B.Sc.: The image of woman in the French novel through the ages (17th-20th century). 3304-1DZ3O-SL-032
This seminar proposes to trace the image of woman in the French novel from the seventeenth century to the present day. In order to do so, students will study selected readings or excerpts from them that depict a woman in various life situations (marriage, motherhood, single life, adultery, work, education, carnality, medicine, etc.). The indicated novels will also be discussed from the perspective of other texts from the period as well as contemporary studies, which aim to broaden the knowledge of women's attempts at emancipation and its limitations. The analysis of the different texts aims to understand the changes/ persistence of the tradition in French society. Furthermore, in order to see the image of women in the novel, it will be necessary to study the evolution of the novel itself as a literary genre linked to cultural changes.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
knowledge - the graduate knows and understands:
K_W01 to an advanced degree the place and significance of the humanities, in particular literary studies
and linguistics, in the system of sciences, as well as their subject and methodological specificity
K_W02 to an advanced level, the terminology of literary and linguistic studies in general
and French
K_W04 in an advanced degree the directions and methodology of research on language and literature, especially in the countries of the
French-speaking cultural area
K_W12 basic principles of creation and development of various forms of entrepreneurship, possibilities of practical
application of acquired knowledge in professional activity related to the field of study
K_W13 basic notions and rules concerning the protection of intellectual property and copyright
skills - the graduate is able to:
K_U01 apply basic theoretical concepts specific to linguistics
and French linguistics and literary studies
K_U02 apply in research basic research skills, including analysis of research problems
K_U02 use basic research skills including analysis of research problems, formulation of hypotheses, selection of research methods and tools, as well as the development and presentation of
results when preparing own works in the field of linguistics and literary studies
K_U03 Recognise, analyse and interpret various types of cultural production (language, literature), using
adequate terminology and appropriate research methods and tools
K_U04 present own views, referring to various sources and basic theoretical approaches, and
argue the adopted point of view
K_U05 plan and prepare oral presentations in French and Polish, referring to basic theoretical approaches appropriate to linguistics
theoretical approaches appropriate to linguistics and literary studies
K_U06 prepare a written paper, in French and Polish, referring to basic theoretical approaches appropriate to linguistics and literary studies
linguistics and literary studies
K_U07 communicate orally and in writing in French at level C1 according to the European
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
K_U09 acquire knowledge and develop skills independently, using a variety of sources
Social competences - the graduate is ready to:
K_K01 critically evaluate one's own knowledge and skills
K_K02 be open-minded towards individual and cultural differences
K_K06 comply with the basic principles of professional ethics and the principles of intellectual property protection and copyright law
Assessment criteria
the course is passed with credit, which consists of active participation in classes and preparation of a presentation on a selected topic (reading, research paper)
XVII century
Madeleine de Scudéry, Artamène où le grand Cyrus, (fragment – histoire de Sapho)
Antoine Furetière, Le roman bourgeois, 1666
XVIII century
J.-J. Rousseau, La Nouvelle Heloise, 1761
Laclos, Les liasons dangereuses, 1782
XIX century
Georges Sand, Indiana, 1832
Flaubert, Madame Bovary, 1857
Maupassant, Bel-Ami, 1885
XX century
Annie Ernaux, La Femme gelée, 1981
Annie Leclerc, Hommes et Femmes, 1985
1) Badinter Elisabeth, Historia miłości macierzyńskiej, tłum. K. Choiński, Warszawa 1998
2) Berriot-Salvadore Eveline, Un corps, un destin. La femme dans la médecine de la Renaissance, Paris 1993
3) Bogucka Maria, Gorsza płeć. Kobieta w dziejach Europy od antyku po wiek XXI, Warszawa 2005
4) Coulet Henri, Le roman jusqu’à la Révolution française, Paris, Armand Colin, 1991
5) Craveri Benedetta, L’âge de la conversation, Paris 2002
6) Darmon Pierre, Mythologie de la femme dans l’ancienne France, XVIe-XIXe siècle, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1983
7) Duchêne Roger, Être femme au temps de Louis XIV, Paris 2004 (Pour l’Histoire)
8) Janion Maria, Kobieta i duch inności, Warszawa 1996
9) Jastrzębiec-Mosakowski Marek, Strategie wymazywania. Kobiece bohaterki w męskich tekstach francuskiego Oświecenia, Gdańsk 2007
10) Krytyka feministyczna. Siostra teorii i historii literatury, Warszawa, IBL PAN, 2000
11) La femme dans la société médiévale et moderne. Actes du colloque de Nieborów 6–8 juin 2002, red. P. Mane, F. Piponnier, M. Wilska, M. Piber-Zbieranowska, Warszawa 2005
12) Godineau Dominique, Les femmes dans la société française, 16e–18e siècle, Paris 2003
13) Histoire des femmes en Occident, red. G. Duby, M. Perrot, t. 1, 2, 3, Paris 1991
14) Malinowska Monika, Sytuacja kobiety w siedemnastowiecznej Francji i Polsce, Warszawa 2008
15) Partyka Joanna, „Żona wyćwiczona”. Kobieta pisząca w kulturze XVI i XVII wieku, Warszawa 2004
16) Uliński Maciej, Kobieta i mężczyzna. Dzieje refleksji filozoficzno-społecznej, Kraków 2001
17) Wiek po Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie. Emancypacja kobiet w Polsce i we Francji, Warszawa, IBL PAN, 2012
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: