The animal, the tree, the river - the evolution of representations of the natural environment in 19th- to 21st-century French and Belgian literature. 3304-1DZXW-KL-32
The thriving currents of eco- and zocriticism, eco- and zoopoetics, as well as geopoetics, which offer methods of reading contemporary texts devoted to environmental themes in the broadest sense, also encourage reflection on earlier texts. The proposed class will follow this line and show some of the most interesting examples of the representation of the natural environment, from the early nineteenth century to the present day, in French and Belgian literature. Among the issues discussed in class will be: meteorological literature, functions of landscape, definition of animality, ego(eco)centric subject, ecologically engaged literature, subjectivity of non-human beings, and among the authors, Senancour, Gérard de Nerval, Émile Zola, Maurice Maeterlinck, Camille Lemonnier, Romain Gary, Jean Giono, Élisabeth Ferney, Véronique Bergen, among others. The reading of extracts from literary texts will be complemented by extracts from theoretical texts.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student knows and understands
to an advanced degree the place and significance of the humanities, in particular
literary and ecological humanities in the system of sciences, as well as their subject and methodological specificity
K_W03 in an advanced degree the main processes occurring in language and literature in the countries of the
French-speaking cultural area, especially in the context of representations of the natural environment
K_W04 in an advanced degree the directions and methodology of research on language and literature (especially eco- and zoopoetics), especially in the countries of the French-speaking cultural area
K_W10 in an advanced level selected facts, processes and phenomena in the field of culture and history of the countries of the
French-speaking cultural area, in the context of the development of ecological humanities
K_W13 basic concepts and principles in the field of intellectual property protection and copyright law
Is able to:
K_U03 recognise, analyse and interpret different types of cultural products (language, literature), using
adequate terminology and research tools appropriate to eco- and zoopoetics, eco- and zoo-criticism and geopoetics
K_U05 plan and prepare oral presentations in French, referring to the
basic theoretical approaches specific to ecological humanities
K_U09 acquire knowledge and develop skills independently, using a variety of sources
Is ready to
K_K02 be open-minded towards individual and cultural differences
K_K04 care for cultural heritage, especially in relation to French and Francophone culture
K_K06 respect the basic principles of professional ethics and the rules on the protection of intellectual property and copyright
Assessment criteria
- attendance in class is required; more than two absences will result in an additional question on the test;
- activity in class and preparation for class (reading texts, worksheets)
- Final project (written analysis + presentation or flipped lesson - in teams of 2-3)
- 2 tests (factual knowledge + knowledge of the readings); an average of 4.5 in both tests exempts you from the oral answer scheduled at the end of the semester (in the winter session)
- an oral answer (a short conversation on the content presented in class
Detailed conditions for passing the course will be presented by the lecturer during the first class or will be sent by the University Study Services System.
Bailly, J.-Ch., Le parti pris des animaux, Christian Bourgois Éd., 2013.
Bailly, J.-Ch., Le versant animal, Montrouge, 2018.
Collot, M., Un nouveau sentiment de la nature, Corti, 2022.
Morizot B., Manières d’être vivant, Actes Sud, 2020.
Schoentjes, P., Ce qui a lieu. Essai d’écopoétique, Wildproject, 2015.
Schoentjes, P., Littérature et écologie. Le Mur des abeilles, Corti, 2020.
Simon A., Une bêtre entre les lignes. Essai de zoopoétique, Wildproject, 2020.
A detailed list of literary works to be analysed will be presented in the first class.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: