Building a supportive (learning) environment - (post)pandemic challenges for glottodidactics 3304-2D2W-SM-022
During the second year of the seminar, participants work on issues of their choice, develop a research procedure, conduct a pilot study and a study proper. They systematically edit the different parts of the thesis. In the seminar, we work with the method of the Socratic seminar by organising a discussion around the text, in addition, the participants present the results of their research and reflection to each other, which are subjected to a critical examination. The aim is to build a community of learners who are able to develop personal discursive and textual competences in collaboration
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K-W04: knows how to conduct a research investigation;
- K-W04: knows how to interpret data and what are the methodological pitfalls of qualitative
- K-W01: has an in-depth knowledge of his/her chosen topic;
In terms of skills the student/student:
- K-U01: is able to plan and carry out research proceedings in the qualitative paradigm
- K-U02: is able to present and correctly interpret the collected data;
- K-U07: is able to edit the master's thesis with observance of linguistic and editorial norms.
In terms of social competence:
- K-K03: is able to discuss with respect for the opinion of other group participants,
- K-K07: is able to edit his/her master's thesis with respect for copyright and intellectual property
- K-K04: cooperates in a group.
Assessment criteria
- ongoing monitoring of the editing of the dissertation (chapter excerpts and complete chapters
handed in to the supervisor at the agreed dates)
- active participation in classes - critical preparation of analysed texts
- presentation of selected elements of empirical research and theoretical reflection
- taking the floor in discussions demonstrating a deep understanding of the issues.
Final credit is conditional on the submission of a fully edited Master's thesis in accordance with the
formal rules adopted by the Institute of Roman Studies.
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Descarpentries, Jacqueline, et Bernard Andrieu, éditeurs. Quelle éducation avec la Covid-19, Recherches et Éducation, 2020.
Gębal, P., 2019, Dydaktyka języków obcych. Wprowadzenie, Warszawa: PWN.
Grassin, Jean-François. « Mobilité et apprentissages informels des étudiants : quelles traces ? » Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures, n° 16-2, 2019. DOI : 10.4
Guichon, Nicolas. « Se construire une présence pédagogique en ligne. » Enseigner l’oral en ligne, dirigé par Nicolas Guichon et Marion Tellier, Didier, 2017, pp. 29-58.
Hamez M.P., , Annick Rivens Mompean et Marco Cappellini, « Continuités et ruptures dans l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues », Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité [En ligne], Vol. 41 N°2 | 2022, mis en ligne le 15 novembre 2022, consulté le 02 mai 2023. URL : ; DOI :
Molinié, Muriel. Biographie langagière et apprentissage plurilingue. Le français dans le monde, Recherches et Applications, n° 39, 2006.
Vajta, Cristina Birsan K.,, Diana Lemay, Louise Ouvrard, Patrice Pognan, et al.. L’enseignement des langues avant, pendant et après la pandémie à l’université de Göteborg : Distances apprivoisées.L’enseignement confiné des langues étrangères. 2020. ⟨hal-03114610⟩
Zamborová, Katarína, Isabella Stefanutti, et Blanka Klimová. « CercleS survey: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education. » Language Learning in Higher Education, vol. 11, n° 2, 2021, pp. 269-283. DOI : 10.1515/cercles-2021-2032
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: