Historical and cultural seminar IIz/IIIz + p: People, events, institutions - symbols of French history and culture in the 17th century 3304-1DZXW-KHK-14
The aim of the seminar is to familiarize students with selected events from the history of France in the 17th century. The aim of the seminar is to introduce the students to selected events in the history of France in the 17th century (e.g. Fronde), to introduce some important figures in French history and culture (e.g. Louis XIV, Fouquet), to get to know the history of some important places in French culture (e.g. French Academy or French Comedy). Materials for the classes include fragments of historical studies, educational films and websites of institutions which still exist today. The aim of the classes is to prepare students for independent work on contemporary and 17th century cultural texts, to enrich their knowledge of French history and culture, to contribute to a better understanding of listening texts on history and culture.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
K_W04 has a systematic knowledge of basic processes occurring in the fields of language, literature and culture
K_W05 has elementary knowledge of the methodology of research on language, literature and culture
K_W12 has a knowledge of French culture and French-speaking countries
K_W14 knows and understands basic terms and rules of intellectual property protection and copyright
Abilities: graduate is able to
K_U01 is able to use different sources and ways, traditional and modern, to search, analyse, evaluate, select and use information necessary for the participation in classes;
K_U02 has basic research skills, including analysis of research problems, formulation of hypotheses, selection of research methods, development and presentation of results, to the extent necessary to participate in class discussions and preparation of own work on Roman philology
K_U03 knows how to acquire knowledge and develop research skills on his/her own, guided by the teacher's/researcher's instructions
K_U09 has the ability to prepare oral presentations in French and Polish, presenting detailed problems using various sources and basic theoretical approaches
Social competences: graduate is ready to
K_K05 is able to properly determine priorities in order to accomplish a task defined by him/herself and others
K_K09 is interested in contemporary processes and phenomena occurring in European cultural life
Students should: 1. know the chronology of the epoch and the most important historical events, 2. know the concepts and texts discussed, 3. be able to relate various cultural and historical phenomena, 4. be able to analyse a cultural text independently.
Assessment criteria
2 tests, short homework, 3 absences (more absences require an additional test)
Detailed requirements for passing a course will be presented by the teacher during the first class or will be sent via the University's Student Services System.
Philippe Beaussant, Louis XIV artiste, Payot, 1999
Jean-Christian Petitfils (présentation), Le métier de roi, Perrin, 2012
Benedetta Craveri, L’âge de la conversation, Gallimard, 2002
Agathe Sanjuan, Martial Poirson, « Comédie Française, une histoire du théâtre », éd. Seuil, 2018 CF
Jean-Marie Constant „ Les Frondes” ds. "La France de la Monarchie absolue 1610-1715", introduction et bibliographie commentée de J. Cornette, Seuil, 1997
O. Wieviorka, M. Winock, « Les lieux de l’histoire de France », Perrin, 2017
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: