Methodology of research in linguistics 3304-2D1O-MBWJ-052
During the course, students will be taught the following :
The place of linguistics among other research disciplines;
The methods of describing the language – from formal descriptions to those related to social and cultural environment;
Main methodological problems with the formal (linguistic data within a system) and the empirical (corpora) approach;
Presentation of main linguistic schools and trends from structuralism, through functionalism, American structuralisms including generative-transformational grammar; pragmatics sensu lato: the theories of acts of speech, Gricean pragmatics, up to enunciations theories and elements of discourse analysis as in the French school;
Discussion of the crucial linguistic notions and terms: language, speech, discourse, context, with the related French terminology.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
After having passed the course:
The student has a good knowledge of the methodology of linguistic research (K_W05);
A student can put to use different theoretical approaches, research paradigms and linguistic notions even in less typical professional situations (K_UO4);
can cooperate within a group, elicit problems by discussing them and propose proper solutions (K_K02).
Assessment criteria
2 tests during the term - 60% of the mark; activity in discussion, short presentations - 40%.
A student may be absent during 2 sessions per term without justification.
After being absent 3 times, the student has to present one question extra during the seminar.
4 absences may lead to fail in the subject.
Charaudeau P., Maingueneau D., 2002, Dictionnaire d'analyse du discours, Paris, Ed. du Seuil.
Delbecque N., 2002, Linguistique cognitive, Paris-Bruxelles, De Boeck/Duculot.
Dubois et al., 1994, Dictionnaire de linguistique et des sciences du langage, Paris, Larousse.
Ducrot O., Schaeffer J.-M., 1995, Nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences du langage, Paris, Ed. du Seuil.
Maingueneau D., 2005, Analyser le textes de communication, Paris, Seuil.
Moeschler J., Auchlin A., 1997, Introduction à la linguistique contemporaine, Paris, A. Colin.
Sarfati G.-E., 2005, Eléments d’analyse du discours,, Paris, Armand Colin
Saussure F. De, (1962, 1987) Cours de linguistique générale, Paris, Payot .
Soutet O., 2001, Linguistique, Paris, PUF.
Zemmour D., 2004, Initiation à la linguistique, Paris, Ellipses.
Paveau A.-M., Sarfati , 2003, Les grandes théories de la linguistique. De la grammaire comparée a la pragmatique, Paris, A.Colin.
Riegel M., Pellat J.-P., Rioul R., 1994, Grammaire méthodique de français, Paris, PUF.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: