(in Polish) Konwersatorium językoznawcze III z + p: Etos i akty mowy - analiza wybranych gatunków dyskursywnych 3304-1DX3W-KJ-17
The topics of this seminar focus on the combination of speech act theory and discourse analysis. By observing different genres of discourse, in terms of the speech acts used, we will try to show how 'linguistic behaviour' influences the shaping and modifying discursive ethos of the speaker in his/her speech. The following will be discussed:
- the theory of speech acts, both from a classical and an interactional perspective;
- the notion and types of ethos (e.g. collective ethos) and related elements such as context, audience, etc;
- the concept of communication (verbal, paraverbal) and its exponents;
- the concept of multimodality (e.g. gestures, images).
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students will learn and understand
- to an advanced level, the principles of analysis and interpretation of texts belonging to different functional styles of the French language K_W09
- to an advanced level, the terminology of general and French linguistics K_W02
Students will be able to
- apply basic research skills in research, including the analysis of research problems, the formulation of hypotheses, the selection of research methods and tools, as well as the elaboration and presentation of results when preparing their own work in the field of linguistics and literary studies K_U02
- plan and prepare oral presentations in French and Polish, referring to basic theoretical approaches in linguistics and literary studies K_U05
- present their own views, referring to various sources and basic theoretical approaches, and argue the adopted point of view K_U04
Assessment criteria
Grading criteria
Active attendance in class
Preparation for class - reading indicated texts
Presentation of a paper on a chosen topic (without evaluation)
Two unjustified absences allowed
Final evaluation - on the basis of the evaluation obtained from the written analysis (performed in class) of a fragment of the speech
Amossy R. (dir.), 1999, Images de soi dans le discours. La construction de l’ethos, Delachaux et Niestlé, Lausanne.
Amossy R., 2010, La présentation de soi. Ethos et identité verbale, Paris, PUF.
Amossy R., Orkibi E., (dir.), 2021, Ethos collectif et identités sociales, Classiques Garnier, Pais.
Austin J.-L., 1970, Quand dire c’est faire, Éditions du Seuil, Paris.
Charaudeau P., Maingueneau D.(dir.), (2002), Dictionnaire d’analyse du discours, Éditions du Seuil.
Ferre G., (2011), Analyse multimodale de la parole. Rééducation orthophonique, p. 73-85, HAL.
Kerbrat-Orecchioni C., 1980, L’énonciation. De la subjectivité dans le langage, Paris, Armand Colin.
Kerbrat Orrechioni C., (1992), Les Interactions verbales, t. I, Armand Colin, Paris.
Mondada L., (2017), Le défi de la multimodalité en interaction, La revue française de linguistique appliquée 2017/2 (Vol. XXII).
Orkibi E., 2008, Ethos collectif et Rhétorique de polarisation : le discours des étudiants en France pendant la guerre d’Algérie, Argumentation et Analyse du Discours,1, URL : http://aad.revues.org/438 ; DOI : 10.4000/aad.438.
Pachocińska E., 2020, Les slogans des jeunes dans les marches pour le climat en France (2018–2019) et la construction de l’identité collective, Academic Journal of Modern Philology, vol. 9, p. 143-153
Perez J., V., 2020, L’ethos aux temps de la colère. Analyse de l’image d’Emmanuel Macron dans son discours du 10 décembre 2018 face aux « gilets jaunes », Cedilla – revista de estudios franceses, nr 17.
Riegel M., Pellat J-C, Rioul R., (2009), Grammaire méthodique du français, PUF, Paris
Sandré M., 2014, Éthos et interaction : analyse du débat politique Hollande-Sarkozy, Langage et société, vol.149, 69-84.
Searle J., (1982), Sens et expression. Étude de théories des actes de langage, Minuit, Paris.
Additional texts will be presented during the class semester.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: