Introduction to research and studies in Portuguese 3300-WBSP-MSF-1-Z
The course focuses on presenting the oeuvre of Portugal studies in Poland and in a global scale, within various scientific disciplines. It places particular emphais on Portugal, and on research on Portuguese history and culture, an above all on Portuguese literature.
During the course, there are the following topics discussed:
1) History of Portugal in chronicles and travel reports available in Polish ("Kroniki Królewskie" Fernao Lopesa, "Kronika Wielce Szczęśliwego Króla Dom Manuela" Damiao Goisa, "Relacja z wyprawy Vasco da Gamy do Indii")
2) History of Portugal in Polish monographies ("Historia Portugalii" Tomasza Witucha, "Moja Portugalia" Franciszka Ziejki oraz prace badawcze J. Kieniewicza, W. Chabasińskiego, M. Małowista).
3) Polish-Portuguese and Polonica-Portuguese relations ("Związki kulturalne i literackie polsko-portugalskie w XVI-XIX w." Elżbiety Milewskiej, "Polonica Portugalskie" Marii Danielewicz-Zielińskiej, "Gdzie ziemia się kończy, a morze zaczyna". Szkice polsko-portugalskie" Bąk, Magdaleny Bąk i Lidii Romaniszyn-Ziomek).
4) Portuguese literature in Polish literary studies (E. Łukaszyk, A. Kalewska).
5) Translations of Portuguese literature into Polish and their reception (E. de Queirós, F. Pessoa - twórczość orto- i heteronimiczna, M. Torga, F. Namora, J. Saramago, A. Lobo Antunes, J.L. Peixoto, A. Cruz, v.h. mae, G. M. Tavares, L. Jorge).
6) Portuguese art - from prehistoric to present time.
7) Geography, anthropology, culture, and tradiitons of Portugal in Polish works: distinction of academic discourse between journalism and popular science.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W01 The student has the knowledge and understanding of the place and the meaning of Portugal studies, and their multifaceted connections with other human sciences, including the studies on culture and religion.
K_W03 The student has the knowledge and understanding of the specialist terminology, methodology, subject, and research trends, which are characteristic of selected scientific disciplines realised within Portugal studies.
K_W09 The student has the advanced knowledge and understanding of selected events of history of Portugal, and important aspects and features of its culture.
K_U01 The student can apply basic theoretical constructs which are characteristic of Portuguese studies.
K_U02 The student can apply basic research skills in accordance with the scientific code of ethics and copyright law; these skills include identifying and analysing the problem, choosing adequate methodology and research tools, analysing and presenting results, all of which pertain to scientific disciplines present at foreign language and culture studies.
K_U03 The student can recognise, analyse, and interpret various types of texts pertaining to Portuguese studies; can anchor them in the general historic-cultural context; can conduct their analysis with specialist terminology and adequate methods characterisic of Portuguese studies.
K_U08 The student can communicate with the help of various channels and communicative strategies with specialists of selected branches of science.
K_U11The student can plan and organise their work and take their own initiative.
K_K02 The student is ready to participate in the Portuguese culture by means of various forms and channels.
K_K05 The student is ready to show respect and care for preserving cultural heritage of Portugal.
Assessment criteria
The course sets the following graded rerequirements:
1) active participation in class, and preparation for the classes with assigned readings;
2) literary presentation (30 min) on the topic consulted with the teacher. The delivery is at the end of the course. The presentation needs to comply with the standards of research paper i.e it needs to contain research questions and hypotheses, methodology, and bibliography in recommended referencing style.
The attendance in class is mandatory.
Bąk, Magdalena, Romaniszyn-Ziomek, Lidia, "Gdzie ziemia się kończy, a morze zaczyna. Szkice polsko-portugalskie", Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice 2016.
Danielewicz Zielińska, Maria, "Polonica Portugalskie", Biblioteka "Więzi", Warszawa 2005. (wybrane eseje)
Góis, Damiao, "Kronika wielce szczęśliwego Króla Dom Manuela", PIW, Warszawa, 1989. (fragmenty)
Kalewska, Anna, "Camoes, czyli truymf epiki", WUW, Warszawa, 1999.
Klementowska, Izabela, "Samotność Portugalczyka", Czarne, Warszawa 2014. (wybrane reportaże)
Kydryński, Marcin, "Lizbona, muzyka moich ulic", National Geographic, Warszawa 2013.
Lopes, Fernao, "Kroniki Królewskie", PIW, Warszawa, 1983. (fragmeny)
Łukaszyk, Ewa, "Mgławica Pessoa", Ossolineum, Wrocław 2019.
Milewska, Elżbieta, "Związki kulturalne i literackie polsko-portugalskie w XVI-XIX w.", CESLA, Warszawa 1991.
Wituch, Tomasz, "Historia Portugalii XX wieku", Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna im. A. Gieysztora w Pułtusku, Pułtusk, 2000.
Ziejka, Franciszek, "Moja Portugalia", Universitas, Kraków 2008.
+ selected articlesy by J. Kieniewicz i M. Małowist
+ F. Pessoa, "Przesłąnie", tłum. A. da Silva, H. Siwierski, ISIiIb, Warszwa, 2006, 2014. (fragmenty)
+ selected heteronimic poetry by F. Pessoa: A. Caeiro, R. Reis, Campos
+ selected novel of Nobel prize holder, J. Saramago: "Rok śmierci Ricarda Reisa", "Baltazar i Blimunda", "Wszystkie imiona".
+ selected novel of Portuguese writer
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: