French in practice – Oral and written performance 3304-2D1O-PNWUP-046
mproving writing and speaking skills in French; linguistic preparation for editing a scientific master's thesis.
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students will learn
K_W07 in an in-depth study of the functions of language and the social and cultural aspects of its use in diverse, also atypical communicative situations, including intercultural communication (P7S_WK)
K_W08 in a deeper level grammatical, orthographic, lexical, semantic, phonological and stylistic issues in French (P7S_WG)
K_W09 analyse and interpret texts belonging to different functional styles of French to a deeper degree (P7S_WG)
K_U06 present one's own views, referring to various sources and complex theoretical approaches, and argue in depth the point of view adopted ( P7S_UW P7S_UK)
K_U07 prepare a written paper, in French and Polish, referring to complex theoretical approaches appropriate to linguistics and literary studies (P7S_UW)
K_U08 plan and prepare oral statements in French and Polish, referring to complex theoretical approaches appropriate to linguistics and literary studies (P7S_UW P7S_UK)
K_U09 communicate orally and in writing in French at level C2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (P7S_UK)
K_K07 respect the principles of intellectual property protection and copyright (P7S_KR)
Assessment criteria
- A systematic contribution of the student's own work and active participation in class is required, as well as positive results of written work completed during the semester.
- The student will receive regular, precise and neutral feedback on his/her work (feedback).
- The student will present 1 oral presentation and 1 written final paper.
- Marks from written and oral assignments (e.g. debate) will be added to the final mark.
- Amossy Ruth, L'argumentation dans le discours. Discours politique, littérature d'idées, fiction, Nathan, Paris, 2000
- Raîche Gilles, Monique Noël-Gaudreault, Article de recherche théorique et article de recherche empirique : particularités, Revue des sciences de l'éducation, vol. XXXIV, no 2, 2008, pp. 485–490,;
- Zahnd Gabriella, L'exposé oral, un outil pour transmettre des savoirs. In: Repères, recherches en didactique du français langue maternelle, n°17, 1998. L'oral pour apprendre. pp. 41-54;
Exercices :
- Caquineau-Gunduz et al, Les 500 exercices de grammaire, Hachette, 2007;
- Descotes-Genon Christiane, L'exercisier - Manuel d'expression francaise : CECR B1-B2, PUG, Grenoble, 2010
- Grégoire Maïa , Grammaire Progressive du Français, Clé International, 2012
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: