What do words mean and how do they mean - an introduction to lexicology 3304-1DX2W-KJ-3
The seminary will focus on various ways of describing the meaning of words from a lexicological (and to a lesser extent, lexicographic) perspective - from meaning in a structural approach, through interpretative semantics, explication of meanings in simple terms, lexical functions and paraphrasing meanings, to meaning in a cognitive approach.
Seminar program:
1. A short history of semantics and a reminder of the basic definitions (semantics, meaning, denotation, connotation, semiological triangle, etc.) and lexicology as a branch of semantics, its research goals.
2. Definitions of a word/lexeme according to three criteria (phonological, structural, semantic), lemmatization, definition of a morpheme, word and morpheme, types of grammatical morphemes and their functions, inflected word and derived word, simple word and compound word, word that is divisible in word formation and a word indivisible in word formation.
3. Word formation processes (derivations, compounds, compounds, abbreviations, abbreviations and their classifications).
4. Evolution of vocabulary: monosemous and polysemous words, archaism and neologism, formal neologism and neosemanticism, evolution of the meaning of words (expansion, narrowing, shift).
5. Loanwords as a means of enriching native vocabulary - their classification.
6. Paradigmatic semantic relations between words (synonymy, paronymy, antonymy, homonymy, hyperonymy, meronymy).
7. Analysis of the meaning of words:
a/ componential meaning analysis
Katz and Fodor's semantic markers and semantic distinguishers, semitic analysis (sem, semem, semantem) B. Pottier, (1963,1974), semitic analysis (F. Rastier 1987),
b/ explication of meanings in simple terms - indefinibilia and Lingua mentalis (1980) by Anna Wierzbicka,
c/The meaning of words from the perspective of the cognitive theory of language (Putnam, Rosch, Langacker, Kleiber).
8. Meaning of words in the dictionary - dictionary definitions - their classification.
9. The meaning of words in word compounds - description of the combinatorial properties of words (i.e. taking into account the limitation of their connectivity on the syntagmatic axis):
a/ The Sens ↔Text model (1974) I. Melczuk, J. Apresjan, A. Zolkovski - lexical functions in the Explanatory-Combinatorial Dictionary (Dictionnaire combinatoire et explicatif du français contemporain, 1995),
b/ meaning in phraseological expressions and collocations.
10. The meaning of words in the text (metaphorical, metonymic, hyperbolic, euphemistic).
11. Current directions of lexicological research.
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Passing conditions: grade based on one test and one independent written work (rated for grade), as well as active participation in classes. Mandatory presence. 2 absences are allowed.
Basic bibliography:
Blanco X., Sfar I. (2018). Lexicologie(s) : approches croisées en sémantique lexicale, Berne : Peter Lang.
Gaudin F., Guespin L. (2000). Introduction à la lexicologie française, Bruxelles : Duculot.
Lehman A., Martin-Berthet F. (2014). Lexicologie. Sémantique, Morphologie, lexicographie, Paris : Armand Colin.
Mel’čuk I., Polguère A. (1995). Introduction à la lexicologie explicative et combinatoire. Bruxelles : Duculot.
Mel’čuk I., Polguère A. (2013). Tout ce que nous voulions savoir sur les phrasèmes, mais …, Cahiers de lexicologie 102, 129-149. (pdf) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327830942_Tout_ce_que_nous_voulions_savoir_sur_les_Phrasemes_Mais
Mel’čuk I., Polguère A. (2021). Les fonctions lexicales dernier cri. In S. Marengo (éd.) La Théorie Sens-Texte. Concepts-clés et applications. Paris : L’Harmattan.
Mortureux M.-F. (1997).La lexicologie entre langue et discours. Paris : SEDES, Coll. Campus.
Nyckees V. (1998). La sémantique, Paris : Belin.
Salminen A.- N. (2015). La lexicologie, Paris : Armand Colin.
Touratier Ch. (2000). La sémantique, Paris : Armand Colin.
Term 2023L:
Passing conditions: grade based on one test and one independent written work (rated for grade), as well as active participation in classes. Mandatory presence. 2 absences are allowed. |
Additional information
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