(in Polish) seminarium magisterskie II : Nowe słowa, nowe kolokacje - współczesne sposoby tworzenia jednostek językowych w języku francuskim (i polskim) 3304-2D2W-SM-023
The seminar is dedicated to new linguistic units: new words (lexemes) and collocations (compositional phrasemes : often used combinations of words, the elements of which are closely linked in structure as well as in semantics. Their meaning, in contrast to idioms, may be easily deduced form the meaning of the elements.)
The object of research to be conducted by master students (as in the practical part of the course) are new linguistic units formed in different ways:
1. neologisms, structural ones (with special attention to blends [mots-valises] and composed words using splinters [fracto-composes]), semantic ones and false loanwords),
2. different kinds of collocations (composed of different numbers of words, belonging to different parts of speech, more or less lexicalised) in specialised languages - their constructions, meaning and use as occurs in selected written texts (e.g. press, publicity, online texts) in contemporary French (and Polish).
The students' work in the second year of the seminar will consist in collecting a corpus of given kind of texts containing selected kind(s) of lingustic units, describing and analyzing them in the chosen method (morphologic, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, argumentative analysis. They also may study new units (lexemes or collocations) adopting a contrastive approach, i.e. on ttwo parallel corpora, Rench and Polish. For both kinds of analyses, it is recommended to use modern tools, as offered by Sketch Engine, Narodowy Korpus Języka Polskiego, AntConc or Korpusomat.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student has
The knowledge of:
- the rank of linguistics and its specificity as to subject(s) and methodology K_W01,
- [an extended knowledge of] basic and specific terminology of general and French linguistics, with special regard to lexicology and morphologyK_W02,
- [an extended knowledge of] tendencies, trends and research methodologies in lexicology and morphology, especially in French-speaking countries K_W04,
- [an extended knowledge of] detailed principles of linguistic analysis, qualitative as well as quantitative, of texts representing different functional styles of French K_W09,
- economic, legal and ethic conditons of professional activities associated with this field of study KW_13.
- is able to use, during the drafting of his/her research, complex theoretical ideas proper to linguistics, especially to lexicology nad morphology K_U01,
- is able to put to use complex research procedures, as the analysis ofresearch problems, the formulation of hypotheses, the selection of appropriate methods and techniques, elaborating and presenting his/her results when preparing the master thesis U_02,
- is able to gain knowledge by his/her own and to plan his/her learning and to develop complex abilities, employing different sources K_U03,
- is able to present his/her convictions, referrng to different sources and complex theoretical acceptions, and pertinently argue hiis/her opinion K_U06,
- is able to plan and write a thesis, referring to different sources and complex theoretical acceptions proper to linguistics, especally to lexicology and morphology K_U07,
- is able to use complex techniques of informaton and communication (as in linguistic corpora, for example) in the process of gaining knowledge and communicating in the field of linguistcs K_U13.
Social abilities:
- is ready to critcally examine his./her knowledge and skills, to modify and adjust his/her attitudes and behaviour K_K01,
- is ready to put to use his/her linguitic competence to buld his/her professional life, including the fields of research and culture K_K05,
- is ready to respect the princiiples as in intellectual property protection and copyright K_K07.
Assessment criteria
The progress in attaining the above mentioned effects is subjected to evaluation.
The detailed schedule is the following:
- during the 3rd semester the student presents the outline of his/her thesis, the corpus, and selects the method(s) of its analysis, he/she also prepares the chapter devoted to the theoretical basis of the thesis;
- the 4rd seemster is to be devoted to, first, write the analytical chapter and then to write thoe whole to the thesis.
Buvet P.-A., Sfar I. (2018). La phraséologie entre fixité et congruence. Hommage à Salah Mejri. Louvain-la-neuve : L’Harmattan.
Dubreil E. (2008). Collocations : définitions et problématiques, in : Texto! XIII/1 (en ligne : http://revue-texto.net/docannexe/file/126/dubreil_collocations.pdf).
Gaudin F., Guespin L. (2000). Introduction à la lexicologie française, Bruxelles : Duculot.
Grossmann F. et Tutin A. (2003). Quelques pistes pour le traitement des collocations, in : F. Grossmann, A. Tutin (éds) Les collocations. Analyse et traitement. Amsterdam : De Werelt (Travaux et recherches en linguistique appliquée : E ; 1), 5-21.
Grossmann F., Tutin, A. (2005). Collocations régulières et irrégulières : esquisse de typologie du phénomène collocatif,
Grzegorczykowa R. (2010). Wprowadzenie do semantyki językoznawczej, PWN.
Jadacka H. (2017). O ewolucji niesufiksalnych technik słowotwórczych, LingVaria, n°23, 89-98. https://journals.akademicka.pl/lv/issue/view/39
Kacprzak A. (2019). La néologie de l’adjectif en français actuel, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Lehman A., Martin-Berthet F.(2014). Lexicologie. Sémantique, morphologie, lexicographie, Paris : Armand Colin.
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. (Ed.). (2005). Podstawy językoznawstwa korpusowego. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Mejri S. (2010). Figement, collocation et combinatoire libre, in : Anscombre J.-C. , Mejri S. (éds), 63-77.
Miodunka W. (1989). Podstawy leksykologii i leksykografii, Warszawa : PWN.
Mel’čuk I. (2003). Collocations : définition, rôle et utilité, in : F. Grossman et A. Tutin (éds) Les collocations : analyse et traitement, Travaux et recherches en linguistique appliquée, Amsterdam, de Werelt, 23-31.
Mortureux M..-F. (2004). La lexicologie entre langue et discours, Paris : Armand Colin.
Polguère A. (2003). Lexicologie et sémantique lexicale, Montréal : Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Pruvost J., Sablayrolles J.-F. (2019). Les néologismes, PUF, coll. « Que sais-je? ».
Webography :
Corpora or search engines : Néoveille, Sketch Engine, NKJP et al.
A detailed bibliography will depend on the subjects of master theses, and will be elaborated in function of their advancement. The teachers provide a general bibliographic frame, and the students make their own bibliographic research and give an account of it during the course.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: