Cultural studies seminar - 3304-1DZXW-KK-001
An analysis of the formation of the French state and the changes taking place in its character from its birth to the period of the Great French Revolution. The most important stages of this process as well as the importance of the institutions created (e.g. Parliament, States General, conseil du roi). Changes taking place in the mentality of the French under the influence of important events and historical processes.
Some topics discussed during the seminar:
-Concepts of the State in Antiquity: Greece and Rome
-the concept of power in the period of "barbarian" invasions;
-the concept of power during the reign of the Merovingians and Carolingians;
- feudal period: king's power and problems resulting from the feudal system;
- political and social reflections in the 16th century (La Boétie, Montaigne, Bodel, Machiavelli. Modrzewski);
-stages of the formation of the absolute state (Louis XIII, Louis XIV),
- political and social thought during the Enlightenment;
-enlightenment vision of man and society (Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Morelly, Babeuf, physiocrats);
- the crisis of the Ancien Régime and the causes of the Great French Revolution;
-Robespierre et "les principes du gouvernement révolutionnaire;
-is there a "revolutionary mentality" (Michel Vovelle)? .
-All students must have the address
The detailed program of the seminar will be presented at the first meeting.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
I. The aim of the seminar is to acquire the knowledge necessary for a philologist about significant events and historical and cultural phenomena that took place in France and in French-speaking countries, as well as to learn and select research methods allowing for a full understanding of historical and cultural processes in order to develop competences needed in the field of literary studies .
II. After successfully completing the course, the student
- has systematic knowledge of the basic processes taking place in the areas of language, literature and culture (K_W04),
- has elementary knowledge of the methodology of language, literature and culture research (K_W05),
- has knowledge of the culture of France and French-speaking countries (K_W12)
- knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of intellectual property and copyright protection (K_W14),
-can use various sources and methods, traditional and modern, to search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information necessary to participate in classes (K_U01),
- has basic research skills, including the analysis of research problems, formulation of hypotheses, selection of research methods, development and P6S_UW P6S_UK5 presentation of results to the extent necessary to participate in the discussion in classes and to prepare their own works in the field of Romance philology (K_U02),
- can independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills, following the instructions of the teacher / tutor (K_U03),
- has the ability to prepare oral presentations in French and Polish, presenting detailed issues, using various sources and basic theoretical approaches (K_U09),
- is interested in contemporary processes and phenomena occurring in the cultural life of Europe (K_K09),
- is able to properly define the priorities for the implementation of the tasks set by himself and others (K_K05)
III. After completing the course, the student should:
- list in order the most important stages of the development of French statehood
- define the specificity of the French institutions of the Ancien Régime
- to characterize the basic cultural phenomena from the Middle Ages to the outbreak of the Great French Revolution
- knows the basic concepts and the corresponding terms used to describe the language, literature and culture
- has knowledge of the culture of France and French-speaking countries
- can use various sources and methods, including modern information technologies, to search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information necessary to participate in classes; uses basic lexicographic and grammatical sources
- can use the basic theoretical approaches, research paradigms and concepts specific to linguistics and literary studies
- is aware of the responsibility for preserving the cultural heritage of the studied region, country and Europe
Assessment criteria
- presence and active participation in classes; two absences (unexcused) allowed in a semester;
-preparation of a short speech based on an article or a chapter of a monograph;
-developing a selected issue within the scope of the discussed topic and preparing a Power Point presentation;
Detailed conditions for passing the course will be presented by the lecturer during the first class
-All students must have the address
-Le Page D., Loiseau J., Figeac, Pouvoir royal et Institutions dans la France moderne, Armand Colin, 2019.
-G. Duby, R.Mandrou, Histoire de la civilisation française, Paris, 1984.
-P. Goubert, L'Ancien Régime, Paris, 1970.
-J.-F.Lemarignier, La France médiévale. Institutions et société, Paris, 1981.
-F. Châtelet, O. Duhamel, Histoire des idées politiques, PUF, 1982.
-G. Cabourdin, G.Viard, Lexique historique de la France d'Ancien Régime, Paris, 1978
-Philippe Desan, Montaigne. Penser le social, Odile Jacob, Paris, 2018.
-Philippe Desan, Montaigne. Une biographie politique, Odile Jacob, Paris, 2014.
-Jean-François Solnon, Catherine de Médicis, Coll. Tempus, Perrin, 2009.
-Michel Pernot, Henri III, le roi décrié, « Le Livre de poche », 2017.
-Mémoires de Louis XIV ou le métier de roi, textes présentés par Joël Cornette, Texto, Éditions Tallandier, Paris, 2007.
-Mathieu Da Vinha. Au service du roi. Les métiers à la cour de Versailles, TEXTO collection dirigée par Jean Claude Zylberstein, Tallandier, 2018.
-Lucien Bély, Les secrets de Louis XIV. Mystères d’état et pouvoir absolu, Talalandier 2013.
-Thierry Sarmant, Louis XIV. Homme et roi, TEXTO, Talalandier, 2014.
-Jean Verdon, La vie quotidienne au Moyen Age, Perrin, Paris, 2015.
-Michel Faucheux, Olympe de Gouges, Collection Folio biographies (n° 147), Gallimard, 2018.
-Michel Vovelle, La Mentalité révolutionnaire : société et mentalités sous la Révolution française, Paris, Éd. sociales, 1986.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: