French philosophy 3304-1DP1O-FF-001
The classes are devoted to selected aspects of French philosophy presented in a cross-sectional way, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. By reading and analyzing fragments of works of selected thinkers, the students will learn about the main philosophical currents that have developed in France through the ages.
The course's first focus will be on Peter Abelard's views on universals and his ethical-theological thought in the context of the philosophy of his time. Next, the theological ideas of John Calvin which have had a significant impact on the shape of the Reformation in France will be discussed. The analysis of Renaissance philosophical thought will also include the political ideas of Jean Bodin (Bodinus), a theoretician of the absolutist monarchy and absolute authority of the king. The reflection on the sixteenth century will be concluded by the reading of selected essays of Montaigne in an attempt to analyze the author's views on the human condition outlined in his work.
is the beginning of the age of rationalism according to Descartes's "Discourse on the Method". Then the theological thought of the Jansenists will be invoked, illustrated by the selected passages of Pascal's "Thoughts".
A discussion of the philosophy of the Enlightenment will begin with Montesquieu's political thought ("On the spirit of the laws"), contrasted by the views on civil society in the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Students will also learn aobut the ideas of eighteenth century ideologists (Maine de Biran). The analysis of the French Enlightenment will also cover Condorcet's writings on social issues (including women's rights).
The philosophical thought of the nineteenth century will be presented on the basis of selected topics starting with the precursors of liberalism and constitutionalism, Benjamin Constant, a member of the Coppet group associated with Mme de Staël. The analysis of nineteenth-century liberalism will be continued with fragments of Alexis de Tocqueville's "Democracy in America". After liberalism, the French positivism will be presented with texts of August Comte and Hippolyte Taine.
French philosophy of the 20th century will be represented by fragments of texts by Henri Bergson on his "philosophy of time". Students will later familiarize themselves with the existential philosophy present in Sartre's and Camus's works. The renewal of Christian thought in the 20th century will be exemplified by the texts of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of the philosophy course student:
- has deep knowledge of the philosophical currants present in France and can list their representatives
- uses the appropriate terminology in philosophy
- has a systematic knowledge of the processes taking place in the areas of culture, philosophy, history of ideas.
- can use a variety of sources and ways to search, analyze and select the information necessary for active participation in the course.
- can recognize different types of cultural works (literature, art) and conduct their critical analysis and interpretation.
- To the extent limited to issues specific to this subject, the lecture implements the following learning outcomes: K_W10, K_U03, K_U04, K_K01, K_K02, K_K04.
Assessment criteria
Pass conditions: active participation in classes, oral presentations.
Tests will be conducted in stationary and / or remote mode.
Written test, if the classes will be held in the building.
Remote/Oral test if the classes will be held online.
In such case, classes will take place on the platform.
Required technical background: internet access, microphone and webcam
The student is entitled to two absences.
Practical placement
Tatarkiewicz Władysław, "Historia filozofii", wyd. dowolne;
Russell Bertrand, "Dzieje filozofii Zachodu", Warszawa, wyd. Aletheia, 2000
Strauss Leo, Cropsey Joseph, "Historia Filozofii Politycznej" Warszawa, Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, 2010
Kołakowski Leszek (red.), "Filozofia XVII w.: Francja, Holandia, Niemcy", Warszawa, PWN, 1959.
Drozdowicz Zbigniew, "Filozofia francuska w epoce Oświecenia", Poznań, Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, 2005.
Baczko Bronisław (red.), "Filozofia francuskiego Oświecenia, antologia tekstów", Warszawa, PWN, 1961
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: