The end of the 19th century in French literature - themes and forms 3304-1DZXW-KL-26
The last 30 years of the nineteenth century were a time of extremely intense aesthetic changes in French literature, which find expression in the reflections and works of writers as diverse as Zola, Huysmans, Mallarmé and Maeterlinck. Zola's experimental novel, Maupassant's fantasy short story, Huysmans' decadent hybrid novel, Dujardin's interior monologue, Maeterlinck's symbolist theatre of silence, and the poetic explorations of Rimbaud and Mallarmé will be the subjects of our analyses. The reading of the works (in fragments and in full) will be accompanied by extracts from critical texts.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student knows:
K_W05 in an advanced level the main issues of general, French and Francophone literary studies
K_W09 in an advanced level the principles of analysis and interpretation of texts belonging to different functional styles of the French language, with particular emphasis on poetic, narrative and dramatic texts
K_W10 in an advanced level selected facts, processes and phenomena from the field of culture and history of the countries of the French speaking cultural area, especially from the French literature of the end of the XIX c.
Student performs:
K_U05 plan and prepare oral statements in French and Polish, referring to basic theoretical approaches relevant to linguistics and literary studies
K_U06 prepare a written paper, in French and Polish, referring to basic theoretical approaches relevant to linguistics and literary studies
Student is ready
K_K04 care for the cultural heritage, especially in relation to French and Francophone culture
K_K06 respect the basic rules of professional ethics and the principles of intellectual property protection and copyright law
Assessment criteria
- attendance is required (camera + sound, if the classes will be held online); A student who misses classes more than 2 times will be asked to come to teacher's duty hours (or online) in order to discuss the content of the classes during which s/he was absent;
- active participation in classes and preparation for classes (reading texts)
- written work (done independently or in teams of 2-3)
- 2 tests (factography + reading knowledge; the average of 4.75 from both tests excludes the oral answer at the end of the semester (in the winter session)
- oral answer (short conversation about the content presented in the class, comparison of the presentations of a given problem / theme)
Detailed conditions for passing the course will be presented by the teacher during the first class or sent by the USOS.
C. Becker, Lire le réalisme et le naturalisme, Paris, Dunod, 1998.
Ph. Berthier, M. Jarrety (dir.), Histoire de la France littéraire. Modernités, XIXe-XXe siècles, Paris, PUF, 2006
J.-P. Bertrand et al., Le roman célibataire d’À rebours à Paludes, Paris, Corti, 1996.
B. Marchal, Lire le symbolisme, Paris, Dunod, 1996.
P. Marot, Histoire de la littérature française du XIXe s., H. Champion, coll. Unichamp-Essentiel, Paris, 2001.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: