Literature Seminar: Famous and lesser-known works of 17th century French literature 3304-1DP1W-KL-01
In this seminar, held in Polish, well-known as well as little-known and rarely subjected to literary analysis texts of seventeenth-century French literature will be discussed. Various issues will be discussed in the interpretation of selected texts, including:
- the periodisation of seventeenth-century French literature
- the birth of the honnête homme, a new type of 'familiar' man
- literary disputes (around plays)
- the importance of Molière's comedies (problems relating to the functioning of French society: devotion, hypocrisy, the emancipation of women)
- woman in the novel
- epistolary works
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
knowledge - graduate knows and understands:
K_W02 The student knows and understands in a systematic way the history of French literature of the 17th and 18th centuries, including the chronology of the epochs and their evolution, the most important dates, the names of authors, the titles of their works and literary phenomena.
K_W03 Students will know and understand the specialised terminology, methodology, subject matter and research directions specific to French literary studies.
K_W08 The student knows and understands the multifaceted connections between French literature and historical and cultural processes.
Skills: the graduate is able to:
K_03 recognise, analyse and interpret different types of cultural products (language, literature), using
adequate terminology and appropriate research methods and tools.
K_U13 Students are able to acquire knowledge and develop skills independently, using adequate sources.
K_K05 The student is ready to care for the preservation of the French cultural heritage.
Social competences: graduate is ready to:
K_K02 openness towards individual and cultural differences
K_K04 care for the cultural heritage, especially in relation to French and Francophone culture
K_K06 respect the basic principles of professional ethics and the principles of intellectual property protection and copyright law
Assessment criteria
Attendance at class is compulsory. The pass mark for the course is based on a mark and consists of two stages:
1/ active participation, oral analysis and interpretation of selected excerpts from texts; completion of a partial test relating to the knowledge acquired in class; completion of a term paper on a given topic.
2/ after the first stage is passed, an oral - final course assessment takes place.
1/ Mme de Sevigné letters
2/ La Bruyère, Characters:
3/ novels (extracts) Honoré d'Urfé Astrea, Madeleine de Scudery, Artamene ou le Grand Cyrus, François Furetiere, Le Roman bourgeois,
Mme de Lafayette, Princesse de Clèves
4/ poetry: Vincent Voiture, Strophies written with the left hand, Malherbe, Consolation for Périer after the loss of his daughter, Prayer for King Henry the Great, Théophile de Viau, Elegy
5/ selected plays by Corneille,, Molière, Racine ,
6/ extracts from recits de voyage
Recommended textbooks:
1. Adam Antoine, Histoire de la littérature française au XVIIe siecle, Paris, Del Duca, 1952-1962, 5 t.
2. Adam Antoine, L'âge classique I, in Littérature française, dir. Claude Pichois, Paris, Arthaud, 1968.
3. Pierre Clarac, L'âge classique II, in Littérature française, dir. Claude Pichois, Paris, Arthaud, 1969.
4. René Pomeau, L'âge classique III, in Littérature française, dir. Claude Pichois, Paris, Arthaud, 1971.
5. Brunel Pierre, Histoire de la littérature française, Paris, Bordas,1972.
6. Précis de la littérature française du XVIIe siecle, sous la direction de Jean Mesnard, Paris, Puf, 1990.
7. Puzin Claude, Littérature, textes et documents. XVIIe siecle, Paris, Nathan, 1987.
8. Tournand Jean-Claude, Introduction a la vie littéraire du XVIIe siecle, Paris, Bordas, 1984, (Dunod, 1997, 3eme éd.).
9. Zuber Roger, Picciola Liliane, Lopez Denis, Bury Emmanuel, Littérature française au XVIIe siecle, coll. Premier cycle, Paris, Puf, 1992.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: