Learning of languages of the region: Czech - level B2 3224-DNJRCZB2-IIst
1) develop his/her language and research skills. They will learn about the most important literary and cultural texts, architectural monuments of historical cities (Prague, Tabor, Brno) and symbolic cultural signs, which have been selected together with the lecturer;
2) consolidate the already acquired knowledge of the language, correct inflectional constructions and eliminate interferences resulting from the lexical proximity of both languages (Czech and Polish);
3) 3) in addition to consolidating the already acquired knowledge in the field of language, it will strengthen communication skills, acquire new skills in phraseology and building more complex syntactic constructions;
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After the course "Languages of the Regions - Czech" at level C1, the student understands most expressions from all three levels of the Czech language (literary language - spisovná čeština; spoken language - hovorová čeština; colloquial language - obecná čeština).
He/She is able to grasp the meaning of longer statements contained in the mass media, as well as scientific, literary, poetic and other statements.
He/She reads and understands texts of various genre potential, including texts in the field of political, social, economic and cultural analyses, as well as texts of fiction.
He/she uses phraseological and idiomatic phrases, understands them and finds their Polish equivalents or synonymously close sentences.
He/She can conduct a written analysis of popular science, scientific and literary texts
He/ She developes skills preparing for the profession of a translator as well as a tourist guide;
Assessment criteria
II. Assessment criteria:
Learning the languages of the region ends with an examination according to The Order of the Head of The Department no 4/2016 on language examination published on website:
http://ksi.uw.edu.pl/studenci/studia-i-stopnia/nauka-jezykow-obcych-w-ksi/ i
Admission to examination is based upon completing the course.
The final mark comprises the following elements:
- oral verification of learning outcomes/ prepared or spontaneous utterance, dialogue in pairs, short presentation, role-by-play scenario - 25% of the grade,
- written verification of learning outcomes/ e.g. letter, mail, composition, written utterance, comment, note, short tests - 25% of the grade,
- the result of 3 credit tests - 50% of the grade.
It must be taken into account that in order to complete the course successfully a student needs to demonstrate achievements in every the above mentioned categories (a student who receives the 0% in one of the categories, won't complete the course, which means that he/she did not demonstrate any activity in none of them).
Grading system:
99 – 100% - 5 (excellent)
93 - 98% - 5 (very good)
87 - 92% - 4,5 (fairly good)
77 - 86% - 4 (good)
71 - 76% - 3,5 (satisfactory plus)
60 - 70% - 3 (satisfactory)
III. Annotation:
Classes are conducted in real time, in the form of e-learning, supported by the tools provided by the University.
Podręcznik wiodący: Ana Adamovičová - Milan Hrdlička, Basic Czech III, Praha 2019.
B. Bednaříková, J. Sovová, D. Sciortino Drlíková, Flip your teaching. Učebnice pro rozvoj komunikačních kompetencí v českém jazyce, Olomouc 2014.
B. Bednaříková, SLOVO a jeho KOKNVERZE. Olomouc, 2009.
V. Cvrček, Mluvnice současné češtiny, Praha, Karolinum, 2010.
J.Filipec, F. Čermák, Česká lexikologie, Praha, Academia, 1985.
Fr. Štícha (red.), Kapitoly z české gramatiky, Praha, Academia, 2011.
Laurent Binet, Sedmá funkce jazyka, Praha 2019.
R. Chandler, Guns at Cyranos/Výstřely u Cyrana. Bilingua crimi, Praha 2007.
Karel Čapek, Kniha apokryfů, Praha1964.
K. Čapek, Povídky z jedné kapsy. Povídky z druhé kapsy, Praha 1964.
R. Denemarková, Hodiny z olova, Brno 2019.
T. Etzler, Novinářem v Čínč, Praha 2022.
J. Gruša, Česko, návod k použití, Brno 2009.
F. Halas, Minulostí bud’ mi tělo tvé, Praha, 1986.
D. Horáková, O Pavlovi, Praha 2020.
Eva Kantůrková, Přítelkyně z domu smutku, Praha 1990.
M. Kundera, Nesmrtelnost, Brno 1993.
M. Kundera, Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí, Brno 2015.
M. Kundera, Nevědění, Brno, 2021.
M. Kundera, Oslava bezvýznamnosti, Brno, 2020.
A. Mornštajnová, Slepá mapa, Brno, 2019.
A. Mornštajnová, Tiché roky, Brno, 2019.
V. Nezval, Moderní básnické směry, Praha 1984.
Jo Nesbo, Žárlivost a jiné povídky, Praha 2019.
Ota Pavel, Kapři pro Wehrmacht, Praha 1985.
Karel Pecka, Motáky nezvěstnému, Brno 1990.
F. Peroutka, Úděl svobody, Praha 1995.
Edgar Allan Poe, Vraždy v ulici Morgue, Praha1964.
T. Šebek, Mise Afghánistán, Český chirurg v zemi lovců draků, Praha 2015.
M. Szczygieł, Gottland, Praha 2018.
M. Szczygieł, Libůstka, Praha 2011
I.Wałaska, Polopravdy a mýty o Polácích a Češích, čili historky přímo ze života, Cieszyn 2020.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: