Elective course: Anthropology of everyday life in Austrian Galicia (1772-1918) 3224-PRZEDF5
- https://classroom.google.com/c/NjQ4ODc4MTA2NjMx (term 2023L)
The classes are aimed at introducing students to selected issues from the history of Galicia, a province that was established in the territory of the first Austrian partition in 1772. The topics of the classes will not concern the trafitional 'history of events' (rulers' politics, war, border changes etc.), but will be related to the presentation of various aspects of everyday life in a multi-ethnic province in the 19th century.
The following issues are discussed as part of the course:
1. Introduction to everyday anthropology.
2. Social structure, serfdom and its abolition.
3. National structure, multilingualism, collective identities.
4. Power: army, capital punishment, revolution, constitutionalism, Galician elections.
5. Dynasty, state symbols: hymn, flag, currency.
6. Press, literary life, censorship.
7. Family, marriage, upbringing.
8. School, university, science.
9. Woman: social and legal status, suffragette movement.
10. Traveling: stagecoach, railways, automobiles, bicycles left-hand traffic.
11. Food, cuisine, shopping.
12. Health, hygiene, health care.
13. Social problems: alcoholism, illiteracy, crime.
14. Sport
15. Tourism
The student develops his research skills, learns to acquire knowledge independently, using the support of a tutor.
Student workload:
Participation in classes in the classroom - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Preparation of final essay - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Type of course
elective monographs
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course a student of BA programme:
1) knows and understands the basics of anthropology of everyday life in Austrian Galicia (1772-1918) and issues, concepts and historical concepts binding it with Central and Eastern Europe as a region, with particular emphasis on cultural processes and phenomena in the context of social and political changes (K1_W04; to P6S_WG Range and depth, P6S_WK Context / conditions, effects)
2) knows and understands in a basic degree the issues concerning the formation of national and religious, socio-political and economic relations in Central and Eastern Europe (K1_W06; Reference to P6S_WG Range and depth, P6S_WK Context / determinants, effects)
3) search, select, analyse and use the information it needs from various sources (K1_U01; Reference to P6S_UW Use of knowledge / problems to be solved and tasks performed)
4) develop his/her research skills, independently acquire knowledge, under supervision of a teacher; skilfully formulate thoughts, present the results of research in the form of an oral or written statement (of various types) (K1_U03; Reference to P6S_UW Use of knowledge / problem solving and performed tasks)
5) can refer to acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in typical professional situations concerning anthropology of everyday life in Austrian Galicia (1772-1918), and their specificity in a global context, logically construct them, referring to the positions of other participants in these communication situations (K1_U06; Reference to P6S_UW Use of knowledge / problem solving and performed tasks)
[Social competences:]
6) is willing to critical assessment of the knowledge possessed, continuous education and supplementing the acquired knowledge (K1_K01; Reference to P6S_KK)
7) is willing to participate in cultural life and to use its various forms (K1_K05; Reference to P6S_KR)
After completing the course a student of MA programme:
1) knows and understands the history of the Belarusian national idea and issues, concepts and historical concepts binding it with Central and Eastern Europe as a region, with particular emphasis on cultural processes and phenomena in the context of social and political changes (K2_W04; Reference to P7S_WG Scope i głębia, P7S_WK Context / conditions, effects)
2) knows and understands issues related to the shaping of national and religious, socio-political and economic relations in Central and Eastern Europe (K2_W06; Reference to P7S_WG Range and depth, P7S_WK Context / determinants, effects)
3) is able to search, select, analyze and use the information it needs from various sources (K2_U01; Reference to P7S_UW Use of knowledge / problems to be solved and tasks performed)
4) is able to develop their research skills, acquire knowledge independently, using the support of a scientific supervisor; skilfully formulate thoughts, present the results of research in the form of an oral or written statement (of various types) (K2_U03; Reference to P6S_UW Use of knowledge / problems to be solved and tasks performed)
5) can refer to acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in typical professional statements about the history of the Belarusian national idea, as well as their specificity in a global context, logically construct them, referring to the positions of other participants in these communication situations (K2_U06; Reference to P7S_UW Using knowledge / problems to be solved and tasks performed)
[Social competence:]
6) is ready to critically assess the possessed knowledge, continuous learning and completing the acquired knowledge (K2_K01; Reference to P7S_KK)
is ready to participate in cultural life and use its various forms (K2_K05; Reference to P7S_KR)
Assessment criteria
The condition for admission to pass the subject is compulsory attendance during classes in accordance with the Detailed Study Rules at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics (Resolution No. 114 of the LS Faculty Council of 19/12/2017)
A student has the right to be absent 2 times in one semester, consisting of 30 class hours (thirty 2-hour classes). At the beginning of the course the teacher will instruct students on how to make up for the absence and complete what they have missed. The student's time table overlaps do not excuse over limit absences.
Classes will be conducted in the form of a discussion on the subject of reading or material presented by the lecturer in the form of a presentation. Active participation in the discussion means substantive participation in the discussion during at least 50% of the classes.
The final mark is an arithemetic mean of two marks received in following categories:
1. Active and substantive participation in classes (50%).
2. A final essay on subject designated by the teacher (50%).
Grading scale:
0% -49% - 2
50% -60% - 3
61% -70% - 3+
71% -80% - 4
81% -90% - 4+
91% -100% - 5
Additional knowledge - 5+
01.1. Kędzierzawski W., Codzienność jako kategoria antropologiczna w perspektywie historii kultury, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Opole 2009, s. 67-88.
01.2. Kozak S., Niecodzienna codzienność. Galicja i życie codzienne jej mieszkańców w badaniach historycznych po 2010 roku, „Galicja. Studia i materiały”, 2018, t. 4 Codzienność w Galicji, s. 9-22.
02.1. Słotwiński K, Katechizm Poddanych Galicyjskich o prawach i powinnościach ich względem Rządu, Dworu i samych siebie, [s. l.] 1832, s. 67-93.
02.2. Słomka J., Pamiętniki włościanina, Towarzystwo Szkoły ludowej, Kraków 1929, s. 23-46.
03. Wójtowicz-Huber B., „Ojcowie Narodu”: duchowieństwo greckokatolickie w ruchu narodowym Rusinów galicyjskich (1867-1918), Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2008, s. 44-85.
04. Semczyszyn M., Galicyjskie wybory. Działalność Centralnego Komitetu Wyborczego w Galicji Wschodniej w latach 1867-1906, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2014, s. 121-142.
05. Dawnoska E., Wizerunek cesarza Franciszka Józefa I na łamach „Czasu” i „Naprzodu” (1900–1916), [w:] Danowicz M., Miodowski A. (red.), Polityka i politycy w prasie XX i XXI wieku, Wydawnictwo Humanica Instytut Studiów Kobiecych, Białystok 2016, s. 17-27.
06. Jarowiecki J., Lwowska prasa przed powstaniem styczniowym, „Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia”, 2005, t. 3, s. 63-88.
07. Wałęga A., O zadaniach wychowawczych rodziny. Koncepcje współpracowników czasopisma „Szkoła”, „Wychowanie w Rodzinie”, t. 10, s. 137-158.
08. Gałek C., Kary w szkołach galicyjskich przełomu XIX i XX wieku, „Studia i Prace Pedagogiczne”, 2014, nr 1, s. 303-312.
09. Hüchtker D., Zacofanie, postęp i historia. Retoryka polityki kobiecej na przykładzie Galicji, tłum. Bogucka-Krysiak M., „Historyka”, 2012, t. 42., s. 171-189.
10. Grodziski S., Wzdłuż Wisły, Dniestru i Zbrucza : wędrówki po Galicji dyliżansem, koleją, samochodem, wydanie II, rozsz. i popr., Kraków 2016, s. 7-30 oraz 243-252.
11. Franaszek P., Dieta chłopów galicyjskich na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, „Roczniki dziejów społecznych i gospodarczych”, 2016, t. 76, s. 289-313.
12. Franaszek P., Zdrowie publiczne w Galicji w dobie autonomii. Wybrane problemy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2002, s. 11-47.
13. Wójtowicz-Huber B., Akcja antyalkoholowa duchowieństwa greckokatolickiego a żydowscy arendarze w Galicji w XIX wieku, „Studia Interkulturowe Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej”, t. 2/2018, s. 67-79.
14. Michalski C., Powstanie i działalność Towarzystwa Gimnastycznego „Sokół” we Lwowie w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX wieku, [w:] Żaliński H. W., Karolczak K. (red.), Lwów: miasto, społeczeństwo, kultura. Studia z dziejów Lwowa, t. 2, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków 1998, s. [457]-462.
15. Wajda-Lawera H., Na kuracji i wywczasach, „Galicja. Studia i materiały”, 2018, t. 4 „Codzienność w Galicji”, s. 176-193.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: