(in Polish) Seminarium licencjackie : Język i tożsamość : wybrane zagadnienia socjolingwistyki wielojęzyczności 3304-1DZ3O-SL-022
The seminar introduces the discipline of sociolinguistics of multilingualism with particular emphasis on the relationship between language and identity (at the individual and social level). We will be interested in how multilingual individuals and communities function in French-speaking (Francophone) countries. Part of the classes will also be devoted to the art of scientific work (specificity of academic discourse and techniques of writing a bachelor's thesis).
thematic scope of issues:
1. Language - identity - basic definitions
2. Various dimensions of identity: individual, social, ethnic, national, linguistic identity... / Identity and sense of identity, identity and belonging
3. Language and identity in the face of cultural change: migration / diaspora / acculturation strategies of individuals and variants of cultural identity
4. Bilingualism and Multilingualism: definitions (individual/social bilingualism, types of bilingualism, diglossia, pidgins and creolization)
5. Research methods in the sociolinguistics of multilingualism (interview, observation, surveys, tests...) and data analysis
6. Bilingual speech (monolingual and multilingual, interference, code switching)
7. Language and the identity of bilingual and multilingual people
8. Language policy (macro- and micro-sociological perspective)
9. Language transmission in bilingual and multilingual families
10. The status of the French language in Francophone countries (varieties, challenges for language policy, challenges for individuals)
Analysis of the proposed readings, audiovisual materials and discussions will allow course participants to choose the thematic area that interests them and then prepare bachelor's theses related to the topic of sociolinguistics of multilingualism.
As part of the bachelor's seminar, students will also have the opportunity to organize a student-doctoral academic conference on the relationship between language and identity and present their research in the form of papers.
Type of course
B.Sc. seminars
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the seminar, the student...:
1. ...knows and understands:
- basic terms of sociolinguistics of multilingualism such as bilingualism and multilingualism, language transmission, bilingual speech, code-switching, interference (K_W04; K_W05)
- in an advanced degree the main processes of language in the countries of the French-speaking cultural area, is able to analyze the relationship of language and identity at the individual and group level (K_W03)
2. ...is able to:
- use basic research skills in research, including analysis of research problems, formulation of hypotheses, selection of research methods and tools, as well as development and presentation of results when preparing their own work in the field of linguistics with particular emphasis on the sociolinguistics of multilingualism (K_U02)
- plan and prepare oral speeches in French and Polish, referring to basic theoretical approaches proper to sociolinguistics (K_U05)
- independently acquire knowledge and develop skills, using various sources (K_U09)
3. ... is ready to:
- critically evaluate one's own knowledge and skills (K_K01)
- actively participate in French and Francophone culture, using various forms and media (K_K05)
- adhere to the basic principles of professional ethics and the rules of intellectual property protection and copyright (K_K06)
Assessment criteria
- preparation for classes and active participation in discussions (knowledge of the literature on the subject, ability to formulate opinions in relation to the texts)
- presentations and reports (based on the discussed scientific articles)
- test on knowledge of theoretical issues (in the first and second semesters)
- in the first semester: presentation of a research schedule and submission of a plan for the bachelor's thesis, including a listing of the subject literature
- in the second semester: submission of the final version of the bachelor's thesis, meeting the substantive and formal criteria appropriate for undergraduate theses in IR.
The exact schedule of the work involved in the preparation of the bachelor's thesis will be presented at the beginning of the class.
Bertheau Daniel (2010), L’enquête et ses méthodes. Le récit de vie, Paris: Armand Colin.
Besemeres Mary, Wierzbicka Anna (red.) (2007), Translating Lives. Living with Two Languages and Cultures, Queensland: University of Queensland Press.
Bokszański Zbigniew (2008), Tożsamości zbiorowe, Warszawa: PWN.
Boski Paweł, Jarymowicz Maria, Malewska-Peyre Hanna (1992), Tożsamość a odmienność kulturowa, Warszawa: Instytut Psychologii PAN
Boski Paweł (2009), Kulturowe ramy zachowań społecznych. Podręcznik psychologii międzykulturowej, Warszawa: PWN.
Boyer Henri (2001), Introduction à la sociolinguistique, Paris: Dunod.
Calvet Louis-Jean (2011), La sociolinguistique, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Calvet Louis-Jean, Dumont Pierre (red.) (1998), L’enquête sociolinguistique, Paris
Fishman Joshua A. (2003), Bilingualism with and without diglossia; diglossia with and without bilingualism, [w:] Sociolinguistics. The Essential Readings, Bratt Paultson Christina, Tucker G. Richard (red.), Malden, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, s. 359-366.
Fishman Joshua A. (2010), Sociolinguistics: Language and Ethnic Identity in Context, [w:] Fishman Joshua, García Ofelia (red.), Handbook of language and ethnic identity. Disciplinary and regional perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. XXIII-XXXV.
Gasquet-Cyrus Médéric, Giacomi Alain, Touchard Yvonne, Véronique Daniel (red.), Pour la (socio)linguistique. Pour Louis-Jean Calvet, Paris: L’Harmattan
Grosjean François (1982), Life with two languages. An Introduction to Bilingualism, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: Harvard University Press.
Grosjean François (1993), Le bilinguisme et le biculturalisme. Essai de définition, Tranel nr 19/1993, s. 13–41.
Grosjean François (2012) Bilingual. Life and reality, Cambridge, Massachusets, Londyn, Anglia: Harvard University Press.
Grosjean François (2015), Parler plusieurs langues. Le monde des bilingues, Paris: Albin Michel.
Hamers Josiane F., Blanc Michel (1983), Bilingualité et bilinguisme, Bruxelles: Pierre Mardaga.
Hélot Christine (2007), Du bilinguisme en famille au plurilinguisme à l’école, Paris: L’Harmattan.
Lagarde Christian (2008), Identité, langue et nation. Qu’est-ce qui se joue avec les langues?, France Quercy, Cahors: Trabucaire.
Litak Eliza, Furman Renata, Bożek Hubert (ed.) (2011), Pejzaże Tożsamości. Teoria i empiria w perspektywie interdyscyplinarnej, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Szul Roman (2009), Język, Naród, Państwo. Język jako zjawisko polityczne, Warszawa: PWN.
Wróblewska-Pawlak Krystyna (2004a), Język – tożsamość – imigracja. O strategiach adaptacyjnych Polaków zamieszkałych we Francji w latach osiemdziesiątych XX wieku, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Wróblewska-Pawlak Krystyna (2010), Imię dziecka jako wskaźnik akulturacyjnych planów rodziców imigrantów, Socjolingwistyka, tom 22-23, s.133-148.
Wróblewska-Pawlak Krystyna (2013), Naturalna dwujęzyczność, czyli o dwujęzycznym wychowaniu dzieci, Języki Obce w Szkole, 1, s. 88–97.
Wróblewska-Pawlak Krystyna (2014), O naturalnej dwujęzyczności i przekazywaniu języka dzieciom w sytuacji imigracji, LingVaria R. IX (2014), nr 1(17).
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: