MET-DJF: Professional practice in teaching 2 3304-2D2O-MET-PZD
The main objective of the teaching practice is to prepare students in practice for their work as a foreign language teacher in a post-primary school by acquiring professional knowledge and skills, training in professional responsibility for their own development and observing the principles of professional ethics.
As part of the teaching practice 2, the student has the opportunity to familiarise himself/herself with the organisational structure and teaching work in a post-primary school. He/she verifies theoretical knowledge and combines it with practical action taking place in various conditions and undergoing constant modification. Teaching practice 2 enables the formation of students' professional interests and attitudes as well as the use of the internship supervisor's experience and pedagogical skills in order to improve students' professional preparation, shape students' competences and creative attitudes.
Recommended distribution of hours:
o 10 hours are allocated to the observation of French lessons
o 10 hours are devoted to the student's own work (preparation of materials for the classes, lesson plans, consultations with the internship supervisor, preparing the Internship Diary, including keeping the learning diary).
o 10 hours are allocated for student's participation in non-teaching activities at school (meetings with parents, pedagogical council, duty hours, etc.).
o 30 hours are devoted to teaching French lessons.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W15: knows and understands the concepts and principles of intellectual property protection and copyright, in particular the rules governing the citation of others' statements
K_U01: is able to use a variety of sources and modalities, including modern information technologies, to search, analyse, evaluate, select and use information necessary for participation in classes
K_U04: is able to use various theoretical approaches, research paradigms and concepts specific to linguistics and literary studies, also in untypical professional situations
Social competences:
K_K06: correctly identifies problems and makes decisions related to his/her profession
Assessment criteria
The conditions for passing the internship are as follows:
1. provision of a certificate from the school that the required number of hours of observation and lessons have been completed;
2. continuous contact with the internship supervisor at the Institute of Romance Studies of the University of Warsaw
3. evaluation of the teacher - traineeship supervisor;
4. submission of the Practice Log
5. evaluation of the Practice Log by the internship supervisor from the Roman Institute.
The credit for the internship consists of: assessment of the demonstration lesson (or teacher's assessment) (100 p. - including the assessment of lesson delivery 84 p. and the assessment of the student's command of the French language 16 p.) and the assessment of the Internship Diary (150 p., including the Diary of learning during the teaching practice / 60 p; Scenarios of French lessons conducted by the student / 50 p; Conclusions of the post-hospitalization interview / 20 p ; Self-reflection after the teaching practice / 20 p).
- A score of 60% is required to obtain credit for the placement. No component of the assessment can be omitted.
- The criteria for the assessment of the Practice Log are compliance with the formal requirements (number of observations carried out, own lessons, completeness of all elements - reflection sheets, summary, interview with the teacher), reflexivity, methodological and linguistic correctness of the lesson plans, ability to select teaching materials, editorial correctness and aesthetics of the study.
Komorowska, H. (2002). Umiejętność obserwacji i autoobserwacji. [w:] H. Komorowska, D. Obidniak. Stopień po stopniu. Rozwój zawodowy nauczyciela języków obcych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN: 15–23.
Kulińska A. (2011). Proces uczenia się przyszłych nauczycieli. [w:] H. Komorowska (red.). Nauka języka obcego w perspektywie ucznia. Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza Łośgraf: 226-236.
Szymankiewicz K. (2017), Przyszli nauczyciele języków obcych na drodze budowania kompetencji zawodowej. Refleksja – Uczenie się – Rozwój. Warszawa – Lublin: Instytut Romanistyki – Werset.
Vacher Y. (2015), Construire une pratique réflexive. Comprendre et agir. Louvain-La-Neuve : De Boeck Supérieur.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: