.
On the one hand, the translator must follow the linguistic, stylistic and aesthetic rules, and on the other hand, he uses his creativity,
thanks to which he can be considered the second author. We will look at translation emphasizing the role of linguistic phenomena in written texts,
literary and press. We will take into account both the role of grammatical differences and similarities between the French and Polish languages, and
phenomena from the level of discourse.
The variety of translation solutions for a given source text will be shown in a translation series.
The lecture is to facilitate the recognition of translation problems and the selection of appropriate translation techniques, as well as encourage creativity
editing the best target text.
Having discussed the basic concepts of the translation process and the stages of translation (translation, untranslatability, equivalence,
translation accuracy, translation strategy, translation technique, recipient-oriented translation, targeted translation
strangeness, etc.), we will show in the translated texts various aspects of translator's practices in the case of:
- proper names
- realities
- text coherence mechanisms
- colloquial expressions
- phenomena related to the quoted speech, i.e. based on the polyphony of utterance, connected with the speaker's distance - or
taking responsibility - for the content transferred.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
1) The student has an in-depth knowledge of various aspects of comparing texts in French and Polish and about the reference
similarities and differences to translation strategies and techniques; K_W05
2) has in-depth research skills, including the analysis of research problems, formulation of hypotheses, selection of methods
research, development and presentation of results to the extent necessary to participate in the scientific discussion and prepare own work
research in the field of Romance philology. K_U02
3) is interested in contemporary processes and phenomena occurring in the cultural life of Europe K_K09
Assessment criteria
Assessment credit test (in French)
Attendance at the lecture: no more than 3 unexcused absences.
It is a compulsory lecture for students of the translation module.
Depending on the current epidemic threat situation, stationary or remote work on the platform is planned.
Test will be conducted in stationary and / or remote mode.
Google translator
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Ballard M., Pineira-Tresmontant (2007) Les corpus et linguistique et en traductologie, Arras.
Boisseau M. et al. (éds) (2016) Linguistique et traductologie: les enjeux d’une relation complexe, Arras.
Bogacki K. (2000) La traduction et les limites de la fidélité, Studia Romanica Posnaniensia XXV/XXVI, 29-40,
Borowczyk P. , 2013, Traduction des sigles dans le contexte audiovisuel – un dialogue réussi ?, Studia Romanica Posnaniensia , vol. 39 nr 2, p. 5-21,
Bralewski D. (2012) Od przekładu do słownika : korpus równoległy w redakcji słowników tłumaczeniowych. Oficyna Wydawnicza LEKSEM, Łask.
Dąmbska-Prokop U. (red.) (2000) Mała encyklopedia przekładoznawstwa, Częstochowa.
Dąmbska-Prokop U. (2010) Nowa encyklopedia przekładoznawstwa, Kielce.
Delisle J., Lee-Jahnke H., Cormier M.C (red.) (1999) Terminologie de la traduction, Amsterdam-Philadephia, John Benjamins
Diadori P. (2018) Tradurre: una prospetttiva interculturale, Roma.
Dutka-Mańkowska A. (2017) Le segment contextualisant annonceur du discours cité –
l’interprétation des textes littéraires français traduits en polonais, w : Dutka-Mańkowska, Kostro M. (dir.) Le discours représenté dans les genres écrits et oraux, Lublin, Werset, 57-73.
Giermak-Zielińska T. (2017) Le discours représenté et sa traduction: le cas des proverbes, in: Dutka-Mańkowska, Kostro, Le discours représenté dans les genres écrits et oraux, Lublin, Werset, 93-107.
Guillemin-Flescher J. (1986) Le linguiste devant la traduction, Fabula 7, 59-68.
Heydel M., Bukowski P. (red.) (2009) Współczesne teorie przekładu. Antologia, Kraków, Znak.
Lewicki R. (2015) O nazwach realiów i ich tłumaczeniu – próba rewizji, w: Lewicki R. (red.) Przekład- język – kultura, t. IV, Lublin, Wyd.
UMCS, 109-121.
Malmkjær K. (2005) Linguistics and the Language of Translation, Edinburgh.
Nita R. , 2009, De la traduction intralinguale à la traduction interlinguale : le cas des verbes introducteurs en roumain et en français. Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée, XIV (1), pp.53-66,
Pisarska A., Tomaszkiewicz T. (1996) Współczesne tendencje przekładoznawcze, Poznań.
Tabakowska E. (2009) Tłumacząc się z tłumaczenia, Kraków, Znak.
Tomaszkiewicz T. 2010 (2010) Re-construire le sens dans le texte traduit. in: Górnikiewicz J., Grzmil-Tylutki H., Piechnik I (red.) En quête de sens. Etudes dédiées à Marcela Świątkowska. W poszukiwaniu znaczeń. Studia dedykowane Marceli Świątkowskiej. Kraków, Wyd. UJ,
Skibińska E. (2008) Kuchnia tłumacza. Studia o polsko-francuskich relacjach przekładowych, Kraków.
Skibińska E. (red.) Przypisy tłumacza, Wrocław-Kraków.
Tkaczyk M., Sypnicki J. , 2012, Étude contrastive franco-polonaise sur les adjectifs référant aux traits de caractère, Studia Romanica Posnaniensia vol. 39 nr 4, 113-126,
Vetulani G. 2003 Les collocations verbo-nominales et traduction, Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, vol. 30, p. 159-168 ;
Wojtasiewicz O. (1957/2007) Wstęp do teorii tłumaczenia, Wyd. Translegis, Warszawa.
Other items will be given in the lecture.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: