French in practice - applied grammar 3304-1DZ2O-PNJF-GS
PNJF - Applied grammar
120 hours per year (two semesters)
Classes are dedicated to consolidating and broadening grammatical knowledge appropriate for level B1/B2, which were the first year of first-cycle studies. At a later stage, grammatical issues will be introduced that are specific to level B2. Detailed subject matter of the classes:
Continuation of the first year's programme: modes and times; pronouns (personal, relative, unspecified); independent/ dependent/appearing. independent; participles (participe passé/participe présent) and the adjective verbale;
Introduced themes for the second year: different forms of expressing temporal and logical dependencies in a complex sentence and a simple sentence: reason, effect, purpose, consent, condition, etc., and the conjunctions expressing these relationships.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024Z: | Term 2024L: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes:
after completion of classes, the student should be able to do so:
(a) use grammatical terminology in French,
(b) use monolingual and bilingual dictionaries
(c) use time categories and article numbers, aware of their stylistic value
(d) analyse and build multiple-complex sentences
(e) be able to express logical and temporal relationships in and between sentences using multiple sentence patterns.
(f) analyse the linguistic context and note the regularity and variability in the use of language forms, and also note and correct the forms invalid,
g) compare language forms and their functioning in Polish and French,
h) transfer known forms to new, unprecedented communication situations.
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods and criteria:
Form of passing the classes in the second year:
- assessment of student's work and activity during the semester/year, including test results .
Specification of requirements depending on the teacher.
Practical placement
not applicable
I. Basic bibliography:
M. Grevisse, Le bon usage, Duculot Gembloux, Hatier, Paris (any edition)
M. Grevisse, Cours d'Analyse Grammaticale, Duculot Gembloux, Hatier, Paris
G. Le Bidois, R. Le Bidois, Syntaxe du français moderne, Paris 1967
H. Okęcka, K. Zaleska, «Remarques sur l'emploi des articles» (for internal use)
M. Ruquet, J.-L. Auoy-Bodin, Comment dire? Raisonner à la française, Paris 1988
B. Sigalin, Using the preposition in French, Warsaw 1979
E. Ucherek, French-Polish dictionary of prepositions, Warsaw 1997
K. Zaleska, H. Okęcka, Les temps passés de l'indicatif, Warsaw 1998
c. Sets of exercises with a key
J. Cadio-Cueilleron et al., Grammaire - 350 exercices (niveau supérieur I et II), Hachette (any edition) M.-P. Caquineau-Gündüz et al.,
Les 500 exercices de grammaire B2, Hachette, Paris 2007
I. Chollet, J.-M. Robert, Exercices de grammaire française, Cahier avancé, Didier, Paris 2000
Ch. Descotes-Genon, M.-H. Morsel, C. Richou, L'Exercisier, Grenoble 1993
M. Grégoire, Grammaire progressive du français, Perfectionnement, Clé International, Paris 2012
M. Ruquet, J.-L. Auoy-Bodin, Comment dire? Raisonner à la française, Paris 1988
E. Siréjols, P. Claude, Grammaire 450 nouveaux exercices (niveau avancé), Clé International, Paris 2002
II. Lecturer's own materials
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: