Key to the Culture of Region: Literature, Art, Folklore (I) - Ukraine 3224-D7KREGUKR
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Term 2024Z:
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Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands:
- in a deepened degree the specificity of various cultural models in anthropological terms (traditional, noble, bourgeois, mass), processes of their transformation and interrelations and emanations in the symbolic and semiotic sphere, and thus in the space of culture and art, literature and language and history of Ukraine ( K2_W03; Reference to the characteristics of the second degree of the Polish Qualifications Framework typical for qualifications obtained in higher education and science after obtaining full qualification on level 4: P7S_WG Scope and depth);
- to a greater extent, the principles of activity of cultural institutions and national heritage; orientates itself in contemporary cultural life and its entanglements in the political and social discourses of Ukraine (K2_W010; Reference to the characteristics of the second degree of the Polish Qualification Framework typical for qualifications obtained in higher education and science after obtaining full qualification at level 4: P7S_WG Range and depth; P7S_WK Context / conditions, effects).
Skills: a graduate can:
- search, select, analyze and use the information it needs from various sources, including foreign languages in unpredictable conditions (K2_U01; Link to the characteristics of the second degree of the Polish Qualification Framework typical for qualifications obtained in higher education and science after obtaining a full qualification at level 4: P7S_UW Use of knowledge / problems to be solved and tasks performed);
- develop their research skills, independently and using the support of a tutor, gain knowledge, skilfully formulate thoughts, present research results in the form of oral or written (different types) in unpredictable conditions (K2_U03; Link to the characteristics of the second degree of the Polish Qualification Framework typical for qualifications obtained in the field of higher education and science after obtaining full qualification on level 4: P7S_UW Use of knowledge / problems to be solved and tasks performed);
- carry out a critical in-depth analysis of the products of culture appropriate for a given era in the development of Ukraine; identify various types of cultural products of these countries, conduct their critical in-depth analysis, distinguish different perspectives on cultural development, aware of differences in cultural identities and context (K2_U05, Reference to the characteristics of the second degree of the Polish Qualification Framework typical of qualifications obtained under higher education and learning after obtaining full qualification on level 4: P7S_UW Use of knowledge / problems to be solved and tasks performed).
Social competences: a graduate is willing to:
- critical assessment of knowledge, continuous education and complementing the acquired knowledge (K2_K01; Reference to the characteristics of the second degree of the Polish Qualification Framework typical for qualifications obtained in higher education and science after obtaining full qualification on level 4: P7S_UO Work organization / planning and teamwork ; P7S_UU Learning / planning one's own development and development, P7S_KK);
- active participation in cultural life, organizing it and using its various forms (K2_K05; Reference to the characteristics of the second degree of the Polish Qualification Framework typical for qualifications obtained in higher education and science after obtaining full qualification on level 4: P7S_KO)
Assessment criteria
Classes have the character of a seminar. In addition to the current preparation for classes (reading reading and studies), a presentation on the topic given by the teacher is also provided. The date of presentation is the date set by the teacher during the first or second classes. Persons absent from these classes are required to obtain information from the teacher.
The subject ends with an oral pass with a grade.
The condition for admission to pass the subject is compulsory attendance according to the WLS Study Regulations.
A student has the right to be absent 2 times in one semester, consisting of 30 class hours (thirty 2-hour classes). At the beginning of the course the teacher will instruct students on how to make up for the absence and complete what they have missed. The student's time table overlaps do not excuse over limit absences.
The pass will include verification of knowledge from the material discussed during the semester.
The final grade of the course consists of:
- activity during classes (30%)
- work - PowerPoint presentation and paper version of the text (30%)
- oral exam - 4 questions (40%).
Grading scale:
0% -49% - 2
50% -60% - 3
61% -70% - 3+
71% -80% - 4
81% -90% - 4+
91% -100% - 5
Additional knowledge - 5+
01.1. Nowacki A., Oblicza współczesnej literatury ukraińskiej. Próba podsumowania, „Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia”, t. 1, Poznań 2013, s. 295-301.0
01.2. Olechowska P., Dyskurs feministyczny we współczesnej literaturze ukraińskiej?, „Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia”, t. 1, Warszawa 2013, s. 401-416.
02.1. Świetlicki M., (Post)totalitarni młodzi buntownicy w powieści "Depeche Mode" Serhija Żadana, „Miscellanea Posttotalitariana Wratislaviensia”, t. 1/2013, s. 211-223.
02.2. Nowacki A., Aspekty cielesności w prozie Lubka Deresza, „Slavica Wratislaviensia”, t. 153 2011, s. 663-670.
03.1. Murawski A., Rosyjskojęzyczna literatura współczesnej Ukrainy. Zarys problemu [w:] Getka J., Grzybowski J., Kramar R. (red.), Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia w perspektywie interdyscyplinarnej, Warszawa 2015, s. 169-178.
03.2. Zambrzycka M., Antropologiczne czytadło. Obraz Ukrainy w powieściach Andrieja Kurkowa, [w:] Getka J., Grzybowski J., Kramar R. (red.), Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia w perspektywie interdyscyplinarnej, Warszawa 2015, s. 253-264.
04.1. Skowron J., Trauma niewidzialności albo dlaczego literatura ukraińska nie ma Nobla?, „Miscellanea Posttotalitariana Wratislaviensia”, nr 6/2017, s. 281-292.
05.1. Dabert D., Kino w podróży. Sytuacja ukraińskiej kinematografii po 1991 roku, „Studia Filmoznawcze”, 2014, t. 35, s. 21-45.
05.2. Czerkawski P., Bliscy nieznajomi. Obraz Ukrainy w polskim kinie po 1989, „Studia Filmoznawcze”, 2014, t. 34, s. 63-72.
06.1. Kotowska M., Zambrzycka M., Przeszłość i teraźniejszość w ukraińskim filmie doby transformacji [w:] Brzezińska-Pająk M. (red.), Kino – postkomunizm – polityka. Film w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej wobec procesów transformacji politycznej i konsekwencji roku 1989, Kraków 2018, s. 165-190.
06.2. Czerkawski P., Kim pan jest, panie Łoźniaca?, „Studia Filmoznawcze”, 2014, t. 35, s. 63-72.
07.1. Babulewicz K., O traktorze pędzącym w rytm Kalinki. Kalinki. Folklor w filmach animowanych Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej powstałych w latach 1949–1984, „Prace Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Edukacja Muzyczna”, 2016, z. XI, s. 61-80.
08.1. Bilaniuk L., Language in the balance: The politics of non-accommodation in bilingual Ukrainian-Russian television shows, „International Journal of the Sociology of Language”, t. 2010, nr 201, s. 105-133.
08.2. Shcherbyna I., Rola i miejsce programów rozrywkowych w telewizji ukraińskiej, „Dziennikarstwo i Media", 2015, t. 6, s. 69-76.
09.1. Grochowska M., Bardzo śmiesznie i trochę smutno, „Kino”, 2011, listopad, nr 45, s. 62-64.
09.2. Shpolberg, M., Troubled Times on the Potemkin Steps: The Odessa International Film Festival. Film Quarterly, 2015, nr 69(2), s. 55-59.
10.1. Kacwin M., Gdzie jesteś Kurbasie? Przemiany współczesnej sceny teatralnej Ukrainy (po 1991 r.), „Slovenské divadlo”, 61/2013, nr 3, s. 261-269.
10.2. Korzeniowska-Bihun A., Lwowski projekt teatralny „Hra w nas” jako metoda integracji ukraińskich uchodźców wewnętrznych [w:] Brzezińska-Pająk M., Dwornik K., Getka J., Grzybowski J., Kramar R., Niemojewski M. (Red.), Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia. Konteksty kultury medialnej. Perspektywa Rosji i Ukrainy, Warszawa 2018, s. 155-165.
11.1. Peresunko T., Analytical report on the condition of performing arts. Ukraine, [w:] Płoski P. et al., East European Performing Arts Platform, Adam Mickiewicz Institute 2013, s. 298-308.
12.1. Crescente J.J., Performing Post-Sovietness: Verka Serduchka and the Hybridization of Post-Soviet Identity in Ukraine, „Ab Imperio”, 2007, nr 2, s. 405-430.
13.1. Злобина Т., Кадан Н., Украина – Р.Э.П., „Художественный журнал”, май 2006, № 61/62.
13.2. Grzelak O., Wszystkie języki Femenu, „Fragile”, nr 1-2 (43-44) 2019, s. 27-31.
14.1. Piechota G., Rajczyk R., Media społecznościowe w protestach politycznych na przykładzie ukraińskiej rewolucji godności, [w:] Piontek D., Ossowski S. (red.), Komunikowanie społeczne w dobie nowych technologii, Wydawnictwo ToC, Nowy Targ 2017, s. 21-34.
15.1. Klymko S., Kulchynska L., Cherepanyn V., Ukrainian body, Visual Culture Research Cente Kyiv 2012. (jeden dowolny artykuł z katalogu wystawy).
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: