French in practice - Applied grammar 3304-1DP1O-PNGS-016
Topics discussed:
- Present tense - conjugation of regular and irregular verbs
- Graduation plus, moins, aussi + adjective +que
- Genitives (definite, indefinite, particle, trailing)
- Expressing quantity -beaucoup de, un peu de
- Partial genitive vs. negative side - pas de
- Passé composé with the auxiliary avoir
- Occurrences of time - hier, avant-hier
- Passé composé with the auxiliary être
- Pronouns en and y
- Verbs of time - en été, pendant deux jours, de...à
- Futur proche - Futur simple
- Highest and lowest degree- le plus, le moins, le meilleur
- Question pronoun quel, quelles
- Adverbs
- Verbs of the future - bientôt, le mois prochain
- Reflexive verbs in the present tense and in the imperative mode
- Imparfait tense of verbs être, avoir, faire, aller, prendre
- Relative closures - qui, que
- Underlines of the perpetrator of the action - c'est moi qui ..., c'est lui qui ....
-Negation - ne...jamais, ne...pas encore,
- Proximal complement pronouns COD and COI further.
- Dependent and independent speech
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
The first-year curriculum includes levels A1 and A2 as defined by CEFR
• at level A1 the student "demonstrates only limited mastery of simple grammatical structures and sentence patterns - within the framework of the acquired competences"
• at level A2 the student "uses simple structures correctly, but systematically makes basic mistakes, e.g. in the use of verb forms. Despite this, the statement is usually understandable."
After completing the course, the student has the following skills and knowledge:
K_W08: knows and understands grammatical structures in French at an A2 level
K_U07: can communicate orally and in writing in French at an A2 level
K_K01: can critically assess one's own knowledge and skills
Details about the program will be clarified in study groups depending on their needs.
Assessment criteria
attendance at classes, activeness during classes, partial tests on particular topics + one semester test covering all topics studied since the beginning to the end of the semester
At the beginning of the semester, the course instructors will provide detailed information regarding the assessment criteria.
Magdalena Supryn-Klepcarz Repetytorium gramatyczne z języka francuskiego,
Wyd.Szkolne PWN 2010,
Akyüz A., Bazelle-Shahmaei B., Bonenfant J., Gliemann M.F. Grammaire du français, A1-
B1 FOCUS; wyd. 2015 Hachette
Akyüz A., Bazelle-Shahmaei B., Bonenfant J., Gliemann M.F., 2005, Les exercices de
grammaire niveau A1 Paris: Hachette.
Akyüz A., Bazelle-Shahmaei B., Bonenfant J., Gliemann M.F., 2006, Les exercices de
grammaire niveau A2 Paris: Hachette.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: