French in practice – Written performance 3304-1DZ3O-PNJF-JO04
Curriculum: a) on the basis of press articles and essay prose, analysis of argumentative statements: criteria for text coherence (division into paragraphs, paragraph structure, plan of expression) and argumentative coherence (types of arguments); ways of presenting someone else's speech (ways of expressing the sender's distance from the content being referred to or solidarity) and ways of expressing and justifying value judgments.
b) editing of reports with a reporting and informative approach or argumentative texts of the type on the topics proposed by the lecturer
- initially based on the source documentation proposed by the lecturer (joint analysis of sources, the issues and argument used in them);
- then based on source documentation (at least 5 sources) prepared individually by each student; this documentation is to be helpful in presenting the issues and choosing the right information and arguments.
Term 2023Z:
None |
Term 2024Z:
None |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
Graduates know and understand to an advanced degree the place and importance of the humanities,
especially literary studies and linguistics, in the system of sciences and their subject and
methodological specificity (K_W01), the functions of language in complex situations of social and
intercultural communication (K_W07), grammatical, orthographic, lexical, semantic, phonological
and stylistic issues in French (K_W08), principles of analysis and interpretation of texts belonging to
different functional styles of French (K_W09).
Graduates are able to recognize, analyze and interpret various types of cultural products (language,
literature), using adequate terminology and appropriate research methods and tools (K_U03),
present their own views, referring to various sources and basic theoretical approaches, and argue the
adopted point of view (K_U04), prepare a written work, in French and Polish, referring to basic
theoretical approaches appropriate to linguistics and literary studies (K_U06), communicate orally
and in writing in French at level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (K_U07), communicate orally and in writing in a second foreign language at level B2
according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (K_U08), work in a
group, also in a multicultural context (K_U10).
Graduates are ready to critically evaluate their own knowledge and skills (K_K01), be open-minded
towards individual and cultural differences (K_K02), care for cultural heritage, especially in relation to
French and Francophone culture (K_K04), actively participate in French and Francophone culture,
using various forms and media (K_K05), observe basic principles of professional ethics and principles
of intellectual property protection and copyright (K_K06).
Assessment criteria
Based on the work given. More detailed requirements depending on the teacher.
Practical placement
not applicable
Amossy Ruth, L'argumentation dans le discours. Discours politique, littérature d'idées, fiction, Paris 2000;
Bralczyk Jerzy, O leksykalnych wyznacznikach prawdziwościowej oceny sądów, Katowice 1978;
Declercq Gilles, L'art d'argumenter, Paris 1992;
Duszak Anna, Tekst, dyskurs, komunikacja międzykulturowa, Warszawa 1998;
Maingueneau Dominique, Initiation aux méthodes de l'analyse du discours,Paris 1976;
Maingueneau Dominique, Nouvelles tendances en analyse du discours, Paris 1987;
Maingueneau Dominique, L'analyse du discours, introduction aux lectures de l'archive, Paris 1991;
Puzynina Jadwiga, Język wartości, Warszawa 1992;
Reichler-Béguelin Marie-José et al., Écrire en français, Neuchâtel-Paris 1988.
Term 2023Z:
None |
Term 2024Z:
None |
Term 2023Z:
None |
Term 2024Z:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: