Practical French Language Learning - Grammar 3304-2D1O-PNJF-GRAM
Scope of topics:
(a) reflections on the methods of teaching grammar ( deductive and inductive methods), the concept of linguistic norm (what sources to follow in the choice of grammatical forms);
b) grammar of text : syntactic and lexical means of expressing modalities, criteria of text coherence, ways of referencing someone else's speech (ways of expressing the sender's distance from the referenced content or solidarity) and ways of expressing and justifying value judgments
(c) exercises in grammatical correctness: selected topics including the use of genitives (apposition liée/ apposition détachée), questions in dependent speech (questions indirectes)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students know and understand:
K_W08 - to an advanced degree grammatical, orthographic,
lexical, semantic, phonological and stylistic issues in French
K_W09 - to an advanced degree the principles of analysis and interpretation of texts belonging
to different functional styles of the French language
K_W10 - in an advanced degree selected facts, processes and phenomena in the field of
culture and history of the countries of the French-speaking cultural area
Students are able to:
K_U04 - present their own views, referring to various sources and
basic theoretical approaches, and argue the adopted point of view
K_U09 - independently acquire knowledge and develop skills, using various
K_U10 - work in a group, including in a multicultural context
The student is ready to:
K_K01 - critically evaluate their own knowledge and skills
K_K02 - open-mindedness towards individual and cultural differences
K_K05 - actively participate in French and Francophone culture, using
various forms and media
K_K10 - cooperation in a group, solving problems in discussion and initiating
solutions appropriate to the situation.
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods and criteria:
1. form of course credit :
- evaluation of the student's work and activity during the semester, the threshold for passing 60%
- and handed in all papers (3) , graded at min. 60%
60-70 % 3
71-76% 3,5
77-86% 4
87-92% 4,5
93-100% 5 i 5 !
Works written in class.
2. the student is entitled to two absences.
The detail of the requirements depending on the instructor will be given at the beginning of the semester.
In the winter semester 2024/2025, the duty will take place on:
1. Krystyna Zaleska, M.A. : Wednesdays 13.15-14.15 by appointment via email;
or any day remotely : appointment link will be sent after prior appointment by email
2. dr. Malgorzata Molska : Mondays 11h30-12h30 s. 3.410
Literatura :
Amossy Ruth, L'argumentation dans le discours. Discours politique, littérature d'idées, fiction, Nathan, Paris, 2000
Bralczyk Jerzy., O leksykalnych wyznacznikach prawdziwościowej oceny sądów, Katowice 1978
Grzegorczykowa Renata., Wprowadzenie do semantyki językoznawczej, Warszawa 1995.
Pachocińska Elżbieta , La question rhétorique comme une forme de raisonnement persuasif, Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny, XLV, 1(1998)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: