Dictionaries as a source of linguistic knowledge and a tool for a philologist 3304-2DXW-ST-50
The main objective of the course is to familiarize the participants with how to use various types of dictionaries and the search tools they (especially online dictionaries) offer to deepen linguistic knowledge, language skills, and to edit and translate texts.
As part of the seminar we will discuss the typology of modern dictionaries (with particular emphasis on online dictionaries), the differences between a language dictionary and an encyclopedia, general and specialized dictionaries, as well as the specificity of a monolingual and bilingual dictionary. Particular attention is paid to the construction of the entry article of monolingual dictionaries, lexical definition (taking into account the analysis of semantic relations), various types of definitions, the role of dictionary examples in the description of a lexicographical unit and the role of corpora of texts useful to verify the contextual meaning of the unit. Several general dictionaries (in paper and electronic versions) and several specialized dictionaries (in both versions) will be a subject of detailed analysis.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course:
The student knows and understands:
- in-depth the place and meaning of lexicography and its subject and methodological specificity (K_W01),
- in-depth general and detailed terminology in the field of lexicography, in particular the typology of dictionaries and the specificity and use of various types of monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries in traditional (paper) and electronic versions (K_W02).
The student is able to:
- properly select and use the right dictionary in his/her own work, in particular in editing text, translating, collecting lexical data (K_U02),
- effectively search for and use information contained in macro- and microstructures of dictionaries, find synonymous words, words with opposite meanings, proper contextual meaning of polysemic words in the editing of own text and translation, construct an explanatory paraphrase for didactic purposes (explanation of the meaning of a word) (K_U07).
Social competence
The student is ready to:
- critically evaluate his own knowledge and skills, as well as to modify and correct his own attitudes and behaviors (K_K01),
- use linguistic competences, in particular in the field of lexicography, to organize scientific and cultural life, solve problems in discussions and initiate solutions appropriate to the situation (K_K05).
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods and criteria:
attendance at classes (2 absences allowed), active participation in classes, teamwork, preparation of 2 multimedia presentations. Grading the course.
A. Lehman, F. Martin-Berthet, Lexicologie. Sémantique, morphologie, lexicographie, Paris, Armand Colin, 2014.
M.-F. Mortureux, La lexicologie entre langue et discours. Paris, SEDES, Coll. Campus, 1997.
A.Niklas-Salminen, La lexicologie, Armand Colin, 2015.
A.Rey, De l’artisanat des dictionnaires à une science du mot, Paris, Armand Colin 2008.
+ different types of dictionaries
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: