French Language Phonetics 3304-1DX1O-FJF-003
The lecture covers the issues of the phonetic and phonological description of the contemporary French language:
• Phonetics vs phonology. Branches of phonetics. Branches of phonology. Sounds of speech from the point of view of phonetics and phonology. Transcription systems (IPA and others)
• Articulative phonetics: construction of speech organs, their activities.
• The vowels, semi-vowels and consonants system in French. Their pronunciation and classification. Comparison witch Polish.
• Accent, its types ans functions.
• Syllable. Accentuated s./non-accentuated s. Open s./closed s. Rules of syllabation in French.
• Quantity in French.
• Interface writing/speech.
• Pronunciation related to the type of syllable
• Other factors influencing vowel pronunciation
• Phonological processes: assimilation, dissimilation, metathesis, elision, epenthesis, etc.
• Acoustic phonetics: acoustic properties of speech sounds, description parameters, identification of vowels and consonants from an acoustic point of view.
• Audit phonetics: the perception of speech sounds.
• Segmental phonology: the concept of opposition, distinctive features, neutralization; phone and phoneme; vowel system, consonants system. The concept of variance in the description of the phonological system
• Intonation and its functions.
• Speech registers and their characteristic phonetic phenomena (liaison, e muet)
• Phonetic norms. Othoepy.
• Evolution of French pronunciation.
Exercises: first of all, the French language vowel system is discussed, in particular those elements that cause difficulties for Polish-language students (oppositions between vowels based on the difference in the degree of opening and place of articulation, typical for French, nasal vowels, the opposition between vowels and semi-vowels) . Students learn about various factors determining the pronunciation (syllable characteristics, assimilation, etymology of expression, stylistic considerations). Practical exercises are designed to combine knowledge of French spelling and pronunciation and to acquire the ability to use the phonetic alphabet to transcribe single words and whole texts.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the French language course, student:
- knows the basic concepts and the corresponding terms used to describe the language (K_W03)
- has systematized phonological knowledge in the field of French (K_W04 /K_W10)
- knows and understands the possibilities of practical application of the acquired knowledge in professional activity related to the field of study (K_W15)
- knows how to independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills, following the directions of the teacher / supervisor (K_U03)
- knows how to cooperate in a group, solve problems in a discussion and initiate solutions appropriate to the situation (K_K02)
- is able to make mutual evaluation with respect for dignity and feelings of the
group members (K_K03)
Google Translator
Assessment criteria
Written exam (part I theoretical, based on the lecture, part II - phonetic transcription) in the winter session. Passing the exam is a condition for receiving ECTS credits assigned to the module.
The condition for admission to the examination is participation in exercises: detailed rules are given in the exercise syllabus.
Attendance at the lecture is not obligatory, but it is recommended (knowledge of the content discussed in the lecture is needed at the exam)
Carton F. (1974) Introduction a la phonétique du français, Paris, Bordas.
Carton F. (2000) La prononciation (dans): Antoine G., Cerquiglini B. (dir.), Histoire de la langue française 1945-2000, Paris, CNRS, 25-60.
Duchet J.-L. (1986) La phonologie, Paris, PUF, Que sais-je? Series, ed. 2.
Dutka-Mańkowska A., Pilecka E. (2008) Precis de la phonétique du français contemporain, Varsovie, Publications de l'Institut de Philologie Romane, Université de Varsovie.
Germain C., Leblanc R. (1981) Introduction a la linguistique générale, Montréal, Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, vol. 1 - La phonétique, vol. 2 - La phonologie.
Malmberg B. (1974) Manuel de phonétique générale. Introduction a l'analyse scientifique de l'expression du langage, Paris, Picard.
Malmberg B. (1987) La phonétique, Paris, P.U.F., Série Que sais-je ?, 4e éd.
Martinet A. (1961) Eléments de linguistique générale, Paris, A. Colin.
Troubezkoy N. S. (1957) Principes de phonologie, Paris, Klinckieck.
Trubiecki N.S. (1970) Fundamentals of phonology, T. A. Heinz, Warsaw, PWN.
Walter H. (1982) Inquete phonologique et variétés régionales du français, Paris, P.U.F.
Walter H. (éd) (1983) Phonologie des usages du français, Langue française No. 60.
Encyclopedias, dictionaries:
Arrivé M., Gadet F., Galmiche M. (1986) La grammaire d'aujourd'hui. Guide alphabétique de linguistique française, Paris, Flammarion (especially the article phonétique / phonologie).
Dubois J. (dir) (1994) Dictionnaire de linguistique et des sciences du langage, Paris, Larousse.
Enciclopaedia Universalis (1980), Paris, Enciclopaedia Universalis S.A., vol. 12, articles by Phonétique, Phonologie.
Polański K. (ed.) (1999) Encyclopedia of general linguistics, Wroclaw, National Institute Ossoliński, ed. 2.
Rey-Debove J. & Rey A. (dir.), (1993 or later editions) Le Nouveau Petit Robert,, Paris, Dictionnaires le Robert.
On the IBUK Libra platform (access via BUW websites):
Gajos M. (2020) Fonetyka i ortografia dźwięku języka francuskiego, Łódź, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
As there are no university publications in Polish on the subject of the lecture on the web, the more important is participation in the lecture. Materials containing the most important content will be made available to the participants of the lecture.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: