Introduction to diplomacy and diplomatic protocol 3300-WdDiPD-SFK-3-Z
The course discusses the following topics:
1) Diplomacy as the service of representing foreign affairs of the country vs. other participants of international relations. The Legation Law. "Representing, informing and negotiating". The mission of diplomacy at the time of civil and digital society. The organisation and ethical virtues of diplomatic service.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W11 The student has the knowledge and understanding of basic instruments and mechanisms of diplomacy and of selected issues of correspondence and diplomatic protocol.
K_W12 The student has the knowledge and understanding of the significance of multiculturality in building the identity of the individual and the society.
K_U05 The student can apply the rules of correspondence and diplomatic protocol.
K_U07 The student can prepare an oral presentation and can present own views in a diplomatic way.
K_U12 The student can cooperate in a team work, including the multicultural environment.
K_U14 The student can realise the need of constant self-improvement and development.
K_K03 The student can adopt and promote an attitude of openness towards different cultures in the spirit of tolerance and plurality.
K_K04 The student is ready to respect the professional code of ethics.
Assessment criteria
exam (30%), project (70%)
2 absences allowed
Berridge G. R., James A., A Dictionary of Diplomacy, 2nd Edition. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003
Denza E., Diplomatic and Consular Immunities: Trends and Challenges, w: The Cambridge Handbook of Immunities and International Law, Cambridge 2019.
French, M. M., United States Protocol: The Guide to Official Diplomatic Protocol, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: 2010.
Orłowski T., Protokół dyplomatyczny: między tradycją a nowoczesnością, PISM: Warszawa 2015
Orłowski T., Praktyka dyplomatyczna, PISM: Warszawa 2023.
Roberts I., The Development of Modern Diplomacy, International Law Discussion Group, Chatham House 2009.
Satow’s Diplomatic Practice, 6th Edition, edited by Sir Ivor Roberts, OUP: Oxford 2009.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: