French in practice - applied grammar 3304-1DP2O-PNJF-GS
Detailed topics of the class:
- noun determiners (genitives and pronouns) - their functions, semantic values and equivalents,
- demonstrative adjectives and nouns,
- possessive adjectives and nouns,
- indefinite pronouns,
- simple and compound relative pronouns,
- personal pronouns (direct and indirect object pronouns, "en" and "y", the use of double pronouns, the place of pronouns in different types of sentences),
- adverbs ending in "-ment" and selected irregular forms,
- modes: infinitive, indicatif, subjonctif, conditionnel, participle,
- functions of subjonctif and conditionnel,
- use, co-occurrence and correspondence of past tenses: passé composé, imparfait, plus-que-parfait,
- use, co-occurrence and correspondence of future tenses: futur simple, futur antérieur,
- concordance of past participle,
- active and passive voice,
- dependent speech in the present and past tense,
- verb syntax,
- various forms of expressing temporal and logical relationships in a compound and simple sentence: cause, effect, objective, consent, condition, etc., and the conjunctions which express these relationships,
- selected grammatical stylistic devices (e.g. nominalization, use of gérondif)
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024Z: | Term 2024L: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
After completing the grammar course in the second year, the student can:
- be fluent in the use of grammatical terminology in French,
- analyze the linguistic context and notice regularities and irregularities in the use of linguistic forms, also notice and correct incorrect forms,
- compare linguistic forms, their functioning in Polish and French,
- generalize communicative situations requiring the use of certain forms, e.g. genitives,
- actively apply the learned grammatical forms in typical situations,
- transfer the learned forms to new, uncommon communication situations.
Assessment criteria
- evaluation of CONTINUOUS work, participation and activity (for which a bonus may be awarded) of the student during the semester/year
- evaluation on the basis of tests (3 semester long tests + 2-3 short tests and short written statements)
- semester grades constitute 50% of the final grade (entered in the Examination record in USOS)
- for all papers, a satisfactory grade is 60% of the points
Threshold 60% Grade USOS
60-70 % 3
71-76 3,5
77-86 4
87-92 4,5
93-100 5 and 5 !
The requirements will be detailed at the first class in each group
- Supryn-Klepcarz M., Repetytorium gramatyczne z języka francuskiego, Warsaw: PWN, 2010.
Basic sets of exercises:
- Brun C. Morsel M. H. Richou C., L'Exercisier , Presses universitaires de Grenoble.
- Akyüz A., Bazelle-Shahmaei B., Bonenfant J., Gliemann M.F., Les exercices de grammaire niveau A2, Paris: Hachette, 2006.
- Caquineau- Gündüz M-P., Daelatour Y. , Jannepin D., Lesage-Langot F., Les exercices de grammaire niveau B1, Paris: Hachette, 2005.
- Marie-Pierre Caquineau-Gündüz , Les 500 exercices de grammaire B2 ; Hachette 2007.
- Serijol E., Renaud D., Grammaire - 450 nouveaux exercices / niveau intermédiaire, Clé International, Paris, any edition.
... and others, and own materials.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: