Time and Space in 20th Century Literature 3304-1DZXW-KL-29
The class will discuss the category of time and space in literary works. Time will be analyzed as an aspect of the construction of a literary work and an aspect of its fictional content. In particular, the subject of considerations will be such issues as: types of literary transformations of time (anachronies - regressions and anticipations, condensations, stops in the passage of time, multiple representations of the same period of time, blurring the sequence of events), direct and indirect presentation of the passage of time, relations between time and space (chronotope concept), cyclicality of events, mythical time dimension, memory and recalling the past, and various philosophical concepts of time (e.g. objective / subjective time, time continuity of human identity). The classes will also cover the ways of presenting space in a literary work, organization of space (e.g. open / closed space, close / alien, real / imagined, sacred / profane) and space functions (including symbolism of space). Various literary concepts of time will be used to analyze and interpret the most famous works of French literature of the 20th century (G. Apollinaire, P. Valéry, A. Jarry, J.-P. Sartre, S. Beckett, M. Proust, A. Camus, A Robbe-Grillet).
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student should:
1. be familiar with various literary concepts of time and space (K_W04; K_W05)
2. be able to compare the ways of functioning of the categories of time and space in the discussed literary works (K_W09; K_W10)
3. be able to apply literary concepts of time and space for independent analysis of any literary work (K_W09; K_W10; K_U05; K_U06; K_U07; K_K06)
Assessment criteria
To pass the course, the students will be requested to prepare a written essay and present it during the classes, as well as pass an oral exam on the knowledge learnt during classes. Students can get points (added to the final exam result) for active participation in classes.
Before the course, it is obligatory to carefully read the texts discussed during the classes. Failure to read the text before class is equivalent to absence. At the beginning of each class, short (10 min.) written tests can be conducted to check that the participants have read the obligatory texts. Permitted number of absences: 2
1. M. Bachtin, "Czas i przestrzeń w powieści", Pamiętnik Literacki, 1974, nr 4, 273-311.
2. K. Bartoszyński, "Konstrukcja czasu w literaturze polskiej XX wieku (szkic syntezy)", [w:] Powieść w świecie literackości: szkice, Warszawa, IBL PAN, 1991, s. 107-110.
3. H. Markiewicz, "Czas i przestrzeń w utworach narracyjnych", [w:] Wymiary dzieła literackiego, Kraków-Wrocław, Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1984, s. 125-144.
4. J. Kaempfer, R. Micheli, "La temporalité narrative"(https://www.unige.ch/lettres/framo/enseignements/methodes/tnarrative/tnintegr.html)
5. E. Simmonet, "L'espace dans le récit de fiction" (http://emile.simonnet.free.fr/sitfen/narrat/espace.htm)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: