On representations, subjective theories and ideologies in foreign language teaching 3304-1DZ3O-SL-023
The seminar is structured according to the following scheme:
1. During the first few classes, theoretical issues in the field of "mental images" will be the subject of analysis: definitions of key concepts, the process of their formation, their possible consequences, their functions, etc.
2) The next classes - until the end of the winter semester - will be devoted to the analysis of specific research on selected variables related to language learning and communication in different languages.
3. In the summer semester, own research related to the topic of the seminar will be planned, conducted and analyzed.
Scope of topics:
1. concepts and terms:
- Social representations
- Subjective theories
- Ideologies (linguistic)
- Declarative and procedural representations
- Referential and active representations
2. internal structure of social representations
3. functions of the above concepts
4. coexistence of objective (scientific) and subjective theories - differences, consequences
5. Research on the above concepts from the field of glottodidactics:
- Themes and research problems
- Research methods and tools
- Groups studied
- Research perspectives
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the Student:
- knows to an advanced degree the specialized terminology related to the topic of the seminar, and especially understands the meaning ranges of various concepts related to "mental images" (social representations, subjective theories, etc.) (K_W02);
- knows to an advanced degree their selected concepts and research in glottodidactics related to this subject area (K_W04, K_W06), including:
- understands the process of their formation of various,
- knows how to indicate their possible consequences, mainly in the course of language learning,
- understands the social harm of some of them,
- understands the phenomenon of "competitiveness" of colloquial and scientific knowledge;
- knows how to give examples of common social representations and/or subjective theories about language learning (e.g., the role of young age, the role of introversion/extroversion in mastering various competencies, the contemporary image of the French language), as well as to indicate their possible sources;
- knows how to use knowledge of various forms of "mental images" when planning a study (K_U01);
- knows how to plan the next stages of the research, including formulating the research problem(s), selecting the tool(s), etc.) and conduct the research (K_U02);
- knows how to make a presentation of the conducted research, highlighting the essential issues and making recommendations for further research in the field (K_U02, K_U05, K_U06);
- knows how to distinguish, when presenting the results, the social representations and subjective theories of others from his own, correctly cite the statements of respondents, as well as separate facts from their interpretations (K_K01, K_K02, K_K06).
Assessment criteria
Discussion, brainstorming, analyzing source materials and preparing syntheses on the content/research results presented in them (case studies), ongoing monitoring of attendance and activity
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MANNONI, P., Les représentations sociales, Paris, PUF, 2022.
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MOLINER, P., La dynamique des représentations sociales, Grenoble, PUG, 2001.
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SMUK, M., Représentations envers les difficultés de la grammaire française – cas de futurs philologues polonais, SHS Web of Conferences, 46, 6e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, Mons, Université de Mons, 2018, 1-12.
SMUK, M., Barrières dans l’apprentissage du FLE aux yeux des étudiants polonophones, in KAKOYIANNI-DOA F. et al. (dir.), Langues moins Diffusées et moins Enseignées (MoDiMEs). Langues enseignées, langues des apprenants / Less Widely Used and Less Taught Languages. Language learners’ L1s and languages taught as L2s, Bruxelles – Bern – Berlin – New York – Oxford – Wien, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2020, 83-96.
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SMUK, M., Identifier et affronter les théories subjectives sur l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues, in SORBA, N. (dir.), Transmettre les langues : pourquoi et comment ? Les défis pédagogiques, Louvain-la-Neuve, EME Éditions, 2002a, 267-283.
SMUK, M., Quelle didactique pour le FLE à l’ère de la mondialisation ? in ANDREO-RAYNAUD, G., DOUIDI, N. (dir.), Langue(s) en mondialisation. Libre(s) échange(s) à l’heure néolibérale ?, Paris, Éditions des archives contemporaines, 2022b, 57-66.
SMUK, M., Beauté des sonorités, prestige, utilité ? La langue française vue par des étudiant·es français·es et internationaux·ales à l’époque de la mondialisation, Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée, 2023, sous presse.
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SZYMANKIEWICZ, K., Un prof de langue est comme un guide, un agriculteur ou... une sorcière? Analyse des représentations du métier d’enseignant de FLE chez des étudiants en philologie romane de l’Université de Varsovie, in SOWA M. (dir.), Enseignement/apprentissage du français face aux défis de demain, Lublin, Werset, 2015, 287-297.
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