Master seminar - New words, new collocations: modern ways of creating lexical units in French (and Polish) 3304-2D1W-SM-020
The seminar will be devoted to language units - ne werods (lexemes) alnd collocations (so-called compositional phrasemes, in other words often used
words' combinations, closely related in tructure and meaning, in which, as opposed to idioms, the meaning of the whole is deductible from the meaning of the components).
The research done by the students (the practical part) will consist in finding and analyzing new lexical units built in various ways: neologisms
(structural, before all blends [mots-valises] and clipped compounds [fracto-composés] , semantic, and so-called false loanwords) and different kinds of collocations (formed on two, three or more words, belonging do different categories, of dirrefernt drgrees of lexicalisation) , appearing in different specialised languages (scientific, litterary, press, publicity, Internet texts such as blogs or chats), their construction, meanins and use on the example of selected written texts in contemporary French (and Polish), in various domains (everyday's life, economy, fashion, medecine and nature sciences, informatics, tourism).
During the analyses, be it of lexemes or of collocatiions, it is recommended to use modern devices, such as Sketch ENgine, Narodowy Korpus Języka Polskiego, AntConc or Korpusomat.
Befor choising their subjects, the master students read and report theoretical sources concerning the studied problems, indicated by the professors (in an interchanging mode - 2-3 classes with one professor). Moreover, during several classes they will train working with corpora (before all, the Sketch Engine). Then they will choose the kind(s) of linguistic units they will study and propose their idea of conducting a research on a specific linguistic material (a corpus created for this purpose). The choice of the linguistic material, and therefore also of the MA treatise may be accepted or modified by the professors giving the seminar.
During the seminar's first year, the students will focus on the litterature of the subject dealing with the research on neologisms and phrasemes, and with that dealing with research based on corpora. They will acquire different ways of interpreting the corpora-based research and learn to use the terms and methods involved.
During the second year, the Master students will collect a corpus of a chosen kind of written texts, containing the chosen kind of new language units, analyze and describe them following one of the methods (syntactic, semantic, pragmatic or argumentative analysis). Also, it will be possiblo to study new lexemes or collocations, basing on a determined bilingual corpus (two parallel corpora) as a contrastive research.
The organisation of the classes will depend of the progress made by individual students in preparing their MA dissertations. They will basically consist in referring the subsequent stages of research work and in discussing them with a help of the professors.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course
The student knows and understands:
- in depth the place and significance of linguistics, its subject and methodological specificity (K_W01),
- general and specific terminology in the field of general and French linguistics, with particular emphasis on lexicology and morphology (K_W02),
- in depth trends, directions and research methodologies in the field of lexicology and morphology, especially in the countries of the French-speaking cultural area (K_W04),
- the detailed rules of qualitative and quantitative linguistic analysis and interpretation of texts belonging to different functional styles of the French language (K_W09),
- the economic, legal, ethical and other conditions of various types of professional activity related to the field of studies, including the principles of copyright and intellectual property (KW_13).
The student is able to:
- use complex theoretical concepts, appropriate for linguistics, when planning research, with particular emphasis on lexicology and morphology (K_U01),
- use complex research skills in research, including the analysis of research problems, formulating hypotheses, selection of research methods and techniques as well as elaborating and presenting results during the preparation of a linguistics master's thesis (KU_02),
- independently acquire knowledge and plan his/her own learning and develop complex skills using various sources (K_U03),
- present his own views, referring to various sources and complex theoretical approaches, and to argue in depth the adopted point of view (K_U06),
- prepare a written work, referring to complex theoretical approaches appropriate for linguistics, with particular emphasis on lexicology and morphology (K_U07),
- use complex information and communication techniques (modern tools such as language corpora) in the process of acquiring knowledge and communicating in the field of linguistics (K_U13).
Social competence
The student is ready to:
- critically evaluate his own knowledge and skills, as well as to modify and correct his own attitudes and behaviors (K_K01),
- use linguistic competence to organize professional life, including scientific and cultural (K_K05),
- comply with the principles of intellectual property protection and copyright (K_K07).
Assessment criteria
Progress in achieving the above-mentioned effects is assessed. The detailed work schedule is as follows:
- after the first semester, the subject of the thesis and its material base should be proposed,
- semester II should end with the presentation of the thesis outline and the collected bibliography.
- in the third semester, students should present the research corpus and determine the methods of its analysis, prepare the first chapter of the work containing the theoretical basis of research.
- semester IV should be focused on the final editing of the thesis.
Buvet P.-A., Sfar I. (2018). La phraséologie entre fixité et congruence. Hommage à Salah Mejri. Louvain-la-neuve : L’Harmattan.
Dubreil E. (2008). Collocations : définitions et problématiques, in : Texto! XIII/1 (en ligne :
Gaudin F., Guespin L. (2000). Introduction à la lexicologie française, Bruxelles : Duculot.
Grossmann F. et Tutin A. (2003). Quelques pistes pour le traitement des collocations, in : F. Grossmann, A. Tutin (éds) Les collocations. Analyse et traitement. Amsterdam : De Werelt (Travaux et recherches en linguistique appliquée : E ; 1), 5-21.
Grossmann F., Tutin, A. (2005). Collocations régulières et irrégulières : esquisse de typologie du phénomène collocatif,
Grzegorczykowa R. (2010). Wprowadzenie do semantyki językoznawczej, PWN.
Jadacka H. (2017). O ewolucji niesufiksalnych technik słowotwórczych, LingVaria, n°23, 89-98.
Kacprzak A. (2019). La néologie de l’adjectif en français actuel, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Lehman A., Martin-Berthet F.(2014). Lexicologie. Sémantique, morphologie, lexicographie, Paris : Armand Colin.
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. (Ed.). (2005). Podstawy językoznawstwa korpusowego. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Mejri S. (2010). Figement, collocation et combinatoire libre, in : Anscombre J.-C. , Mejri S. (éds), 63-77.
Miodunka W. (1989). Podstawy leksykologii i leksykografii, Warszawa : PWN.
Mel’čuk I. (2003). Collocations : définition, rôle et utilité, in : F. Grossman et A. Tutin (éds) Les collocations : analyse et traitement, Travaux et recherches en linguistique appliquée, Amsterdam, de Werelt, 23-31.
Mortureux M..-F. (2004). La lexicologie entre langue et discours, Paris : Armand Colin.
Polguère A. (2003). Lexicologie et sémantique lexicale, Montréal : Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Pruvost J., Sablayrolles J.-F. (2019). Les néologismes, PUF, coll. « Que sais-je? ».,
Néoveille, Sketch Engine, NKJP
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: