Information and Communications Technology 3224-D3TECH
- (term 2023Z)
- (term 2024Z)
1. Health and safety at work with a computer. Construction and operation of a computer: input and output devices. Wired and wireless connectivity. Operating systems and file operations. Students profiles in the university IT infranstructure.
2. Storage of information: hard drives, external drives, data archiving programs, work in the cloud, backups, formatting drives, restoring damaged files, disk encryption.
3. Browsing Internet resources: web browsers (personalization of settings), search engines (advanced search, photo search, Google Lens), region languages on the Internet, Internet security (encryption, Google account configuration, private browsing, password manager).
4. Electronic mail: netiquette in business correspondence, sending attachments and sharing files, defining labels, folders, filters, signatures, redirecting mail, handling external accounts.
5. Contacts: collecting and managing contacts, managing correspondence history.
6. Calendars: scheduling your own time, one-time and recurring meetings, real and virtual meetings, importing events and calendars, sharing your calendar, integrating tasks and reminders.
7. Text editor part 1: composing texts, automating work: page numbering, inserting a table of contents, creating footnotes.
8. Text editor part 2: embedding images and tables, region languages and spelling checking, adjusting margins, printing documents, exporting documents.
9. Text editor: the rules of composing of academic writings, bibliography managers.
10. Forms: creating forms, configuring settings, collecting data through surveys, analyzing results.
11. Multimedia presentations: tools overview, the rules of composing academic presentations.
12. Multimedia presentations: composing slides, applying effects, adding sound, exporting files.
13. Multimedia presentations:exercises
14. Visualization of humanities. Part 1.
15. Visualization of humanities. Part 2.
Student workload:
Participation in class in the hall - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Preparation to pass - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student after completing the classes:
1) is able to communicate through various communication channels and techniques, including translation techniques, in Polish and a foreign language with special devotion to cultural, literary, linguistic and historical topics related to the countries of the region (K1_U07; reference to P6S_UK Communicating / receiving and creating statements , dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community)
2) can plan and organize individual and team work, plan and implement the process of independent acquisition of knowledge, including specialist knowledge, after graduation (K1_U010; reference to P6S_UO Work organization / planning and team work)
3) can use modern communication and information technologies in his work (K1_U011; references to P6S_UU. Learning / planning own development and development of others)
Assessment criteria
I. Course provision
According to the Detailed studying provisions at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics (in Polish: Szczegółowe zasady studiowania na Wydziale Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW)
1) Presence at all classes included at the study programme is compulsory. (§ 9 sec. 2)
2) A student is not allowed to resit examination, if he/she failed to get the credit because he/she did not filled requirement of compulsory presence. In that case a student has the right for a conditional entry ('wpis warunkowy') for next year and to attend the course again. (§ 2 ust. 4.)
3) A student has the right to be absent 2 times in one semester, consisting of 30 class hours (thirty 2-hour classes). At the beginning of the course the teacher will instruct students on how to make up for the absence and complete what they have missed. The student's time table overlaps do not excuse over limit absences.
2. Assessment methods and criteria
Classes consist of three parts: theoretical, instructional and practical. In the first part, the lecturer presents the tool and its functions. The second part the use is demonstrated by the lecturer. In the third part, the students perform exercises assigned by the lecturer.
The course examination is credit with grade.
The final grade of the subject consists of:
- active participation in classes, doing exercises (50%)
- final tasks: formatted text document (10 pages) and formatted presentation (10 slides) (50%).
The work submitted after the deadline indicated by the lecturer will not be assessed.
The unsatisfactory mark can only be given to students who have not shown satisfactory results in the test.
3. Grading scale
0%-49% - 2
50%-60% - 3
61%-70% - 3+
71%-80% - 4
81%-90% - 4+
91%-100% - 5
Additional knowledge - 5+
Jankowska K., Łuczkiewicz A., Michałowska M., Zobaczyć – rozpoznać – zrozumieć. Wizualizacja jako metoda upowszechniania wiedzy, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Gdańskiej, Gdańsk 2019.
Gogołek W., Informatyka dla humanistów, Kropki trzy, Warszawa 2013.
Siuda P., Wasylczyk P., Publikacje naukowe. Praktyczny poradnik dla studentów, doktorantów i nie tylko, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2018.
Matysek A., Tomaszczyk J., Cyfrowy warsztat humanisty, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2020.
Mieszkowska M., Bugajska J., Wolska A., Praca z komputerem przenośnym – laptopy, „Bezpieczeństwo Pracy”, 12/2008, s. 8-10.
Szews P., Infografika w prasie i w Internecie, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2020.
Wasylczyk P., Prezentacje naukowe. Praktyczny poradnik dla studentów, doktorantów i nie tylko, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2017.
Węglarz W., Żarowska-Mazur A., ECDL Base na skróty, Warszawa 2019.
Wimmer P., Akademickie narzędzia Microsoft Word 2007, Ebookpoint, 2012.
Centrum edukacji Google G Suite dla Szkół i Uczelni Wyższych
Pomoc i szkolenia pakietu Microsoft 365 Education
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: