Introduction to comparative studies 3300-WdKom-SFK-2-L
The aim of the course is to introduce the methodology and research tools of literary and cultural comparatives studies. It shows how to use comparative analysis and interpretation in the study of literary and cultural phenomena, for example in the study of the relationship between Polish literature and other national literatures, literature and other cultural texts, other discourses, art forms or media. It prepares for a broad - literary, intermedial and intercultural perception of the humanities in the era of multiculturalism and globalization, both from a synchronic and diachronic perspective.
The course discusses the following topics:
1. The basics of comparative studies - definitions and interpretations.
2. Comparative studies and the history of literature.
3. Interdisciplinarity in comparative studies.
4. Comparative cultural studies.
5. Dialogicality and new comparative studies. Against ethnocentrism.
6. Interculturalism and comparative studies of the 21st century.
7. Intermedial comparative studies.
8. Comparative studies and translation theory.
Theoretical classes alternate with practical classes (dedicated to analysis and interpretation). From the practical perspective, the course discusses specific texts, as well as analyses well-known literary motifs such as "bowarism" or "donkishness" or "vampirism."
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W01 The student has the knowledge and understanding of the place and the meaning of humanities, and the multifaceted connections of the studies of literature, language, and culture with other human sciences, the awareness of which is gained through exploration of the issues of intermediality, interculturality, and “world literature”.
K_W07 The student has knowledge and understanding of the specialist terminology, and methodology of comparative studies.
K_W08 The student has the knowledge and understanding of the multifaceted relations of literature to historic and cultural processes, particularly in the context of issues of “national literature” and “world literature”.
K_W12 The student has the knowledge and understanding of the significance of multiculturality in building the identity of the individual and the society.
K_U04 The student can conduct an analysis and interpretation of literary and cultural texts from the perspective of comparative studies.
K_U11 The student can plan and organise their work and take their own initiative.
K_K03 The student can adopt and promote an attitude of openness towards different cultures in the spirit of tolerance and plurality.
Assessment criteria
The style of the classes is conversational, and is based on discussion of a theoretical or literary text assigned for reading.
New material can be introduced in a form of a lecture.
During the course of the class, discussion can be conducted on the forum and in groups, according to the "think-pair-share" principle.
Requirements for passing the class:
- regular and constructive activity in class (reading of the assigned texts and participation in the discussion, preparation of answers to the qustions to the texts);
- submitting online assignments;
- submission of a written term paper by the due date (details will be provided in class).
Evaluation: 50% essay, 30% participation, 20% online assignments.
Maximum 2 unexcused absences are allowed. Absence from class does not exempt from preparing the assigned material.
The following list is subject to change depending on the interests and knowledge of the students. Changes will be consulted with the group.
1. Jorge Luis Borges, “Pierre Menard, autor Don Kichota”, w: “Fikcje”, PIW 2021.
2. Jorge Luis Borges, “Tłumacze «Tysiąca i jednej nocy», w: „Historia wieczności”, Prószyński i S-ka 1995.
3. Miguel de Cervantes, “Przemyślny szlachcic Don Kichote z Manchy” (fragment).
4. Gustave Flaubert, “Pani Bovary” (fragment).
5. John William Polidori, “The Vampyre. A Tale” ( / Bram Stoker, “Drakula” (fragment).
6. Ewa Białołęcka, "Tylko nie w głowę", w: "Harda horda".
7. Franz Kafka, "Przemiana".
8. Bruno Schulz, "Manekiny".
9. Film: "Perfetti sconosciuti" (Włochy) / "(Nie)znajomi (PL)
10. Jane Austen, "Duma i uprzedzenie" / "Dziennik Bridget Jones" (film) / "Fire island (film).
11. Italo Calvino/Umberto Eco, wybór fragm.
12. J. Conrad, "Jądro ciemności" (fragm).
„Wieczna krucjata. Szkice o Don Kichocie”, red. W. Charchalis i A. Żychliński, Poznań 2016. (Selection).
„Acta Universitatis Lodziensis”, Tom 49 Nr 3 (2018): Bowaryzm, pod redakcją Bogdana Mazana i Anety Mazur, (Selection).
Chinua Achebe, “An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness”, w: “An Image of Africa”, London, Penguin Books 2010 [1977], pp. 1-21.
"Panoptyzm jako wyznacznik dyskursu postzależnościowego. Próba transferu wtórnego", Agnieszka Kłosińska-Nachin, Teksty drugie 2021, nr 6, s. 275–292.
Pindel, T. (2022). Narodowe inwazje żywych trupów. O argentyńskiej i polskiej literaturze zombi (Ávalos Blacha, Pailos, Dehnel, Ostachowicz). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 65(2), 183–200.
Hejmej, Andrzej, Komparatystyka. Studia literackie - studia kulturowe. Kraków, Universitas 2013.
Kasperski, Edward, „O teorii komparatystyki”, w: Literatura. Teoria. Metodologia, red. D. Ulicka, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Wydziału Polonistyki UW 1998, s. 331 – 356.
Marek Hendrykowski, "Adaptacja jako przekład intersemiotyczny", Przestrzenie Toerii 20/2013, pp. 175-184.
Komparatystyka dla humanistów, red. M. Dąbrowski, Warszawa, WUW 2011.
- Additional:
“Companion to Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies”, red. S. Tötösy de Zepetnek, T. Mukherjee, FOUNDATION 2013.
Genette, Gérard, „Palimsesty. Literatura drugiego stopnia”, Słowo/Obraz Terytoria 2014.
Presner, Todd, “Comparative Literature in the Age of Digital Humanities: On Possible Futures for a Discipline”, w: A Companion to Comparative Literature, red. A. Behdad, D. Thomas, 2011,
„Tekstualia” 2012/4 (tytuł numeru: Komparatystyka - upadek czy wzlot?).
„Tekstualia” 2018/3 (tytuł numeru: Porównanie i metoda).
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: