(in Polish) Konwersatorium językoznawcze IIp/IIIp: Kreatywność językowa – przekraczanie norm czy przejaw twórczego myślenia 3304-1D23PW-KJ-01
The seminar will be devoted to the creation of new linguistic units in French (and Polish): new words (lexemes) and new word combinations – both collocations (i.e., frequently used combinations of words with significant structural and semantic cohesion, where the meaning of the whole can be derived from the meanings of individual components) and idioms, whose meaning and structure are generally fully lexicalized. Newly created units, whether single- or multi-word, are the result of the creativity of language users, their imagination, and their freedom to create, which simultaneously confirms one of the principles of the linguistic sign proposed by the father of modern linguistics, F. de Saussure: the variability and evolution of language, which are essential for language to remain a living "organism."The seminar will serve as a forum for reflection and discussion (following the reading of several texts) on lexical and phraseological creativity. It will explore the relationships between new forms and linguistic norms (particularly semantic, syntactic, and morphological), the differences between variants of existing linguistic units and new ones, as well as the discursive functions of both newly derived and compound words, and modified word combinations. These combinations, consisting of varying numbers of words from different parts of speech, with differing degrees of lexicalization, will be analyzed in selected written texts (e.g., literary works, advertisements, internet texts, etc.) in contemporary French (and Polish).
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Passing conditions:
Mandatory presence. 2 absences are allowed.
Grade based on one presentation and one independent written work (rated for grade), as well as active participation in classes.
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Burska K., Cieśla B. (2014). Kreatywność językowa w przestrzeni medialnej, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Burska K., Cieśla B. (2022). Kreatywność językowa w marketingu, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Gaweł M. (2014). Kreatywność językowa w tutorialach internetowych, in: K. Burska, B. Cieśla (red.) Kreatywność językowa https://dspace.uni.lodz.pl/bitstream/handle/11089/31580/43-55%20Marta%20Gawel.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
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Kacprzak A. (2019). La néologie de l’adjectif en français actuel, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Kacprzak A., Konowska A. (2022). Entre la néologie dénominative et la néologie stylistique. Les formations récentes en -gate en français actuel, Estudios Románicos 31, 384-403.
Kosek I. 2015. Frazeologia i frazeografia polska w badaniach po 1989 in: Język Polski XCV 1–2, s. 43-50.
Krzyżanowska A. (2017). « Innovations phraséologiques dans la presse écrite », Synergies Pologne 14, 121-132.
Krzyżanowska A. (2019). « Variations, adaptations et modifications des séquences figées », Neophilologica 31, 198-213.
Lewicki A. M. (1982). Problemy metodologiczne wariantów związków frazeologicznych in : Stałość i zmienność związków frazeologicznych (red. A.M. Lewicki), Lublin: Uniwersytet M.Curie-Skłodowskiej, 37-46.
Mejri S. (2010). Figement, collocation et combinatoire libre, in : Anscombre J.-C. , Mejri S. (éds), 63-77.
Monneret Ph. (2010). Expressivité et image : retour sur la conception guillaumienne de l’expressivité, in L. Gautier & P. Monneret (éds.), La fonction expressive. Volume 2 (1 ). Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. https://doi.org/10.4000/books.pufc.42130
Pajdzińska A. (2004). Wielonurtowość współczesnych badań frazeologicznych” in: Poradnik Językowy 2004, z. 2, s. 27-38.
Pruvost J., Sablayrolles J.-F. (2019). Les néologismes, PUF, coll. « Que sais-je? ».
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: