seminar: New roles of teacher and student in a foreign language teaching 3304-1DZ3O-SL-034
During the class we will look at what should be in the psycho-pedagogical and didactic workshop of a modern teacher, the possibilities of innovative activities will be presented, as well as those roles that seem most necessary to implement today: tutor, cognitive mediator, development facilitator. Since the teacher's actions are aimed directly at the student as the subject of the glottodidactic process, we will consider what skills and competencies need to be developed in students, e.g. the ability to self-regulate, manage their motivation, sense of self-efficacy.
The reflections and analyses of the texts on the above-mentioned issues can be summarized in the following thematic blocks:
1. Language teaching in the past and today - what distinguishes modern education?
2. What competencies does the modern foreign language teacher need? Why such ones?
3. What can be learned about teacher competence from crisis periods such as the 2020 pandemic and the war in Ukraine 2022 ?
4. What should modern assessment look like?
5. What educational trends are possible to implement in the modern world? (e.g. Phenomenon-Based Learning, outdoor education, learning through discovery...).
6. How to develop social-emotional competence in male and female students? Why is it important?
7. What is the building of language learners' sense of self-efficacy?
8. 21st century competencies - are they only for learners?
9. Digital competencies - what impact do they have on the effectiveness of learning and teaching processes?
10. Post-pandemic educational contexts - has the pandemic taught us anything?
11. Self-assessment skills - what methods and techniques can develop these skills?
12. What is cognitive and pedagogical mediation in modern education?
13. How can the goals of intercultural mediation be implemented in language classes?
14. Approach to linguistic error - what is the status of error in language education today?
15. introduction to research methodology - what are qualitative and quantitative research in glottodidactics?
In the next semester, seminar participants will engage in an in-depth understanding of the issues selected from the above list in accordance with the chosen thesis topic.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
In terms of knowledge the student :
- knows to an advanced degree the terminology of modern glottodidactics (K_W02);
- knows and understands to an advanced degree the main processes occurring in didactic processes (K_W03);
- knows to an advanced degree the directions and methodology of research on learning and teaching processes(K_W04);
- knows and understands to an advanced degree the main issues in the competence of a foreign language teacher (K_W05);
- knows and understands to an advanced degree the actions of the student and the teacher in complex situations of social and intercultural communication (K_W07)
- knows and understands to an advanced degree selected facts, processes and phenomena in the field of foreign language teaching and learning(K_W10)
- knows and understands to an advanced degree selected issues in the field of psychology, pedagogy, voice emission and acquisition of foreign languages, especially French, (K_W11);
- knows the basic concepts and principles in the field of intellectual property protection and copyright (K_W13)
In terms of skills, the student is able to:
- apply basic theoretical concepts relevant to glottodidactic processes during research planning (K_U01)
- present their own views, referring to various sources and basic theoretical approaches, and argue the adopted point of view (K_U04);
- prepare a written paper, in French , referring to basic theoretical approaches appropriate to glottodidactics (K_U06);
- independently acquire knowledge and develop skills, using various sources (K_U09);
- Apply advanced knowledge of glottodidactics to carry out their own research project (K_U12)
- Apply advanced information and communication techniques in the process of acquiring knowledge and communicating in the field of glottodidactics(K_U13);
In terms of social competence, the student is ready to:
- critically evaluate his/her own knowledge and skills (K_K01);
- openness towards individual and cultural differences (K_K02);
- care for cultural heritage, especially in relation to French and Francophone culture (K_K04);
- actively participate in French and Francophone culture, using various forms and media (K_K05);
- adhere to the basic principles of professional ethics and the rules of intellectual property protection and copyright law (K_K06)
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
- individual and group work ( including project work)
- partial presentations of the discussed content
- response paper (short written reflections)
- monitoring of current work (preparation for classes, active participation)
Assessment criteria:
- the participant makes high use of digital technology and artificial intelligence to develop work in the selected topic (e.g., Canva, applications for creating sound and video files)
- the participant/scholar regularly attends classes and informs about his/her limitations in this agreed range of absences;
- the participant informs about specific learning needs at the beginning of the semester;
- the participant/scholar completes partial tasks (projects, written assignments) and final tasks.
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Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: