Historical and cultural journey through France: from the Lascaux cave to the Cannes festival 3304-1DZXW-KK-019
The Conversatory will be devoted to learning about history and virtual tours of selected monuments or historical sites that can be called treasures of France. The convertio will take the form of a virtual journey from prehistoric times to the present day, from the Lascaux cave, through the Louvre, Notre-Dame, Versailles or the Eiffel Tower, to the Maginot line and the Cannes Festival. The text and the image will diversify the sources of knowledge about these places important for France. The aim of the conversation is primarily to broaden the knowledge of French culture, but also to exercise listening comprehension and the ability to present a cultural text and film material.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After the conversation, the student should: 1/ have knowledge of each of the discussed places 2/ be able to select the most important information from a historical-cultural text 3/ be able to present the discussed text or film material 4/ be able to relate various cultural and historical events
Assessment criteria
2 written tests and several short written works, compulsory presence (3 absences allowed if more are additional work)
The form and criteria of the item may be changed depending on the current epidemic risk situation. Equivalent credit conditions will be determined in accordance with the guidelines in force at the University of Warsaw, in consultation with the participants.
Educational programmes such as YouTube "Visites privées", a TV programme on the history of France; podcast "France culture"
O. Wieviorka, M. Winock " Les Lieux de l'histoire de France ", Perrin, 2017
The websites of the cultural sites in question
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: