Language education in the 21st century 3304-1DX1O-EJ
The classes include the following thematic blocks:
1. frequently and less frequently taught languages - a comparative approach (Poland vs. the rest of
the world)
- so-called "communicative value" of foreign languages
- tools of European language policy (CEF, CARAP, EPJ, European Profile for Language Teacher
- Polish language policy
- foreign language teaching in the Polish educational system (core curriculum, statistics, language
preferences of Poles)
2. About language learning theoretically and practically
- learning theories: behaviourism vs constructivism (cognitive - socio-cultural - neurobiological -
- Constructivist pedagogy and didactics - who is a constructivist teacher?
3 Pedagogical foundations of contemporary language didactics
- humanistic pedagogy
- emancipatory pedagogy (Freire)
- post-modern pedagogy
4 Aims of language education - communication, social action
- Communicative approach: pedagogical and didactic assumptions
- achievements of communicative didactics vs. criticism
- action didactics in educational practice (e.g. project teaching)
5. the mediating dimension of contemporary language education
- understanding linguistic mediation
-teacher as mediator
- pupils as mediators
- intercultural mediator
6. language learning as a promotion of openness to cultural diversity
- Intercultural pedagogy
- intercultural and intercultural competence
- approaches to cultural learning in the context of language teaching
- INCA project (Intercultural Competence Assessment, 2004)
- education for democracy
7 Language learning as promotion of plurilingualism
- the phenomenon of bilingualism and multilingualism
- didactics of multilingualism and plurilingualism
- psycholinguistic models of plurilingualism
8 The four pluralistic approaches
- intercomprehension
- Opening to languages
- intercultural competence
- integrated didactics of tertiary languages (Kucharczyk, 2018)
9 language teaching as preparation for professional careers (Gajewska & Sowa, 2014)
- language didactics for professional and specialist needs
- language needs research
- evolution of the concept of language teaching for professional needs
10. language teaching as support for personal development
- language teaching as a factor of social inclusion
- assumptions of inclusive education
- Inclusive approach (from segregation through integration to inclusion)
- principles of inclusive education methodology
- Pupils with special educational needs
11. /12 Personal and individual circumstances and the process of effective language learning
- Personality traits and factors, temperament (Smuk, 2016)
- intelligences
- cognitive styles, learning styles, strategies
- abilities
- language anxiety and communicative readiness
- self-esteem, self-evaluation
13. Evaluation of language competence
- Evaluation concepts from summative to formative assessment
- Language examinations, feedback effect of examinations
- evaluation vs. feedback
14 Technology and artificial intelligence in language education
- CALL concept - Computer Assisted Language Learning
- MALL concept - Mobile Assisted Language Learning
- MALU concept - Mobile Assisted Language Use
- and maybe Artificial Intelligence (Chat GPT)
15 Summary
- What topics are important for language education in the 21st century? Why?
- What future can be expected for language education in the next 50 years?
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
Effects from the knowledge area:
- K-W01: the student knows the main currents of language didactics to an advanced degree and
knows how to relate them to the development of pedagogy, psychology, theories of learning;
-K - W01: the student characterises individual and social factors important for the process of language learning;
- K-W11 :student knows to an advanced degree factors supporting effective language learning;
- K-W11: the student has advanced knowledge of the European tools developed for glottodidactics;
- K-W12: the student has advanced knowledge of the aims and activities envisaged for plurilingualism
didactics, inclusive education, language teaching for professional purposes, evaluation of language
Effects in the area of skills :
- K-U04: the student is able to evaluate a language education programme in terms of contemporary
didactic and psychological theories;
- K-U01: the student is able to use adequate terminology to describe a given language learning
- K- U04: the student is able to give examples to illustrate discussed didactical concepts, e.g.
intercultural competence or integrated didactics.
- K-U04: the student refers reasonably to his/her own language biography in the perspective of the
discussed concepts of language education.
Effects from the area of social competence :
- K-K02: the student refers with respect and acceptance to the personal stories of the participants in
the classes;
- K-K02: the student refers to the personal stories of the participants with respect and acceptance;
- K-K02: the student actively participates in class, remembering that each person should feel co-
responsible for the dynamics of the group process;
- K-K06: the student is able to ask pertinent questions and react appropriately to social situations in
the group;
- K-K03: the student is able to refer to the statements of fellow students in a manner that does not
hurt their feelings.
Assessment methods and assessment criteria:
- preparing an e-portfolio relating to the selected subject area covered in class;
- ongoing monitoring of attendance and activity;
- discussions in pairs and groups;
- Short written assignments during or after class (mid-term, response paper, summative assessment).
Assessment criteria will be agreed with participants at the beginning of class.
Assessment criteria
- Development of an e-portfolio relating to the selected subject area covered in class;
- ongoing monitoring of attendance and activity;
- discussions in pairs and groups;
- short written forms during or after the class (midterms, response paper, summaries).
Grading criteria will be established in consultation with the participants at the beginning of class
Bandura E., 2007, Nauczyciel jako mediator kulturowy. Kraków:Tertium.
Candelier M., 2007, Cadre de référence pour les approches plurielles des langues et des cultures, CELV /Conseil de l’Europe, Strasbourg.
Chłopek Z., 2011, Nabywanie języków trzecich i kolejnych oraz wielojęzyczność. Aspekty psycholingwistyczne. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
Czerepaniak-Walczak M., 1997, Aspekty i źródła profesjonalnej refleksji nauczyciela, Toruń: Edytor.
Damasio A.R., 2000, Tajemnica świadomości. Ciało i emocje współtworzą świadomość. Poznań: Dom Wydawniczy Rebis.
Dąbrowska A., Miodunka W.T., Pawłowski A., 2012, Wyzwania polskiej polityki językowej za granicą:
kontekst, cele, środki i grupy odbiorcze, MSZ, Warszawa.
Dewey J., 1972, Demokracja i wychowanie. Wprowadzenie do filozofii wychowania. Wrocław-Warszawa=Kraków-Gdańsk: Książka i Wiedza.
Dylak S., 2000, Architektura wiedzy w szkole. Warszawa: Difin.
Escudé P., Janin P., 2010, L’intercompréhension, clé du plurilinguisme. Paris : Cle International.
ESOKJ, 2003, Europejski System Opisu Kształcenia Językowego; uczenie się, nauczanie, ocenianie. Warszawa: CODN.
Europejski profil kształcenia nauczycieli języków. Materiał pomocniczy – zarys treści kształcenia , 2006, oprac. M. Kelly, M. Grenfell, Warszawa: CODN.
Filipiak E., 2011, Z Wygotskim i Brunerem w tle. Słownik pojęć kluczowych. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu im. Jana Kazimierza.
Gębal P.E., 2021, Dydaktyka języków obcych. Wprowadzenie. Warszawa: PWN.
Klus-Stańska D., 2010, Dydaktyka wobec chaosu pojęć i zdarzeń, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademickie Żak.
Komorowska H., 2011, Nauka języka obcego w perspektywie ucznia. Łódź: Oficyna Wydawnicza
Kucharczyk R., 2018, Nauczanie języków obcych a dydaktyka wielojęzyczności (na przykładzie francuskiego jako drugiego języka obcego), Lublin: Werset.
Lipińska E., 2003, Język ojczysty, język obcy, język drugi. Wstęp do badań dwujęzyczności. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Madalińska-Michalak J., Góralska R., 2012, Kompetencje emocjonalne nauczyciela, Warszawa: ABC&Wolters-Kluwer.
Smuk M., 2016, Od cech osobowości do kompetencji savoir-etre – rozwijanie samoświadomości w nauce języków obcych. Lublin: Werset.
Śliwerski B., 2011, Współczesne teorie i nurty wychowania. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Impuls.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: